***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Spanberger going to be too busy attacking other Dems while Rethugs control the narrative once again

Soanberger is a clown.
Most of it is poor, uneducated, bigoted trash the wealthy minority use to do their bidding. There aren't that many "rich" people in Mississippi and Alabama.

On Bill Maher they talked about this. About 2% of the Republican voters make more than 250k. That should say enough. 250k isn’t even that well off. It really is just poor people mostly.
The best they can come up with is this, after the campaign was forced to admit in court that they were lying about not being allowed to observe.

this dude hit them with the "why do you think that happened? I mean, clearly I know why but I just wanna see if you can figure it out"
People who play that both sides are bad nonsense are just MAGA Republicans in disguise. They know the social ramifications of being Trump supporters especially in blue states.
I find the most interesting is when folks on my IG don't post anything related to all of this **** going on. Instead they act like everything's normal taking boomerangs of their lunch or vids of their hike or bike rides. So obvious these folks aren't with the movement at all (especially if they're white)

I don't expect everyone to post about the election or the satellite issues but when you consistently post other **** like there's nothing major going on in society that looks weird as hell
DNC should’ve ran Biden in 2016. He would’ve beaten Trump back then too

biden would have won.. but can’t understate how qualified of a person Hillary was and is

hillary’s problem was she needed to acknowledge her weaknesses as a candidate.. Unlike Bill she didn’t have the charisma to deflect the demon the GOP made her out to be and to motivate people to get out to support her

a number of dominoes fell that enabled trump to barely win in 3 key places.. but there are little things Hillary could have done to overcome those small margins even wiith all those dominoes that fell (like the announcement of a BS investigation just before the election)
People who play that both sides are bad nonsense are just MAGA Republicans in disguise. They know the social ramifications of being Trump supporters especially in blue states.

LOL this is kind of like me but in reverse. I am a democrat in Florida and pretty much all of the other men I engage with professionally are Republicans. If I told them straight up why Trump sucks and why they should support Biden, they’d just cut me off. Instead, I have spent the past six months playing the “no great option card” amongst some of my peers in order to drum up enough apathy to prevent some of these individuals from actually voting. Pretty twisted I guess, but it worked on some of them who I know voted red in 2016.
Biden was in consideration, but his heart wasn't in politics anymore.

That is, until Trump won and made a whole mess.

Jim Clyburn basically had to beg him to do it this time from what he's said on CNN. Don't think he really wanted to run again after getting passed over in 2016.

Right man for this moment though for sure.
I’m sorry but the problem there is the right media doing what they can to throw out disinformation. Proof? Look at Kap. The kneeling was taken and completely twisted into something else. Defund the police was all fine until the right wing media did it again. Nobody needs to conform to how dumb the right side is

That’s the thing though, you can’t expect right wing media to improve-you have to take control of what you CAN control, which is messaging. Trump managed to EXPAND his black and minority support from 2016-Dems should really be focusing on what needs to change here since right wing media is going nowhere.

o mitch and co already started to care when they were seeing poll numbers of the Ls they were going take

that‘s Rickey boy talking about working with republicans without mentioning the turtle was disingenuous as hell.. this dude talking about what trump said he wanted without mentioning what mitch was prepared to do
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