Official Stock Market & Economy Thread

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

did anybody hear definitively what happened to dendreon to make it drop to $7 at one point yesterday? i read some speculation that it was some bad short activity that caused them to halt trading of the stock. it's up to $25 now, but i was curious - i'll keep looking to see if i can get the full story.
I was wondering the same thing
ughh. i was going to buy some but that huge drop made me think it was going to drop a little more, i'll keep watch on this stock though itsvery interesting
Originally Posted by EthicsD

Originally Posted by andycrazn

im looking into a stock that pays well in dividends. what do you guys recommend?

[h4]Priszm Income Fund[/h4]http://beta.theglobeandma...ocks/summary/?q=QSR.UN-T

Pays $0.05 per share per month dividend

[h4]Jazz Air Income Fund[/h4]http://beta.theglobeandma...ocks/summary/?q=JAZ.UN-T

Pays $0.084 per share per month

[h4]Pizza Pizza[/h4]http://beta.theglobeandma...ocks/summary/?q=PZA.UN-T

Pays $0.0775 per share per month
how do i look them up on etrade? it doesnt work for some reason
We're definitely not even close to the end of the recession. More printed money is great for this country though.
does anyone here have a long position on citigroup? i was leery on taking a position in it considering it's financials, etc. but i was just thinking tomyself - "self, there is no way the US is going to this bank fail with the large position foreign nationals (mainly saudi princes) have in it."vikram may be booted (neel kashkari anyone) and they may play musical chairs with the board, but i don't think failure is an option.

am i way off or what?
does anyone here have a long position on citigroup? i was leery on taking a position in it considering it's financials, etc. but i was just thinking to myself - "self, there is no way the US is going to this bank fail with the large position foreign nationals (mainly saudi princes) have in it." vikram may be booted (neel kashkari anyone) and they may play musical chairs with the board, but i don't think failure is an option.

am i way off or what?

I wanted to purchase 3000 shares when it was down to $2.86 just yesterday. I was hoping for it to go down even more before I jumped in, but it closed at $3.12 today.

For those watching C very closely, do you expect it to dip even lower or expect it to go up from here on out?
^wondering the same thing.. I'm prob gonna open an account this week and C will prob be one of my first stocks

how do you guys determine long and short-term and do you have to declare it as such when you purchase it?
Nice day for me.

Brk.b, cedc (watched it drop more than 50% from my buy and im up like 20% now)

Few other picks doin ok as well. Sold out of CMG at 85 after getting in at 50
let C drop down again before you buy it. i don't think financials are done dropping, all of their numbers are pure bs.
Originally Posted by GetItRight

Did anyone hit on DNDN? They hit the floor yesterday and at $7 and closed today at $22.94!

I bought DNDN a couple years ago at like $6.40. Wish I would've bought more when it was down around $3 a few months back. This is a risky investment, butif that drug gets approved it could very well likely be a $100 stock

for DNDN, when should we expect the drug to be approved/denied?

i have been following for a bit now, but still have yet to pull the trigger...wanted to buy yesterday at $13/share but of course it did huge in after hourstrading

When should I look to buy Citigroup, if it dips below 2?? Also I am looking at going with 1,000 shares of SIRI, what do yall think?

Any hot stocks or tips any of yall have post em up help eachother make some money
Originally Posted by jordan23collecta


for DNDN, when should we expect the drug to be approved/denied?

i have been following for a bit now, but still have yet to pull the trigger...wanted to buy yesterday at $13/share but of course it did huge in after hours trading


It's possible it could be sometime around mid 2010. Yea I actually just bought more of it last week expecting it to go up yesterday after theirannouncement, but then that shady !#%* happened and it tanked and trading was halted on it.
Is there someone who I can annoy and PM all my questions too and would be willing to help a newb out? Thanks in advance..
Originally Posted by CruThik3

We're definitely not even close to the end of the recession. More printed money is great for this country though.
Yea but that will eventually lead to inflation as well. But It will also lead to more jobs in the economy. It seems like we can't have onewithout the other
Originally Posted by shake n bake718

Originally Posted by jordan23collecta


for DNDN, when should we expect the drug to be approved/denied?

i have been following for a bit now, but still have yet to pull the trigger...wanted to buy yesterday at $13/share but of course it did huge in after hours trading


It's possible it could be sometime around mid 2010. Yea I actually just bought more of it last week expecting it to go up yesterday after their announcement, but then that shady !#%* happened and it tanked and trading was halted on it.

thanks for the reply,

i hope i will be able to get into it before we all hear about the good news...even if its only up a couple points by that time, hey in this market, i will takeany gain

The drug will be approved before the end of 2009. The CEO stated in the conference call the other day, the FDA is allowing all placebo patients from the trialto receive Provenge. This means it is basically approved, they just have to go through the motions of approving it.The FDA has let this happen twice on 2cancer drugs that are already approved. I believe they will get approval faster than expected. They are always conservative on their guidance. They could beannouncing a ROW partnership anytime soon.They said in the call they have several companies interested. The data they reported was way to good for strugglingbig pharmas with lots of capital to pass up. I believe the BS manipulation is scaring investors away right now. This stock is a screaming BUY.
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