***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Now that this election is over....I’m sooo happy all those big *** monster trucks with Trump flags are gone.
You not lying. Back when I was staying out in Cali, I'd take my family out to the beaches out in central coast and would occasionally see lifted trucks with confederate flags, bumping crazy loud music with young folks acting a fool. I remember hoping these drunk idiots wouldn't pop off on some racist ish because my son was really young at the time. The Trump and MAGA flags I've seen in the past couple of years have struck that same feeling and now they're also a reminder of what was and what also has been defeated, at least administratively.
Ah yes, very independent behavior here.






Annotation: Barr's right-hand man also blocked the prosecution of Trump's former Interior Dept. Secretary Ryan Zinke after the Interior Inspector General's office came to believe Zinke lied to them in 2 separate IG investigations. The IG questioned other witnesses about Zinke's statements to the investigators and then issued a criminal referral to DOJ.
The man is pitiful, and his tomisms' pop up whenever he jokes with Cuomo, as he receives the program from him. I love you Don Lemon! I love you too! He fears calling out bottom feeders, racists, until he was called the N Word here in NYC by a Trump supporter. Now he talks about the Black right to at least talk back, yet not really about FIGHTING back physically, when accosted by such vermin.

I have a funny feeling that his fiancé is a white dude.

I’m pretty sure Don Lemon is married
The comments in these tweets are hilarious considering America looked like NYE with people celebrating in the streets over Bidens victory :lol:

while I generally support public safety protocols, ima push back on this just a little bit.

demonstrating the will of The People does weigh something in the democratic process.

I was one of those people out in the streets celebrating, and although intellectual honesty demands that I acknowledge that it wasn´t as safe an activity as hanging out around the hotel, people were smart about it.

every single body was wearing a mask, and we skipped the high-fives and hugs that would have been going around any other time...folks kept a safe distance throughout the festivities, and that type of thing matters.

got the pics if you want to check it out yourself. even got a COVID test afterwards...negative, btw.

besides, it is also important to show that The People are willing to take the streets if necessary.
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