***Official Political Discussion Thread***

That’s the thing though these people don’t think or know they are stupid. They think they are the smart ones, doing their own “research”. :lol: they are all a ****ing cancer.
Yeah but if the situations were reversed then they wouldn't care. They mad claiming fake votes but were cool with russia interfering last time.
The only way they’ll care when a situation is reversed is if something bad happens to them as a result of that reversal.

if a bunch of armed liberal “Patriots” started pulled up on Trump/conservative rallies wrecking havoc, made a plan to kidnap mitch McConnell, and decided to act in ways we’ve seen Trump supporters act the past few years, the outrage they would show would be hilarious given they didn’t give a damb when their base acted out like this time and time again.
Fox News claiming the Biden laptop was lost in the mail shot all their credibility to hell. They didn’t have any to begin with. This fake soundbite might be the dumbest thing they’ve ever done.

side note, every election official, both republican and democrats, has went on record saying there was no voter fraud. It’s done
Fox News claiming the Biden laptop was lost in the mail shot all their credibility to hell. They didn’t have any to begin with. This fake soundbite might be the dumbest thing they’ve ever done.

side note, every election official, both republican and democrats, has went on record saying there was no voter fraud. It’s done
Fox News didn’t use the fake Trump soundbite. Someone edited it before posting it on Twitter.
Fox News didn’t use the fake Trump soundbite. Someone edited it before posting it on Twitter.
I know that, I’m saying this person saying it is fake to begin with. Assuming that person actually worked the poles, his boss already said there was no voter fraud. The states in question already spoke out via NYT. Election officials already debunked this clickbait story
Armada Armada

America is failing the stress test on the belief in Democracy.


"A briefing from the Biden-Harris transition team’s lawyers should be mandatory viewing for anyone writing about or debating the flurry of specious lawsuits from President Trump’s lawyers attempting to undermine the legitimacy of a historic win for the Democratic presidential ticket (e.g., most votes ever cast, the highest vote percentage for a Democratic challenger since Franklin D. Roosevelt): [VIDEO] To summarize: Six pre-election and seven post-election lawsuits by the Trump camp have all been tossed out. They are, as President-elect Joe Biden’s deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield said, “noise.” Campaign counsel Bob Bauer cautioned that what is going on is “theatrics, not lawsuits.” Judges have described claims that the mail-in ballot system is rife with fraud as “fiction" or entirely based on speculation. None of the allegations about excluded poll watchers have been supported by facts. None of the social media memes about changed ballots or other shenanigans have stood up in court.

Interestingly, Trump’s lawyers refuse to say before a real judge that they have found fraud or other reasons to overturn results. (Keep in mind that, since 2000, only a few hundred votes have ever been changed in a single statewide recount.)

Clearly, the plot to “steal” an election exists only in Trump’s twisted mind. There is no “there” there. But what is going on is something equally sinister: Trump is receiving support from a range of Republican figures, including Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), who says congratulations to Biden are premature; a flock of members of Congress from Georgia, who baselessly attack their state’s Republican secretary of state and inexplicably claim their own election victories valid while Biden’s is fraudulent; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who declares the transition will be to a “second Trump administration”; and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who perpetuates the fiction that the outcome is in dispute. The aim is not to steal an election, but to sow doubt about the legitimacy of our democracy — just as the Russians intend. These Republicans aim to keep their base in a constant state of anger and crazed denial. Right-wing media fan the flames; right-wing social media groups pour gasoline on the fire.

It is no consolation, indeed it is worse, that McConnell and the rest almost certainly know Trump’s claims are a joke and incapable of overturning an election. They apparently are willing to damage democracy and further divide the country so as to cast the lawful winner as an illegitimate president and avoid Trump’s wrath. Other democracies looking on will be horrified; dictators will find vindication in Republicans’ refusal to accept the results of the election.

CNN’s Jake Tapper explains the insanity and destructive nature of the Republicans’ election denial: [VIDEO] “This thing is done,” Tapper says. He reports that Republicans say it is all about “walking President Trump through this process,” but they cannot say that publicly for fear of Trump and of death threats from his supporters. For a party that used to deplore claims of victimhood, conspiring to prevent its leader from further melting down is downright pathetic.

The good news is that voters are not falling for it, according to a Reuters-Ipsos poll conducted after the race was called on Saturday reports. Reuters reports: “Nearly 80% of Americans, including more than half of Republicans, recognize President-elect Joe Biden as the winner of the Nov. 3 election after most media organizations called the race for the Democrat based on his leads in critical battleground states.” The bad news is that Republicans are hoodwinking 20 percent of voters, many of whom seem to be confused about the results: “13% said the election has not yet been decided, 3% said Trump won and 5% said they do not know.”

The only entity that is discredited — and certainly should not be trusted to control the Senate — is the Republican Party, whose leaders’ conduct is anti-democratic, immoral, dishonest and dangerous. They are proving the point that many Never Trumpers have made: They have lost the moral authority to govern, and no politician who is engaging in this farce (either inside the administration or on the outside) should be entrusted with power or rewarded with a plum job for their “service.” It would serve the interests of the country, which needs a two-party system, and the rump group of decent Republican politicians and voters (easily identified now by their recognition of Biden’s victory) to abandon the shell of a discredited party and start over. The Republican Party’s “brand” is permanently sullied.

Why not call whatever comes along the Conservative Reality Party? Such a body could set a precondition that its members do not create a fictional universe and undermine the political system because they are too cowardly to stand up to a man-baby’s temper tantrum. In other words, they have to accept reality and respect democracy before they can credibly advance ideas.

There are Senate runoff elections coming up in Georgia in January. Voters there can do the country — and, frankly, decent and honorable Republicans — a service by refusing to send two of the worst actors in this horror show, Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, back to the Senate. Perdue and Loeffler are actively trying to undermine the election results by demanding the Republican secretary of state resign. Propounding the Big Lie because they think it will carry them to victory should disqualify them from office.

Enough. End the reward system in which craziness, lying and authoritarian propaganda is the ticket to Republicans’ political success. Remember the few who acted honestly and honorably; any future for their party rests with them."[/VIDEO][/VIDEO]
Mary Trump says her uncle, President Trump, will spend the transition period 'breaking stuff' with 'vengeance'

  • Mary Trump, the niece of President Donald Trump, said her uncle is likely to spend the transition period "breaking stuff" with "vengeance."
  • Writing for The Observer, the president's niece says she's worried that he will "go as far" as delegitimizing the new administration and passing pardons that "will demoralize us."
  • Her comments come as President-elect Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election after a knife-edge race that took several days.

Mary Trump says her uncle, President Trump, will spend the transition period 'breaking stuff' with 'vengeance'

  • Mary Trump, the niece of President Donald Trump, said her uncle is likely to spend the transition period "breaking stuff" with "vengeance."
  • Writing for The Observer, the president's niece says she's worried that he will "go as far" as delegitimizing the new administration and passing pardons that "will demoralize us."
  • Her comments come as President-elect Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election after a knife-edge race that took several days.

since trump likes washed musicians

dwalk31 dwalk31 this still your party my man?!

Wall Street to Trump: It's over. This isn't a repeat of 2000

New York (CNN Business)The Trump campaign is waging a legal war over the 2020 presidential election results. Wall Street, on the other hand, is already moving on.
Even though President Donald Trump is promising to fight and has not conceded, there is little doubt on Wall Street that Joe Biden will become the 46th president of the United States on January 20.

While it took a few days for the election to be called, we do not view this as a contested election,"
Trump's flurry of lawsuits is being viewed as a sideshow, experts say. The real focus among investors, analysts and market strategists is on Pfizer's blockbuster vaccine announcement, the makeup of Biden's agenda and cabinet, and expectations that Republicans will retain control of the US Senate despite runoff races in Georgia.
"For most investors, the perspective is that the election has been settled," Tobias Levkovich, Citigroup's chief US equity strategist, told CNN Business. "Providing evidence of shenanigans and irregularities is required in a court of law. And I haven't seen any."

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