***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Same reason people were crying foul when folks on unemployment were getting that additional $600.


Those are two different camps. Those people got screwed from the virus.

I feel that if you just made no effort to pay your student loans with out merit then you shouldn’t be forgiven.

it shows respect to those who paid off their loans and those trying.
yea I hear you I never had loans so I don’t know the pain my wife had em and paid them. I feel if you are currently on payment sure if you defaulted you should become home to statement not interest to receive the forgiveness.

im Not here for I just stop paying crowed. If you paying u planed to finish and I can respect that. If you couldn’t and provide details why not sure.

I hate means testing most things but the amount of people bragging hey I’m glad I stop paying folks is sicking.

-Sorry but I am not buying your argument. It is a good economic policy to forgive the loans. People are too damn hung up on personal responsibility politics when it comes to regular folk. Most of American's welfare state benefits people that don't need it anyway.

I paid tens of thousands of dollars in student loans for myself and my sister. It sucked doing it, it sucks I will not benefit from this, but what personally upsets me should not be the main consideration in what makes good policy. And who cares if some people brag about benefiting, in the grand scheme of things so what. That is the same line of thinking that got America to turn against anti-poverty programs that benefited millions because Reagan got them upset about supposed "welfare queens".

-Also, no offense dude, but you gotta set your punctuation game up a little. This is kind of hard to read. :lol:
-Sorry but I am not buying your argument. It is a good economic policy to forgive the loans. People are too damn hung up on personal responsibility politics when it comes to regular folk. Most of American's welfare state benefits people that don't need it anyway.

I paid tens of thousands of dollars in student loans for myself and my sister. It sucked doing it, it sucks I will not benefit from this, but what personally upsets me should not be the main consideration in what makes good policy. And who cares if some people brag about benefiting, in the grand scheme of things so what. That is the same line of thinking that got America to turn against anti-poverty programs that benefited millions because Reagan got them upset about supposed "welfare queens".

-Also, no offense dude, but you gotta set your punctuation game up a little. This is kind of hard to read. :lol:

I suck at punctuation on phones 😂
My wife kills me for it all the time.

all the money I spend on iPhones. This ish should know my crap grammar by now. I mean I’m glad they don’t pay me for grammar.
Thought the tan suit Kamala was wearing was an ode to Obeezy, but no way to know. Cool either way

The stress of election night, stress of the last 4 yrs<<<

Need to keep things moving and find more unique ways to stress the system
Never understood why ppl worried about someone else's pockets when it came to student debt cancelation

You paid yours off? That great. Someone will have a chance to be relieved of theirs? Good for them. **** doesn't affect you in any way besides your feelings

this type of mindset is why I was never into even thinking about joining a frat.. or some of the dumb shh that came with team sports

someone did something to you and you think that entitles you to now do it to me???

and I don’t agree with something or didn’t enjoy it happening to me, why the hell would I do it to someone else??
Forgiving loans for a valid reason is one thing, but just because people don' t want to pay is another. Everyone who took out a student loan knew that it had to be paid back and now so many think for some reason that they should not have to. I think the idea of basically handing out collage degrees to a bunch of people for free is not the answer. Why not forgive auto and credit card loans while we are at it?
Man, this is a bad take. How do discern between what’s a “valid” reason and what’s not? The valid reason is that the cost of secondary education is INSANE in comparison to most other developed nations, where the cost to attend public university is either nothing or extremely low. That’s the reason. That’s it.

Education has been deemed a necessity in our society to advance economically, so the idea of saddling families who can’t afford it with massive debt does not compare to auto loans or credit card. And funny enough, I’d bet that we can decrease auto loan debt and credit card debt by freeing up people’s student loan debt. These things are all connected.
I guess I was lucky and raised by Spanish-father.
I never wanted to take money out for school so I went to a small school in state
Then had grants and the HOPE scholarships here in GA paid for your education as long as it a was a public school.

My daughters and my older son have 2 options stay in a public in state school where we Will pay and or provide support, Or leave out of state and pay for it on ur own. It’s stupid to leave state for a basic undergraduate degree, with no emphasis or launch to a graduate program in the same school.

I saw college as a business take what you can before it takes it from you. I will admit I was lucky and my family taught me finance from a young age.

my kids will be given those options business options. I don’t care what degree they get but they will need to understand STEM is the future if you want a lib arts degree you need to think long and hard if that can pay for the life you grew up with.
You have kids, so let me ask.

Do you take the tax deduction every year for them?

And if you do, explain to me why you should be given a tax benefit for a decision you and your wife decided on yourself.
It’s truly wild how insidious white supremacy culture is in this country :lol:. People spewing white supremacist talking points about who deserves what and what reasons are valid without realizing that all of these justifications disproportionately hurt BIPOC. Think about that.
Never understood why ppl are so worried about someone else's pockets when it came to student debt cancelation

You paid yours off? That great. Someone will have a chance to be relieved of theirs? Good for them. **** doesn't affect you in any way besides your feelings
This country had done a great job brainwashing in the name of “capitalism” ...Ppl out here pocket watching watch other but don’t even question the bread going to companies and the interests of the politicians :smh: ...The hell would I care if somebody else getting their loans forgiven? Just s t f u and let it rock :lol:
My wife owe a lot and that interest is real. She had some grants and scholarships but **** that. I see her monthly payments, we could do a lot more with that money instead of this ****. Education should not eat away at you for decades of your life. I know doctors in their 50s still making payments. **** THAT
It’s truly wild how insidious white supremacy culture is in this country :lol:. People spewing white supremacist talking points about who deserves what and what reasons are valid without realizing that all of these justifications disproportionately hurt BIPOC. Think about that.
I swear personal responsibility politics against regular folk will be the death of us
Never understood why ppl are so worried about someone else's pockets when it came to student debt cancelation

You paid yours off? That great. Someone will have a chance to be relieved of theirs? Good for them. **** doesn't affect you in any way besides your feelings

someone on Twitter put it as “we can’t stop the train from running over everybody because it wouldn’t be fair to the people that already got run over”
I member when Obama was floating the idea of bailing out mortgage holders directly instead of lenders.

And Republicans got most of the country to turn on the idea so quickly because "You shouldn't have to pay your neighbor's mortgage"

Folk will turn on good policy because it personally upsets them that some "unworthy" person might benefit

People indulge in the same line of thinking that the cruelest people in society use to rationalize their cruelty

Good grief man :smh:
I swear personal responsibility politics against regular folk will be the death of us

I mean the only thing I’ve seen proposed from republicans is protections for businesses from liabilities while people are literally dying

and in court trying to take away peoples’ healthcare and protections for preexisting conditions when any of the millions who caught this damn thing now have a preexisting condition now
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