Official Stock Market & Economy Thread

Originally Posted by theone2401

Originally Posted by andycrazn

cause they really like our money?

But they are "worried" about the government limiting their executive pay and changing the terms of the loans on them. They are worried about the government kicking out the CEO's like GM.

I guess my point is dont pay attention to what the banks say pay attention to what they do. Also dont forget these numbers are pre announced and the market still wont break 8k with any conviction...
That's the truth in ANY industry.
So uh...Just put $1,000 into my Roth IRA E-Trade account. About to invest in the Bruce fund (BRUFX) Did a lot of research and this the fund I'm choosing togo with. Now all I have to do is pull the trigger. Dow's up almost 200 points today so now I'm a little hesitant, but I will pull the trigger when Ifeel the time is right. Next week or so most likely.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

So uh...Just put $1,000 into my Roth IRA E-Trade account. About to invest in the Bruce fund (BRUFX) Did a lot of research and this the fund I'm choosing to go with. Now all I have to do is pull the trigger. Dow's up almost 200 points today so now I'm a little hesitant, but I will pull the trigger when I feel the time is right. Next week or so most likely.
I don't know too much about this Bruce Fund 651, but how long term will this investment be? I went to Yahoo Finance and looked at the profileand this stood out. I'm not sure about the portfolio allocation, but it's investing in bonds, particularly zero coupon bonds and government securitiesraises red flags. This is because interest rates are historically low at this point and the prices paid for bonds are therefore extremely expensive. Especiallyfor zero-coupon bonds. In essence interest rates have nowhere to go but up, which will, all other things equal, lower the price of the bonds bought nowsubstantially in the future.

Of course I don't know ANYTHING about the inner workings of the portfolio so I cannot comment on that, but if you have done the research and are happy andagree with their investing strategy than by all means do what you want to do. Just be careful what the management fees and expenses are.
Originally Posted by acts65

Got in FAS yesterday at 6.16. Sold this morning at open. Nice way to start the day.

you made a dollar on each stock? nonetheless a profit is a profit.
Originally Posted by JC08

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

So uh...Just put $1,000 into my Roth IRA E-Trade account. About to invest in the Bruce fund (BRUFX) Did a lot of research and this the fund I'm choosing to go with. Now all I have to do is pull the trigger. Dow's up almost 200 points today so now I'm a little hesitant, but I will pull the trigger when I feel the time is right. Next week or so most likely.
I don't know too much about this Bruce Fund 651, but how long term will this investment be? I went to Yahoo Finance and looked at the profile and this stood out. I'm not sure about the portfolio allocation, but it's investing in bonds, particularly zero coupon bonds and government securities raises red flags. This is because interest rates are historically low at this point and the prices paid for bonds are therefore extremely expensive. Especially for zero-coupon bonds. In essence interest rates have nowhere to go but up, which will, all other things equal, lower the price of the bonds bought now substantially in the future.

Of course I don't know ANYTHING about the inner workings of the portfolio so I cannot comment on that, but if you have done the research and are happy and agree with their investing strategy than by all means do what you want to do. Just be careful what the management fees and expenses are.

Yeah, I feel ya. Well my plan is to hold for about 30 years or so. So this is definitely a long term approach. My main reason for choosing this fund wasbecause I saw a mutual fund survey done by FORBES Magazine. The main sticking point is that they historically stay with the pack in bull markets and lose lessthan their peers in bear markets. What I also really love about this fund is its investment portfolio sector breakdown has a huge emphasis on Health care at20% and Energy at 30%. That's 50% of the porfolio and those two sectors were my main selling points when choosing a mutual because of how I feel it thosesectors will soar in the next 30 years. The only thing I'm really worried about is how a bulk of their holdings is in bonds and that worries me because ofwhat you said and I want a bigger portion at least 80% to be in stocks, but with the myriad of mutual funds I'm not sure where to look.

I haven't went all in yet, so if there are any quick pointers you can help out with I would appreciate it. EDIT: Then again looking at yahoo's site itshows that their holdings are different than the one on cnn/money. Back to the drawing board I guess.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Can someone school me on FAS? Why is this stock all I hear on NT? And there is Dey Know

FAS is not a stock its a ETF. It is the 3times leveraged bullish financial ETF.
so who got into FAS and/or BAC today??? I'm still holding on to my FAZ positions right now, hope it'll do better.
feds have pretty much f'd the shorts in the *@+ with short term solutions and banks have sold their souls for 1st quarter earnings. better off shortingboth fas and faz. both will be irrelevant in no time.
Originally Posted by Matt Barkley Heisman Number 8

feds have pretty much f'd the shorts in the *@+ with short term solutions and banks have sold their souls for 1st quarter earnings. better off shorting both fas and faz. both will be irrelevant in no time.
damn, I have positions in both. What's the best thing to do right now? and how about SRS?
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by Matt Barkley Heisman Number 8

feds have pretty much f'd the shorts in the *@+ with short term solutions and banks have sold their souls for 1st quarter earnings. better off shorting both fas and faz. both will be irrelevant in no time.
damn, I have positions in both. What's the best thing to do right now? and how about SRS?

prob best to get out of faz when financials all report better than expected earnings next week.
I think I'm going to start thinking illogically in order to start making money again. How the f did BAC go up 40% when the news said they need another $39million in bail out. It's getting ridiculous. However, if the market does indeed crash again I will say, I told you so.
wells fargo and JPM are healthy banks

Citi and Bac, not so much

@ citi who tried to have wachovia for free with tax payers money
lol cuz its probably LESS than the amount they thought it was supposed to be....its funny how even negative news (all things considered) can extend to apositive price movement...right?

Stay within your own trading strategies and fundamentals, eventually, it'll be burnt back to reality. Although, I'm more skeptical with these banks (incomparison to other bubbles).
Originally Posted by CruThik3

I think I'm going to start thinking illogically in order to start making money again. How the f did BAC go up 40% when the news said they need another $39 million in bail out. It's getting ridiculous. However, if the market does indeed crash again I will say, I told you so.

It went up because they expect the same results that Wells Fargo put out. Dont worry the chance of the market not going down again is slim to none. there is nosuch thing as a jobless recovery in an economy where the consumer is 70% of it.

wells fargo and JPM are healthy banks
yea they are healthy relative to two zombie banks. but that isnt saying much.

My personal opinion is they are pre releasing their earnings because they want to get the pop before the stress test results come out. They will"pass" of course but they are going to need more money

If it follows through after 8K i might open some long positions
Do you guys think it is a good idea to hold on to citi in anticipation of good earnings come next friday? I totally agree with "why is the market notcrashing right now." but i am done with fighting the trend.
do any NT'ers have a series 7 license? other than needing it for employment at a brokerage, are there any advantages (perks or whatever) to having it? doesit allow access to any additional resources, etc.? thanks
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