***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Education has been deemed a necessity in our society to advance economically, so the idea of saddling families who can’t afford it with massive debt does not compare to auto loans or credit card.

Why do people want to imagine that these stats do not exist? You do realize people can attend collage without putting themselves in massive debt right?

How do discern between what’s a “valid” reason and what’s not? The valid reason is that the cost of secondary education is INSANE in comparison to most other developed nations, where the cost to attend public university is either nothing or extremely low. That’s the reason. That’s it.

Just a few valid reasons would be medical hardships, family hardships and income guidelines. I know people working at Amazon making $200k a year who don't pay on student loans and I know people making $20 hour who do pay. Does that seem fair to you? If you want to talk about the discrepancy between the US and other nations how about we take a look at home ownership and the actual cost of living? Everything cost more in the US.

And funny enough, I’d bet that we can decrease auto loan debt and credit card debt by freeing up people’s student loan debt. These things are all connected.

This is America the land of the debt. If you go and free up student debts people will go out and put themselves in more debt buying overpriced homes and cars they still cant afford.

We all have a choice on where we want to attend collage and if you choose to go to one that cost a lot then you should know that comes with risks as well as the rewards. A lot of people would of loved to attend a prestigious expensive school, but for financial reasons they did not and now you want to reward the ones who made poor financial decisions?
Sorry, not buying it. You basically are admitting your hypocritical aspect to your argument while being on some....


You take advantage of a government subsidy that you didn't earn (actually you could choose not to) but is available to you, yet you rail against someone else getting a government benefit because they didn't earn it.

So what when the child tax credit was put in place. The fact remains it is a policy choice we made because we wanted to help a group of people what society felt deserve it, and there is an economic benefit from having the childcare credit that society as a whole benefit from. People that raise kids before the policy was put in place didn't benefit, people without kids don't benefit. This is the same logic for student loan forgiveness. Society didn't control the cost of college, society pressured young people to take on large amounts of debts to acquire degrees so they can smoothly enter the middle class. And if we wipe away that debt then they will be millions of dollars available to people to spend in the economy and stimulate it.

Your argument seems centered around not economics, but the supposed worthiness of the recipient of the benefit. That is really all your are offering here.

You are so upset about people bragging about not paying their student loans because of a change in government policy. But they would be doing just like what you are doing is not so unlike you, they are benefiting from a government policy. Again remember, while many would have acquire the benefit without asking, you opt into it every year.

No one told you to have kids, yet you benefit at tax time. Millions without kids won't

No one told us to buy homes., yet we benefit at tax time because of a government policy. Millions of renters won't

Society actually tells kids they need to go get those degrees, and they now might benefit from a government policy. And millions of people without student debt won't

So really, if your argument now just hinges of the difference between an opt-in and a mandated benefit, and expectation, then your argument is flimsy.

And if you really want to look at how ridiculous it is look no further than our tax code that caps student loan interest deductions at $2,500
Don't know if this was posted....

Donald Trump 's inner cicle have been told the president is not backing down on his objections to the result of the US presidential election after losing to Joe Biden, as the first lady, Melania Trump, is reportedly planning to leave him and end their 15-year marriage.

“Melania is counting every minute until he is out of office and she can divorce,” former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman told The Mail on Sunday, suggesting Mrs Trump would wait until January to save the president the “ultimate humiliation” of leaving his side while still in office and avoid any possible retaliation.

No way he's canceling 50k of debt. He'll probably do the 10k proposal.

If this dude cancels 50k of my student debt, he GOATed forever.

i havent heard anything about the 50k proposal, just the 10k. I just graduated my master’s program back in July so I’ll take whatever I can get. 10k would be nice, 50k would be great!

i think the DOE Secretary in accordance with the president have the authority to authorize forgiveness UP TO 50k. Please correct me if I’m wrong

Why do people want to imagine that these stats do not exist? You do realize people can attend collage without putting themselves in massive debt right?

Just a few valid reasons would be medical hardships, family hardships and income guidelines. I know people working at Amazon making $200k a year who don't pay on student loans and I know people making $20 hour who do pay. Does that seem fair to you? If you want to talk about the discrepancy between the US and other nations how about we take a look at home ownership and the actual cost of living? Everything cost more in the US.

This is America the land of the debt. If you go and free up student debts people will go out and put themselves in more debt buying overpriced homes and cars they still cant afford.

We all have a choice on where we want to attend collage and if you choose to go to one that cost a lot then you should know that comes with risks as well as the rewards. A lot of people would of loved to attend a prestigious expensive school, but for financial reasons they did not and now you want to reward the ones who made poor financial decisions?
These are some terrible arguments

Ignoring the solid economic reasoning to argue that something shouldn't be done because it doesn't meet some concept of "fairness"

Famb, you sound like a rich white middle-aged woman complaining about diversity programs and anti-poverty initiatives
I’m sorry but I can’t get down with just foregoing financial matters that you obligated yourself to. Like someone else said, let’s just forgive car and personal loans as well while we’re at it. I can also recognize that the federal student loan system may need reform as well. Just my 2 cents.
32% of Americans have healthcare debt. 42 % of Americans incurred debt for college education. How about we fix both of these issues? Why does it have to be an either or?

the personal responsibility capitalist crowd is so short sighted when it comes to this. literal industries have been crippled because of how the collective economic behavioral shifts that college students and college graduates have made because of the rising costs of education. we're going to reach that point pretty quickly when the generations of people who were pressured by society at every level to go to college by any means (cost) necessary are the same people who are supposed to be the back bone of our consumer economy. Oh you wanted to flip that investment property? No ones buying. You got a small business or offer a high end service? the amazons and big box retailers of the world will be king because people will be living on the essentials only and you cant compete with those prices.

Its going to get to a point where it just makes sense to forgive the debt so that people can actually be consumers again. NO ONE WINS WHEN THE WORKING CLASS CAN'T SPEND MONEY.
Just to show you how insane the price of education is I will share my story.

I went to a private school for undergrad, I went to law school. I had scholarships for both but they weren't full scholarships. I worked extremely in both. I ended up with $120k in student loan debt. I am blessed that I've paid that amount down but there are other people that end up with $120k+ in undergrad alone. Thanks to my Zaddy George Soros and his scholarship funds the monthly payments aren't terrible but if not for Uncle George I would be TOAST
Its going to get to a point where it just makes sense to forgive the debt so that people can actually be consumers again. NO ONE WINS WHEN THE WORKING CLASS CAN'T SPEND MONEY.

When did we stop becoming consumers? I still see Jordan's, Supreme and Rolexes selling out so someone out there is buying and I would bet that includes plenty of people crying about not being able to afford student loans.
Just to show you how insane the price of education is I will share my story.

I went to a private school for undergrad, I went to law school. I had scholarships for both but they weren't full scholarships. I worked extremely in both. I ended up with $120k in student loan debt. I am blessed that I've paid that amount down but there are other people that end up with $120k+ in undergrad alone. Thanks to my Zaddy George Soros and his scholarship funds the monthly payments aren't terrible but if not for Uncle George I would be TOAST

also to show how ridiculous the cost of education is. I took out approximately $60k in loans to pay for my undergrad and masters. Due to the way some federal loans work versus other, about half of those loans compounded interest for four years at a 7.8% rate while I was in school. It wasn’t until four years AFTER I graduated and had paid my loans timely that my principal payment was finally less than what I had borrowed. For four years I paid $800 a month without a single dollar going to ******* principal.

That’s how ******* stupid our education system is.
Just to show you how insane the price of education is I will share my story.

I went to a private school for undergrad, I went to law school. I had scholarships for both but they weren't full scholarships. I worked extremely in both. I ended up with $120k in student loan debt. I am blessed that I've paid that amount down but there are other people that end up with $120k+ in undergrad alone. Thanks to my Zaddy George Soros and his scholarship funds the monthly payments aren't terrible but if not for Uncle George I would be TOAST

So why did you choose to knowingly incur all that debt?
No I'm a middle aged man who makes way less then all the people crying about student loan debt because I did not go to collage.
So you as a middle-aged man are crying about someone else being helped?

If I were to tell you that maybe you should have made better choices in your life, then maybe you would be in a better financial situation, then I would sound like a massive *******. However, I would also kinda sound like the argument you are making.

Also, your few examples are not representative of the millions of students struggling out there. Again, you are just peddling a remix of the welfare queen logic.
No I'm a middle aged man who makes way less then all the people crying about student loan debt because I did not go to collage.

so wouldn’t you by and large benefit from cheaper education that would increase your wages? Or are you just saying you were too lazy to try so everyone needs to suffer?
I’m sorry but I can’t get down with just foregoing financial matters that you obligated yourself to. Like someone else said, let’s just forgive car and personal loans as well while we’re at it. I can also recognize that the federal student loan system may need reform as well. Just my 2 cents.
Black students are graduating with double the student loan debt of white students. Is it really just as simple as “forgoing financial matters that you obligated yourself to”?
No way he's canceling 50k of debt. He'll probably do the 10k proposal.

If this dude cancels 50k of my student debt, he GOATed forever.
The fact it’s limited to Public colleges makes it the easiest. They don’t have to pay anyone. Just take it off the ledger. Public colleges are state and city colleges. That will wipe out a lot of peoples’ debts.

I heard a rumor that could add HBCUs too but we got to see.....
So you as a middle-aged man are crying about someone else being helped?

If I were to tell you that maybe you should have made better choices in your life, then maybe you would be in a better financial situation, then I would sound like a massive *******. However, I would also kinda sound like the argument you are making.

Also, your few examples are not representative of the millions of students struggling out there. Again, you are just peddling a remix of the welfare queen logic.

The ones who are really struggling are the ones without that degree.
I’ve been going to school for the past more than 10 years now. I have paid every single bill on time like I should’ve but I understand that I was put in a fortunate situation to do so. With that all said, I still don’t care that they are going to forgive student loan debt, or I should say if they forgive it. If this sets the groundwork so that my kids don’t have to worry about this BS I am all for it.
When did we stop becoming consumers? I still see Jordan's, Supreme and Rolexes selling out so someone out there is buying and I would bet that includes plenty of people crying about not being able to afford student loans.

" we're going to reach that point pretty quickly when the generations of people who were pressured by society at every level to go to college by any means (cost) necessary are the same people who are supposed to be the back bone of our consumer economy. Oh you wanted to flip that investment property? "

theres plenty of room for things to get a lot worse before we get to this point. we havent reached critical mass yet. Like mentioned above 42 % of Americans incurred debt for college education. We still have people contributing to the economy that went to college and got advanced degrees when you could pay for them with a job ay mcdonalds. what happens next? you think that 42% number is going to go up or down? I took on debt to go to school but thankfully my wife and I do really well. but im worried about who's going to buy my house down the line when i want to sell it
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