***Official Political Discussion Thread***

You have kids, so let me ask.

Do you take the tax deduction every year for them?

And if you do, explain to me why you should be given a tax benefit for a decision you and your wife decided on yourself.

I do cause that deduction is available to me.
Some are not like business things. I don’t own a business at all so I can not deduct those things.

child credit has been available I think since WW1 or WW2.

It’s available to anyone that has kids.

loan forgiveness and child tax credits are not the same.

I didn’t have kids to get a tax credit. It was my choice to have a child yes I used the tools given to get a credit set forth by our government.

loans forgiveness isn’t the same thing. I mean if they said going forward from such date these situations can be compared.

you planned I assume to pay them. Like kids both optional and like kids they become your responsibility to take care of once acquired.

the deduction isn’t deserved I just take advantage of it. Like businesses do. That’s a whole tax code problem. 45 tried to write off his whole operation.

I mean we probably both homeowners and write off our interest. If don’t have a home loan lucky you.

We choose to buy homes and why should we write off our loans to pay for homes that earn value. Why cause we can it’s offered.

I think that’s a better analogy. I say all this with debating respect as well.
Forgiving loans for a valid reason is one thing, but just because people don' t want to pay is another. Everyone who took out a student loan knew that it had to be paid back and now so many think for some reason that they should not have to. I think the idea of basically handing out collage degrees to a bunch of people for free is not the answer. Why not forgive auto and credit card loans while we are at it?

You want to help people who really need it and boost the economy and spending how about we finally do something about this
This is real talk right here. Even with my wife having hers mostly covered through her job, I'm self-employed so get my health insurance through her job and what we pay for me is through the roof because you either pay it up front or on the back end if you have to go to the hospital or even just a doctor's visit. The scam that is health insurance is what cripples everyone. If people got very low cost health insurance the amount of spending that would increase in this country would be astronomical. Not everyone has student debt, but dam near everyone has health insurance.
I member when Obama was floating the idea of bailing out mortgage holders directly instead of lenders.

And Republicans got most of the country to turn on the idea so quickly because "You shouldn't have to pay your neighbor's mortgage"

Folk will turn on good policy because it personally upsets them that some "unworthy" person might benefit

People indulge in the same line of thinking that the cruelest people in society use to rationalize their cruelty

Good grief man :smh:

yo the craziest part to me is people who paid off college when you could work for a summer and buy a Corvette saying this :lol:

“I did it why can’t you” - medicaid and SSI recipient :lol: :lol:
I swear personal responsibility politics against regular folk will be the death of us

You didn't hear about personal responsibility when it came to bailouts in 2008 and 2020. We only hear about it for individuals.

If there is one things americans hate, its spending tax dollars on policies that actually affect american people for the better.

Spend trillions on bailouts - this is necessary to sustain the economy
Spend trillions on defense - necessary to stop the brown people in the middle east
Tax cuts for the rich and corporations - necessary to juice GDP by 0.5%
Spend billions overly policing population - necessary to feel safe

Spend money on healthcare - socialism
Spend money on education - sorry don't have it
Spend money on infrastructure - sorry dont have it
Spend money building up communities - socialism
Spend money combating public health crisis - communism
Spend money on climate change - HOAX

People's mindset when it comes to spending US tax dollars is mind baffling. Its also the reason why we are one of the least happy countries in the world.
The argument against student loan forgiveness reminds me of when people spoke out against a $15/hr minimum wage because "I only make $X at my job, so why do they deserve $15/hr?".

Like dawg I think you're upset at the wrong people right now.

I’m tryina figure out what kinda capitalism they’re smoking cuz mine just giving me a headache
This is real talk right here. Even with my wife having hers mostly covered through her job, I'm self-employed so get my health insurance through her job and what we pay for me is through the roof because you either pay it up front or on the back end if you have to go to the hospital or even just a doctor's visit. The scam that is health insurance is what cripples everyone. If people got very low cost health insurance the amount of spending that would increase in this country would be astronomical. Not everyone has student debt, but dam near everyone has health insurance.
32% of Americans have healthcare debt. 42 % of Americans incurred debt for college education. How about we fix both of these issues? Why does it have to be an either or?
This is real talk right here. Even with my wife having hers mostly covered through her job, I'm self-employed so get my health insurance through her job and what we pay for me is through the roof because you either pay it up front or on the back end if you have to go to the hospital or even just a doctor's visit. The scam that is health insurance is what cripples everyone. If people got very low cost health insurance the amount of spending that would increase in this country would be astronomical. Not everyone has student debt, but dam near everyone has health insurance.
It’s the same thing with health coverwge in this country as well...Ppl WANT to keep the current bs system cuz anything else is “socialism” or “handouts”....Healthcare and education reform should be something that everybody is for but it’s not simple cuz of all the idiots around that sympathize with big business and rich politicians :smh:
32% of Americans have healthcare debt. 42 % of Americans incurred debt for college education. How about we fix both of these issues? Why does it have to be an either or?
It's all connected though, you forgive that it frees up space to tackle the rest of your debt with an end in sight, plus the ability to help others. What a wild selfish bunch, non of this has any bearing on their life.
This is real talk right here. Even with my wife having hers mostly covered through her job, I'm self-employed so get my health insurance through her job and what we pay for me is through the roof because you either pay it up front or on the back end if you have to go to the hospital or even just a doctor's visit. The scam that is health insurance is what cripples everyone. If people got very low cost health insurance the amount of spending that would increase in this country would be astronomical. Not everyone has student debt, but dam near everyone has health insurance.

Not to mention healthcare is largely included as an employees wages and benefits so a lot of people don’t get raises because employers have to continually pay more for healthcare premiums.
Ultimately I would hope even people with this personal responsibility mindset on this issue can agree that even if yes there will be a few people that take advantage or get over that doesn’t mean we should focus on them instead of the large majority of people who are well meaning and are just trying to improve their lives and the people they love lives. Does that mean we should just not enact policy that would help the large majority well meaning people because the few who don’t will benefit? It’ll still be a great net positive regardless who cares if a few annoying people benefit
I do cause that deduction is available to me.
Some are not like business things. I don’t own a business at all so I can not deduct those things.

child credit has been available I think since WW1 or WW2.

It’s available to anyone that has kids.

loan forgiveness and child tax credits are not the same.

I didn’t have kids to get a tax credit. It was my choice to have a child yes I used the tools given to get a credit set forth by our government.

loans forgiveness isn’t the same thing. I mean if they said going forward from such date these situations can be compared.

you planned I assume to pay them. Like kids both optional and like kids they become your responsibility to take care of once acquired.

the deduction isn’t deserved I just take advantage of it. Like businesses do. That’s a whole tax code problem. 45 tried to write off his whole operation

I mean we probably both homeowners and write off our interest.

We choose to buy homes and why should we write off our loans to pay for homes that earn value. Why cause we can it’s offered.

I think that’s a better analogy. I say all this with debating respect as well.
Sorry, not buying it. You basically are admitting your hypocritical aspect to your argument while being on some....


You take advantage of a government subsidy that you didn't earn (actually you could choose not to) but is available to you, yet you rail against someone else getting a government benefit because they didn't earn it.

So what when the child tax credit was put in place. The fact remains it is a policy choice we made because we wanted to help a group of people what society felt deserve it, and there is an economic benefit from having the childcare credit that society as a whole benefit from. People that raise kids before the policy was put in place didn't benefit, people without kids don't benefit. This is the same logic for student loan forgiveness. Society didn't control the cost of college, society pressured young people to take on large amounts of debts to acquire degrees so they can smoothly enter the middle class. And if we wipe away that debt then they will be millions of dollars available to people to spend in the economy and stimulate it.

Your argument seems centered around not economics, but the supposed worthiness of the recipient of the benefit. That is really all your are offering here.

You are so upset about people bragging about not paying their student loans because of a change in government policy. But they would be doing just like what you are doing is not so unlike you, they are benefiting from a government policy. Again remember, while many would have acquire the benefit without asking, you opt into it every year.

No one told you to have kids, yet you benefit at tax time. Millions without kids won't

No one told us to buy homes., yet we benefit at tax time because of a government policy. Millions of renters won't

Society actually tells kids they need to go get those degrees, and they now might benefit from a government policy. And millions of people without student debt won't

So really, if your argument now just hinges of the difference between an opt-in and a mandated benefit, and expectation, then your argument is flimsy.
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Look here, if Smokin’ Joe wants to forgive student loans then I’m with it. Although me and my wife make our scheduled payments already, and mine is set for forgiveness because I have been paying on them so long, but I’m happier for those that this could benefit, those who can’t make the payments all of the time, but they were sold on the dream that college was end all be all. All I really know is this man can do more in his first 100 days than DeVos did this entire time.
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