Official Stock Market & Economy Thread

Oops, I should have eased in, I didn't see your post until later, 10 point loss today. I should make some back after tommorrow. Are you planning to keepyour FAZ holdings until the market moves down some more? I was thinking about starting to sell mine off after the stress test.
Originally Posted by DB WEST

Oops, I should have eased in, I didn't see your post until later, 10 point loss today. I should make some back after tommorrow. Are you planning to keep your FAZ holdings until the market moves down some more? I was thinking about starting to sell mine off after the stress test.

I plan on holding right now. If it goes sub $7.50, then I might sell.
One question, point blank.

You have $1,000 to put in scottrade... what stock(s) do you buy and how much?

Thank you.
I haven't been posting recently cause school has been hectic. For some of the newbies on here, be very cautious with the advice people have been giving. Irecommended PALM a wihle ago and a few kids on here said it wasn't a good stock and all that. I made 40 or 50% on that in the matter of 12 days.

As far as what I've been trading the last two months. I bought BAC, C, FAS, and WFC back in late january before they tanked. I went down like 50%. I waspatient though and waited for the bounce. I made back my money and then a lot more. I'm still holding on to BAC and C. I'm in the money on both and Ihave tight stops set so I'm limiting my downside risk.

I bought Ford a few days ago and SRS. I'm down on SRS and have made a small amount on Ford. For those who thikn the market is going down from hereespecially commercial real estate, SRS is a nice play. There's a lot of support around 25 and anything below 30 is a great buy. As far as shortingfinancials, I'm still holding out. With the random stuff the Treas and Fed and Obama having been doing, I don't know wwhats going to happen to the bankstocks. I think WFC is still a solid play. This stress test stuff is way too overhyped I don't think its going to be as big of a deal as people think.

Current positions:

Long: BAC ($6.50) , C ($3), FAS ($7.50), WFC ($11), F ($3.80), SRS ($30) (all equity)
Short: XOM, BP

By the way, I took some BAC and FAS and WFC off the table last week. Its important to lock in your profits and to wait for the next move aka patience.
So I got $12k to play with...Anyone have some good stocks to look into that are expected to go up in the near future and are low at this point?
Why not throw that into some Trust Units and collect the dividends.

Some options: jaz.un pza.un qsr.un

You can be collecting $0.05/share/month on qsr 0.08/share/month on jaz & pza just off of dividends.
i wanna get some knowledge on all of this.. posting so i can come back later and read up... how much would i need to get started in all this would you say?just to start off, get a feel and learn?
Originally Posted by Kickmatic23

i wanna get some knowledge on all of this.. posting so i can come back later and read up... how much would i need to get started in all this would you say? just to start off, get a feel and learn?
i would say a grand. but be careful. the profit margin is going to be low, so low that you might even not take a profit on it because its thatlow.
Originally Posted by andycrazn

im looking into a stock that pays well in dividends. what do you guys recommend?
Look at some telecoms. I haven't paid much to dividends lately...
Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by Kickmatic23

i wanna get some knowledge on all of this.. posting so i can come back later and read up... how much would i need to get started in all this would you say? just to start off, get a feel and learn?
i would say a grand. but be careful. the profit margin is going to be low, so low that you might even not take a profit on it because its that low.
thanks for the info

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

What are some companies that make face masks, hand sanitizer, hand soap, flu medicine? etc

Gojo makes Purell but idk if anyone owns them or if they are a private or public company

EDIT: Johnson & Johnson owns Gojo
Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by andycrazn

im looking into a stock that pays well in dividends. what do you guys recommend?
Look at some telecoms. I haven't paid much to dividends lately...
thanks, with this so called "recession" im kinda worried some companies might not even have money to be giving away dividends.
Can someone please answer this for me...

When shorting a stock, must you purchase the stock back when you feel it has hit the bottom? How does shorting a stock exactly work? Thanks.
Originally Posted by CruThik3

Yes, you short the stock at the top and when you believe it has bottom, you buy to cover.
do they take funds from your account for both
1. when you short
2. when you buy

I'm guessing just #2, but you need the margin account to short right?
did anybody hear definitively what happened to dendreon to make it drop to $7 at one point yesterday? i read some speculation that it was some bad shortactivity that caused them to halt trading of the stock. it's up to $25 now, but i was curious - i'll keep looking to see if i can get the full story.
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

did anybody hear definitively what happened to dendreon to make it drop to $7 at one point yesterday? i read some speculation that it was some bad short activity that caused them to halt trading of the stock. it's up to $25 now, but i was curious - i'll keep looking to see if i can get the full story.
I was wondering the same thing
Has anyone looked into Hotel Company stocks, such as Starwood, Marriott, Hilton. I was thinking these companies have potential since the gas prices aren'tas high as last year and more people might be on the road traveling this summer.......
Originally Posted by GetItRight

Has anyone looked into Hotel Company stocks, such as Starwood, Marriott, Hilton. I was thinking these companies have potential since the gas prices aren't as high as last year and more people might be on the road traveling this summer.......
so you think they are viable short-term with the swine flu epidemic?
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