***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Man...you supported trump for 4 years and you were ready to support him for 4 more years. You supported his blatant racism and hatred of minorities. You supported them separating kids from their parents. You supported putting kids in cages.

You don't care about flipping the senate for the Dems. You only care about saving face. You would be in here typing with your shirt off and maga hat on telling us "told you so" had trump won again. You're just as bad if not worse than the republicans that want to "separate" themselves from trump now that he's lost.

I can see you running back to trump in 2024 (if he runs) like a butter biscuit fiend needing his fix.


Like I said when I stated I’m now working to help the Dems flip the senate—this isn’t sports.

If your goals truly haven’t changed, then me wanting to help the Dems flip the senate should be seen as a positive.

With politics for me, there are no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, just permanent interests.

Currently, the Dems flipping the senate is the best case scenario for getting the type of legislation I’d like to see passed. If the landscape changes again, so will my stance. It isn’t complicated.

As it relates to sports, it’s Falcons, Hawks and Braves for me. So I have no problem sticking with losing teams. But politics isn’t that.
From 2018, and very relevant today....

Two new studies suggest Trump broadened the Republican Party's appeal by tapping into deep-seated anxieties and prejudices.

America is the world's dominant superpower, and white Christian males sit at the top of our nation's food chain. That's the right and proper hierarchy, and it's under serious threat.

When blue-collar whites heard that implied message from Donald Trump, many realized it aligned with their own beliefs. As a result, they broke with precedent to support the Republican candidate for president.

That's the conclusion of a new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the latest to analyze what drove Trump voters (aside from traditional party affiliation). Other recently published studies have pointed to the appeal of authoritarianism, or plain old racism and sexism.

University of Pennsylvania political scientist Diana Mutz reports a key group of voters—those who switched parties to vote for Trump—were motivated by the vision of a frightening fall in social status. In short, they feared they were in the process of losing their previously privileged positions.

Good looking out for posting this article. I am finding the site overall to be very informative.
It ain’t sports but republicans been full of shh my whole damn life and they’ve just gotten worse

I mean if dudes legit were fiscally responsible and about less government, then I could maybe get behind that (like cutting the military spending and over reaching into other countries)

that’s why you hold democrats or anyone else responsible too

all these dudes care about is tax cuts for the wealthy, protecting businesses from their employees and consumers and then playing up to crazy people with religion and guns
Like I said when I stated I’m now working to help the Dems flip the senate—this isn’t sports.

If your goals truly haven’t changed, then me wanting to help the Dems flip the senate should be seen as a positive.

With politics for me, there are no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, just permanent interests.

Currently, the Dems flipping the senate is the best case scenario for getting the type of legislation I’d like to see passed. If the landscape changes again, so will my stance. It isn’t complicated.

As it relates to sports, it’s Falcons, Hawks and Braves for me. So I have no problem sticking with losing teams. But politics isn’t that.
I don't see how this country continues to go on with this division. At the same time, every enemy of the U.S. would love to see states secede.
Not quite history repeating, but sure as hell does rhyme.
I don't see how this country continues to go on with this division. At the same time, every enemy of the U.S. would love to see states secede.

This country never truly addressed racism. It always comes back to that. This will happen over and over again until white America TRULY faces the issue. And we’re still a ways away from that.

These people are still living.

Everytime there is a perceived challenge to white supremacy....its met with this type of resistance. We’re in another wave of that.
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