**Official "The Last Of Us" a PS3 exclusive thread**

No, but just woulda thought 1080p would be a standard in a blu ray exclusive to PS3.  MGS4 is playable at 1080p, that was years ago
Actually MGS4's Native resolution is 1024x768 and is merely upscaled to 1080p. In fact most games with 1080p on the back of the box aren't true 1080p.


And when you consider things like not having to watch Joel smoke cigs between chapters and the insanely varied textures, 720p is a fair trade-off.
game looks great, back to it... I still haven't beaten it yet, i just pasted that one part where i fell off the elevator, turned on the generator when all hell breaks loose.. lol i had no idea what was going on.  Finally just ran up to the keycard door, threw the brick at the giant, and joel casually swipes the card and just slowly enters the door as big dude throws **** at me.
I found this video earlier today and thought I'd share with you guys. It contains everything you need to get all the story trophies for those who have been putting it off.
I found this video earlier today and thought I'd share with you guys. It contains everything you need to get all the story trophies for those who have been putting it off.

I'm still a ways off from the platinum. Multiplayer can get tedious.
I finally beat it, so now I can come in here and talk. I heard about there being crazy spoilers in here, so I stayed far far away from here. :lol:

Game was great. MP is hard tho.

And I didn't have problems with the basement like everyone else...

Hospital gave me some trouble until I realized... SNEAK FOO!
Left everyone alone until I got to the last 3 guys. Cocktail and nail bombs... poor souls. What did you kill the doctor with? (Bow and Arrow)

Not mad at Joel for the ending. I mean what world would he be saving anyway? World is messed up. People are rotten and f'ed up. No point. And like someone stated before its just a chance not a 100% guarentee

I just stabbed him with his own scalpel.
\I used my bow and arrow a LOT in the hospital. It wasn't that bad to me.
With his own scalpel? Cold blooded...

I didn't even know there was so many options! I walked up close to the doctor, and the prompt appeared.
My cousin just told me I could've just left them all alone. :lol:
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I didn't even know there was so many options! I walked up close to the doctor, and the prompt appeared.
My cousin just told me I could've just left them all alone. :lol:
In my last playthrough, i walked in to the room and let them all have it with the Assault Rifle. I didnt even let them finish talking :lol:
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I hesitated for awhile and got tired of waiting so I shot the main doctor in the leg and he died.
I finally beat it last night. The hospital sucked I kept getting killed because I was trying to kill the men. So after dying so many times I figured out all you go to do is sneak. And I killed the dr by shooting him in the head.
Just beat this game. I can finally join this thread.

Cool fan fiction video. Here's the ending I would've wanted.

Joel gets to the operating door but it's a metal door bolted shut. There is a glass Window on the door and he sees them operating. He bangs the door to no avail, there is nothing he can do. Rapid cuts between Joels emotional reaction and the operation. Flashback to very early in the game. Tess is asking ellie if she really thinks she can provide a vaccine. Rapid cuts between the flashback and the present. In the flashback ellie is telling tess that the immunity comes from enzymes in her brain. we find out she knew she was going to be sacrificed the entire time, unbeknownst to Joel. Closeup of them sawing her head open. She almost looks like she is smiling. Life machine sound effect beep beep beeeeeeeeep, roll credits
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Just beat this game. I can finally join this thread.

Cool fan fiction video. Here's the ending I would've wanted.

Joel gets to the operating door but it's a metal door bolted shut. There is a glass Window on the door and he sees them operating. He bangs the door to no avail, there is nothing he can do. Rapid cuts between Joels emotional reaction and the operation. Flashback to very early in the game. Tess is asking ellie if she really thinks she can provide a vaccine. Rapid cuts between the flashback and the present. In the flashback ellie is telling tess that the immunity comes from enzymes in her brain. we find out she knew she was going to be sacrificed the entire time, unbeknownst to Joel. Closeup of them sawing her head open. She almost looks like she is smiling. Life machine sound effect beep beep beeeeeeeeep, roll credits

That's weird man..... :nerd:
just finished the game and wow. this game just put naughty dog at my top gaming companies. i played all the uncharted games and the last of us just earned its spot to number 1 company for me.
:lol: @ the fan made video. couldn't even finish it. the actress playing ellie was too old and the actor playing joel was too young. if they had casted it right it would've been tons better but i couldn't take it seriously. having a woman clearly in her late 20's or 30's playing a 14 year old girl didn't seem right.
Game is great, i ran into a few problems tho.  Only happened twice, but when im sneaking through killing dudes in the area, the next group of guys spawn right on top of me.  I was like uhhh... That one part with Ellie sniping for me as i was clearing the low ground, choked out this one dude, and the next batch of baddies spawn, one right behind me.

Then at the end, in the hospital, working my way through the end where that one guy runs back and forth at 3 different spots, there was no one in sight looking my way, even used my hearing (playing on hard).  Jumped over the barricade and two dudes spawn right on top of me.

Borrowed the game from a friend, so i never got to try MP or survivor.  Game was very entertaining.  My years of MGS and Hitman: Blood Money made this game pretty easy to sneak around especially since the clickers cant even see.
Stroll out? More like Mass murdered your way out. :lol:
At the end after you rescue Ellie and you're making your way out of the hospital, even when you run right past the guys, they don't do anything. Just let you go right through.
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