Official Stock Market & Economy Thread

luckily i've only lost a few hundred bucks
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

luckily i've only lost a few hundred bucks
yea im glad i got out of SRS, just sold 500 shares of FAS after holding it when it was trading under 3.00 and then went through the roof whenWells Fargo reported 1Q results. I think may get into SRS again though.
Got in FAZ Friday afternoon at 10.81 CAD so around 8.70-8.80 US and today FAZ is 11.65 US on HEAVY volume
Market's are beginning to turn. People are finally calling the bluff. Slowly entering leverage bear positions is key here. I've bought a few unitsmyself.

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by Ghenges

I guess the bottom was 6500.
We shall see.

So I have about $100 left over at the end of this month and I'd like to start a stock account and put some money into a recession-priced cheap stock I canhold onto for awhile. What service should I use, and what stocks would you recommend for someone without a lot of money?
Originally Posted by Travis Outlaw


So I have about $100 left over at the end of this month and I'd like to start a stock account and put some money into a recession-priced cheap stock I can hold onto for awhile. What service should I use, and what stocks would you recommend for someone without a lot of money?
Lol. I'm sorry about $100 isn't gonna cut it. I recommend at least $500.
Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by Travis Outlaw


So I have about $100 left over at the end of this month and I'd like to start a stock account and put some money into a recession-priced cheap stock I can hold onto for awhile. What service should I use, and what stocks would you recommend for someone without a lot of money?
Lol. I'm sorry about $100 isn't gonna cut it. I recommend at least $500.

Not even just to buy like 85 shares of these battered financial stocks that are around a dollar (AIG, etc)?

There is an ETF called UYG which is made up of financial stocks. It's about under 4 dollars a share right now, and if financial stocks go up this ETF goesWAY up.

But to everyone else, what websites do you go to for daily market info....any that are mobile friendly?
I went from up 30% to down 20% today. If I ever see Tim Geithner I'm going to kick the living crap out of him for his continued lies.
I just opened an account with Scottrade and a complete noob to this.

I've got my eye on C and BAC. What's some of guys take on those two? Good time to buy or will they come down more? Anything else good to look in to?
Originally Posted by illwill24


There is an ETF called UYG which is made up of financial stocks. It's about under 4 dollars a share right now, and if financial stocks go up this ETF goes WAY up.

But to everyone else, what websites do you go to for daily market info....any that are mobile friendly?
I'm usually on Bloomberg, WSJ and FT on my phone when I'm outside of work. Don't buy ETF's if you're trying to buy remotelylong term. Too much decay
Originally Posted by CruThik3

I went from up 30% to down 20% today. If I ever see Tim Geithner I'm going to kick the living crap out of him for his continued lies.
Lol sure you will.

I've got my eye on C and BAC. What's some of guys take on those two? Good time to buy or will they come down more? Anything else good to look in to?
Don't buy. Terrible call. The market is getting ready to reverse, to the time to sell short/ buy ultrashorts is here. Slowly load up onpositions even though I'm not. I got 20,000 shares of FAZ today at 9.40
Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by CruThik3

I went from up 30% to down 20% today. If I ever see Tim Geithner I'm going to kick the living crap out of him for his continued lies.
Lol sure you will.

I've got my eye on C and BAC. What's some of guys take on those two?
Good time to buy or will they come down more? Anything else good to
look in to?
Don't buy. Terrible call. The market is getting ready to reverse, to the time to sell short/ buy ultrashorts is here. Slowly load up on positions even though I'm not. I got 20,000 shares of FAZ today at 9.40

20,000? im guessing youre working with over a million dollars?

or ducktales
Originally Posted by CuriousGeorg3

Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by CruThik3

I went from up 30% to down 20% today. If I ever see Tim Geithner I'm going to kick the living crap out of him for his continued lies.
Lol sure you will.

I've got my eye on C and BAC. What's some of guys take on those two?
Good time to buy or will they come down more? Anything else good to
look in to?
Don't buy. Terrible call. The market is getting ready to reverse, to the time to sell short/ buy ultrashorts is here. Slowly load up on positions even though I'm not. I got 20,000 shares of FAZ today at 9.40

20,000? im guessing youre working with over a million dollars?

or ducktales
Excuse me, 2,000. Woops. Not quite a millionaire yet.
i've been eying USO for a while now, it's sitting pretty low right now; my plan is to go take a long position (1+ year), any thoughts?
I'm sorry, but can you put that into more simple terms?

Are you saying that the market is going to come down even more? So to short the market?
Originally Posted by RNS01

i've been eying USO for a while now, it's sitting pretty low right now; my plan is to go take a long position (1+ year), any thoughts?

Don't, oil moves in tandom with the equity markets right now, once the markets begin to roll over, so will oil. You will have a chance at buying USOcheaper. Also, contango is still killing USO, so until they get that fixed, it's not looking good. Once the market has bottomed I suggest looking at somecomapny stocks that follow oil's movement better, one that comes to mind is Connoco Phillips.

I'm sorry, but can you put that into more simple terms?

Are you saying that the market is going to come down even more? So to short the market?
The markets are showing signs of weakness. Now is the time to begin slowly stocking up on short positions/long bearish ETF's (don't load up like me
I couldn't help it). Add 1-2 units at time.
Im thinking about FAZ right now, I think the stress tests will definitely move the market down. The fact that they were postponed until the 24 gives me afeeling it will be bad news.
Originally Posted by DB WEST

Im thinking about FAZ right now, I think the stress tests will definitely move the market down. The fact that they were postponed until the 24 gives me a feeling it will be bad news.
Like I said, now is the time to begin slowly adding to your short positions. If the market does move higher, you won't get burned and willalways have extra capital to average down. Although you and I should be daytrading FAZ, some rules can be broken.
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