***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Yeah. I’m specifically speaking to messaging here.

For example, “defund the police” doesn’t mean “get rid of the police” but the messaging was so awful that a lot of people took it to mean the latter. Same thing with M4A, to a lesser extent.
I’m sorry but the problem there is the right media doing what they can to throw out disinformation. Proof? Look at Kap. The kneeling was taken and completely twisted into something else. Defund the police was all fine until the right wing media did it again. Nobody needs to conform to how dumb the right side is
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:lol: :lol: :lol: at a former president & a man who has broke idiots ready to go to war over his name... being broke

that's just not how America works

it is exactly how America works, don´t let this temporary high fool you.

do you know how much it costs to keep a human being enslaved? to own acres of farm-quality land?

the people catching musket balls and bayonets to the gut were not the same people who owned plantations.

this was a bunch of poor scrubs fighting to the death to protect the property of rich dickheads.

also, they just welcomed the Confederates back into society like they didn´t just fight a CIVIL WAR.

biggest mistake in American history, fellow one-term President Jefferson Davis should have lost his fn head.
Trump won’t be broke. He still has 70 million supporters. He could sell a bunch of infomercial grills or something once he’s dragged out of office.
Covid potions.
If I was Trump, I’m scheming a way to get those 70+ million chumps & bigots to donate $10 each to help offset the debt & help with my getaway plan.

Brokeboi gotta play this smart.
Did you forget about his election fraud legal defense fund?

When it comes to sketchy schemes, Trump can actually be several steps ahead.
That's literally what he's been doing for the past few days actually.
He sent fundraising emails to his supporters asking for donations to fund the election fraud litigation.

The fine print of the letter however says that 60% is going to paying off the campaign's debts and the other 40% is going to the RNC's operational costs.
Hilariously, the print print goes on to claim that "any remaining funds" will go to the RNC's litigation account. Of course 60%+40%=100% so there would be no "remaining funds" to go to the stated goal of the fundraising.

I'm assume the fine print makes it legal instead of some kind of fraud but he's straight up conning his supporters. Only those who read the fine print would realize that none of their donations are going to what the big font claims it will go to.

Anyone have a pic of this? I need to send this to some people.

I didn't like SNL, Dave's monologue was cool. Some great points, was funny at times. Not a fan of him saying N all the time in front of large white crowds and on SNL whose target audience is white. They see it used like that and feel like they can say it.

Aunt Jemima **** was hilarious.
I don't understand how Kasich can get on CNN and espouse ridiculous sentiments about progressives (while being a member of the party that made Trump a possibility in the first place) while receiving little heat about it
This is such an underrated point. The GOP embraced Trump; it's not on the left to fix their skewed values. That it is not addressed on CNN is why I no longer take their coverage seriously.
That’s the thing though, having Joe Manchin in a Senate seat in WV is still MILES better than having a GOP Senator there. Dems need to look in the mirror and think about how they can broaden their appeal especially when you consider the GOP has seemingly done so with minorities, according to exit-polling.

Not that you’re suggesting this but my issue with a lot of people on the left is that many are convinced that you can run Progressives in state-wide Senate races nationally and expect to grow a 50+ majority. Until literally every baby boomer dies out, I think this is a pipe dream. A lot of Dems simply miss the forest for the trees. I think the Dem party is going to have to have a real reckoning with establishment Dems and Progressives. I think Trump’s awful presidency has greatly distracted from this fight but all it would take is for something major to happen like AOC to primary Schumer for his NY Senate seat (which she could very well win) for us to all see this on a wide scale level.

Joe Manchins are certainly better than whatever the GOP is offering. I agree they need the right candidates to have any chance in certain states but that's a lot easier said than done in places where people hate the idea of Democrats more than they like what Republicans are offering

Alabama just elected a football coach over a civil rights lawyer (who only had a seat to begin with because he ran against a lunatic pedo). what candidate could a Democrat possibly run to win a state like that? a bit of an extreme but emblematic of the overall issue Dems face in the Senate

once Joe Manchin is out of office Dems won't win another senate seat in WV probably ever. and that's ok if Dems can start to wins seats consistently in purple and newly purple states. it is about running good candidates, just as much as it is running the "right" candidates

so far Dems haven't done a lot of that. as winnable as the NC senate seat seemed this year, I won't say Cunningham was a great candidate (pre-controversy)
The fraud claims and whining is so corny to me. These social media Trump supporters are so corny though. They pretty much ran their mouths talking so much **** from 2015 to now. **** your feelings, he’s your President, if you don’t like it leave America blah blah blah. They ran their mouths nonstop. Made everything political etc. Now that the Orange man lost they’re crying and acting like sensitive little babies. Like they dished it out the past 5 years, rubbed things in peoples faces every chance they got. They’re going to grow a pair and be on the receiving end now.

I know Mitt Romney and John McCain weren’t the post popular of candidates and understandably so given their political views. You had the usual social media politics banter during the 2012 election, but it was never like this. When Romney lost for the most part they faded into Bolivian and took that L. These Trump supporters are something else though. Like they would suck that man’s **** if he asked them to. 5 years of just being loudmouth deplorable pieces of garbage. They need that L rubbed in their face every possible opportunity.
This is such an underrated point. The GOP embraced Trump; it's not on the left to fix their skewed values. That it is not addressed on CNN is why I no longer take their coverage seriously.
Seriously though, just imagine the reverse :lol:

Dem senators and governors going on Fox and lecturing Fox viewers and the GOP base on what their party needs to do and how it should be ran...it's hard to imagine because it would NEVER happen in reality :rofl:

Yet they have the unmitigated gall and temerity to try it with the Dem base and dictate terms with a straight face...FOHWTBS :stoneface:

All that's being said is made funnier when they've embraced all the worst and most fascist elements and segments of their base over the last few years in the name of gaining and maintaining power. The embrace has been so wholesale that that far right rhetoric that Reagan and Bush era Repubs would've laughed off has become part of the mainstream party discourse now.

They've got absolutely zero credibility or room to opine on what Dems should do moving forward :lol:
If I was Trump, I’m scheming a way to get those 70+ million chumps & bigots to donate $10 each to help offset the debt & help with my getaway plan.

Brokeboi gotta play this smart.
Thought about this and Dems routinely beat them in small money donations. Like their out here with all this flair but not really donating like that.
I’m sorry but the problem there is the right media doing what they can to throw out disinformation. Proof? Look at Kap. The kneeling was taken and completely twisted into something else. Defund the police was all fine until the right wing media did it again. Nobody needs to conform to how dumb the right side is
What you need to realize is that there has been a 60 year indoctrination program in the US that has essentially demonized any type of collectivist/socialist idea. In the game of PR and messaging, the Right is playing on their home turf and the referee is explicitly biased towards them.

This is where education is important. Unfortunately, states like Texas dictate what goes in textbooks because they buy the most books from publishers. In addition, liberal arts, whose disciplines develop critical thinking skills, have been denigrated to the point that it's considered a joke branch of the education system.

The fastest way to make Americans consider ideas like government-run health insurance is to start them through legislation and let them get used to it, and for that, we need to gain and maintain control of the legislative bodies.
From a guy who is proudly AOC's side piece I agree with her for the vast majority. She's absolutely on point with the gratitude that the moderate Dems should show to the grassroots progressives for their work and allowing them to take back the White House. Joe at least in his speech seemed to be aware of who brought him to the dance. We can't regress to moving back to the center just because it seems to be the best case for top off ticket races. The progressive agenda needs to be advanced.

But she and the squad also have to be aware that our messaging as Progressives can't be as abrasive even though our ideals are pretty much in line with the majority of Americans. And lastly and probably most importantly what works in her district isn't necessarily going to work in other districts or at state levels. Each candidate has to cater to their constituents, that's just a fact and the messaging has to reflect that. Ultimately we have to phase these old mofos out but the party nor the country is ready for the revolution yet. We have to continue to make gains. Splitting the party over pettiness will do nothing but be a disservice for everybody and the progressive agenda will cease to ever be viable.
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