**Official "The Last Of Us" a PS3 exclusive thread**

How long does the single player take on regular difficulty? My PS3 stopped reading discs so I got a PS+ membership to save on games. I know this game isn't available for free on PS+ but Uncharted 3 was and I just beat that in 10 hours. I've heard good things about this game and want to play it but I'm not sure if it's worth buying from the PS store at retail if I won't be playing it for very long then can't trade it in after.
Doesn't look like her to me. Others have said the same in the IGN comment section. Also, it was mentioned that its unlockable concept art. If that's her, doesn't make sense as it throws off the entire story. Would be too cliche.
I wish Joel died at the end, or Ellie turned into something worse, just for having the infection for so long
edit: should probably put that in a spoiler
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Welp it was Tess:

The Last of Us Original Plot, Ending and Villain Revealed
Major spoilers ahead.
by Luke Karmali
August 9, 2013
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Naughty Dog has shared more information about the original plot of The Last of Us, which recast one of the game's friends as a terrible foe.

As you can probably imagine, major spoilers for both the plot and ending of the game follow, so stop reading if you've yet to finish the game and want to experience it as was intended.

According to the latest issue of Game Informer (via Videogamer), the original story of The Last of Us saw a "betrayed" Tess pursue Joel and Ellie across America in search of revenge.

Speaking to the magazine, creative director Neil Druckmann revealed that Tess had a much darker past in the initial plans for the game, though this was balanced with a more "hopeful" ending.

Tess was betrayed by Joel and took on a mission to pursue him across the country. That storyline never worked out.

"What's interesting is that, originally in the story Tess took more of a villain role," Druckmann said. "Tess was betrayed by Joel and took on a mission to pursue him across the country. That storyline never worked out. The storyline shifted and Tess took on this role where she became more of a believer and she helped motivate Joel."

Apparently it was for this reason that the story was changed; the team at Naughty Dog didn't believe that Joel would take on this gargantuan task without something motivating him, like Tess sacrificing herself.

"We had a tough time understanding why Joel would take this journey - we weren't buying it," he continues. "We also had a hard time buying that Tess would go on a vendetta. We could understand her pursuing Joel a little bit, but why would she go for a year around the country? Those things were solved by saying that Tess is going to die when she gets bitten, but her dying wish to Joel is to do this one good thing - help me do this one good thing so my soul can rest because I've done all these horrible things."

This decision in turn impacted on Ellie's character. She was previously envisioned as being much more innocent, refusing to kill other humans for the majority of the game. Again though, the team soon realised that this had practical implications on gameplay.

Ellie's arc originally was that she didn't kill any non-infected people until the end, when she was going to kill Tess.

"Ellie's arc originally was that she didn't kill any non-infected people until the end, when she was going to kill Tess when Tess was torturing Joel," Druckmann continued. "What we realised is that we had to get Ellie engaged more in the combat because when she was disengaged from the action for that long you didn't care so much. So that changed pretty early on. We decided it wasn't going to be about the first time she killed someone, it was more about this coming of age story of the impact that the horrors of violence has on her over the course of the game.

"That culminates with her conflict with David. That happened pretty quickly, just based on some things we realised about the story and how we had to integrate it into the gameplay."

So what does this mean for the original ending? Well, the plan was for Joel and Ellie to make it to San Francisco where they'd live out the rest of their lives in peace. Unfortunately, both members of the development team and focus testers were unhappy with it as it was viewed as both anticlimactic and too definitive.

After everything they've done and everything they've been through, that was letting them off a little too easy - especially for Joel.

"The original ending when we pitched the game was a much more hopeful ending, where Joel and Ellie make it to San Francisco and that is a town run by people who are trying to restore society," Druckmann continued. "Joel has killed all these doctors and lied to Ellie, and Ellie just fully buys into the lie. So, you're left with the idea that they are going to live the rest of their lives in this town. The camera pulls back and maybe everything is going to be alright for these two. I was working on writing, and it didn't feel honest anymore. After everything they've done and everything they've been through, that was letting them off a little too easy - especially for Joel.

"When we did focus testing, at least initially until some of the hospital stuff started coming together, it tested very poorly. People said it's unclear, anticlimactic, unsatisfying... A lot of people at the company felt the same way. A few designers didn't like the ending I had in mind. But then, as time passed and they thought about it, they came around and really appreciated. I think that happened with other people, too."

Ultimately, it sounds like the decision to switch things up was for the best, especially if sales figures are anything to go by. What do you think? Does any of the original story appeal to you? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
We've been discussing spoilers for pages. Game been out for months now. Everyone should be able to freely discuss it.
Nah the past few pages people definitely have been respectful with the spoilers. Look at the posts a bit before my last post and people talked about the ending in spoilers.

Sure the game has been out for about 2 months but there are plenty of people who haven't purchased it or are just experiencing the gameplay for the first time. Its only been two months....I still think we should be mindful of those who havent played it as it is too early.
i wanna buy a ps3 for this game 
 i can't escape the great reviews.  wanna cop this weekend or next.
soooo i finally finished the game!!! Arent you guys proud of me? it wasn't for difficulty that it took me so long lol, i had all of my system in the basement and it flooded, nothing was messed up, but i had to move everything while the carpet dried, so it took me a while to get back in the swing of playing.

with that said, this game was amazing. really tugged at my heart strings, so many times. i feel so connected to the characters. Immediately hopped on google right after to see if a sequel is in the works..sounds like that's def a possibility as of an August 1st article. So that's wonderful. Game was so dope to me. I love Ellie yo, in a strictly big brotherish, non pedo kinda way. Lil lady was too dope. Joel reminded me so much of John Marston.

Hell of a game. Now I'm about to go back and read this whole thread since I've been avoiding it ever since I couldnt play!
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Ahhh just read all 19 pages and watched all videos posted. This game was too amazing. I'm sure I'll definitely be playing it again. It's on my list of repeats along with RDR and the Uncharted series.
FINALLY beat the game today. This might be the best PS3 game I've ever played. **** played out like a movie. This is the only game I can think of that is without a question, a 10/10.
Once my clan reaches around 70 I find it hard to keep them healthy and fed. Like you need to go ham every damn round.
Has anyone noticed in Multiplayer they have changed the locations of one of the supply bin locations on some of the maps? The 2 that come to mind are University and Lakeside.
Yes, they also changed the locations of some med packs. I like the change. Before they were out in the open and people would one shot snipe you from halfway across the university.
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