***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Republicans are littlefinger

and they think it will play out well making deals with Cersei, Ramsay Bolton and roundabout Joffrey
I find the most interesting is when folks on my IG don't post anything related to all of this **** going on. Instead they act like everything's normal taking boomerangs of their lunch or vids of their hike or bike rides. So obvious these folks aren't with the movement at all (especially if they're white)

I don't expect everyone to post about the election or the satellite issues but when you consistently post other **** like there's nothing major going on in society that looks weird as hell

My wife has lots of these friends. They are detached because they have never been personally affected or marginalized by these politicians. The whole world is in the streets celebrating and they’re on social media pushing mlm schemes. Could you be anymore clueless?
This is by my boys crib in New Jersey. These people aren't gonna lose quietly. Don't be fooled by the videos of people taking down MAGA signs. Those are just the somewhat reasonable Trump supporters that make up a very small percentage of his followers

That’s the thing though, you can’t expect right wing media to improve-you have to take control of what you CAN control, which is messaging. Trump managed to EXPAND his black and minority support from 2016-Dems should really be focusing on what needs to change here since right wing media is going nowhere.
You can’t stop right wingers from twisting everything into whatever they want. Dems literally said they want healthcare for all and the right is saying they want to take your healthcare away. Nobody is responsible for the stupidity of the right wingers
LOL this is kind of like me but in reverse. I am a democrat in Florida and pretty much all of the other men I engage with professionally are Republicans. If I told them straight up why Trump sucks and why they should support Biden, they’d just cut me off. Instead, I have spent the past six months playing the “no great option card” amongst some of my peers in order to drum up enough apathy to prevent some of these individuals from actually voting. Pretty twisted I guess, but it worked on some of them who I know voted red in 2016.

Then just don't say anything. Its the people who go out of their way to speak on how both sides are bad that are the problem. Just don't engage at all if you feel that way.
This is by my boys crib in New Jersey. These people aren't gonna lose quietly. Don't be fooled by the videos of people taking down MAGA signs. Those are just the somewhat reasonable Trump supporters that make up a very small percentage of his followers

My town already had another Trump Train car parade again.

Felt good to stand on the sidewalk with my middle finger up this morning. :lol:
This is by my boys crib in New Jersey. These people aren't gonna lose quietly. Don't be fooled by the videos of people taking down MAGA signs. Those are just the somewhat reasonable Trump supporters that make up a very small percentage of his followers

This has to be South Jersey right? :smh:
I find the most interesting is when folks on my IG don't post anything related to all of this **** going on. Instead they act like everything's normal taking boomerangs of their lunch or vids of their hike or bike rides. So obvious these folks aren't with the movement at all (especially if they're white)

I don't expect everyone to post about the election or the satellite issues but when you consistently post other **** like there's nothing major going on in society that looks weird as hell

I've unfriended many a worthless thot for this ****. ***** I don't give a F about some damn rescue dog, your workout plan or your latest family photos when the rest of the country is grieving due to police murdering with impunity.
DNC should’ve ran Biden in 2016. He would’ve beaten Trump back then too

Unlikely, if the turnout wasn't as good as this year it would have been the same result. There was no sense of urgency in 2016 and people didn't take the racist MAGA movement seriously.
Need this.
This has to be South Jersey right? :smh:

Depends if you consider it central or south jersey. East Brunswick area. Almost every part of NJ is maga types aside from the strip of cities that run along the coast across from Manhattan. Everywhere else could be in Alabama
Unlikely, if the turnout wasn't as good as this year it would have been the same result. There was no sense of urgency in 2016 and people didn't take the racist MAGA movement seriously.

I don't think so. And still quite frankly believe in my heart of hearts that had Comey not released that investigation BS 11 days before the election, Hillary would have still won. Biden would have been able to ride the Obama wave and still be able to do what he did with the suburbs I think.
I find the most interesting is when folks on my IG don't post anything related to all of this **** going on. Instead they act like everything's normal taking boomerangs of their lunch or vids of their hike or bike rides. So obvious these folks aren't with the movement at all (especially if they're white)

I don't expect everyone to post about the election or the satellite issues but when you consistently post other **** like there's nothing major going on in society that looks weird as hell

**** burns my britches too...out here literally pushing back against deadly incompetence and legalized slavery and your oblivious *** wants me to check out the specialty cocktail you got at this great new spot downtown.

entire family lost their job but oh look at the view from that rooftop lounge.

never forget that the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.
Depends if you consider it central or south jersey. East Brunswick area. Almost every part of NJ is maga types aside from the strip of cities that run along the coast across from Manhattan. Everywhere else could be in Alabama

Ok so it's central Jerz. But you right, even in back in Northeast Jersey where I lived there's tons of MAGA over there
I wanna hear succinctly what racist whites fear from another old white man in office that will be a negative impact to their life.
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