***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Only speaking for myself, acknowledge the mistake in supporting Trump twice and then work to help the Dems flip the senate seats in GA.

Very interested to see Joe get some of the initiatives in his lift every voice plan passed.
The fear mongering has to stop. All my friends that were for Trump genuinely believe taxes will immediately go up and the economy will immediately crumble since Joe won. Fox News was covering the celebration outside the White House and the correspondent made a point to mention that there were Black Panthers in attendance and someone was flying a Palestinian flag.
Americans' understanding of economic policy, its implementation, and its effects is extremely poor. Blame the education system (specifically k-12) that has been used as an anti-leftist propaganda tool rather than a tool to expose students to all possible ideas.

Goldman Sachs reported recently that the economy will recover faster with a blue WH and a blue senate. Instead of believing the folks they would normally trust with their investments, Trump supporters will just say that GS moved to left. There's no reasoning with that.
Trump already on his early morning Sunday ********. I'm hoping every journalist and political pundit unfollows this turd
Americans' understanding of economic policy, its implementation, and its effects is extremely poor. Blame the education system (specifically k-12) that has been used as an anti-leftist propaganda tool rather than a tool to expose students to all possible ideas.

Goldman Sachs reported recently that the economy will recover faster with a blue WH and a blue senate. Instead of believing the folks they would normally trust with their investments, Trump supporters will just say that GS moved to left. There's no reasoning with that.
I agree lack of education is an issue and that stocks being up and taxes being down aren’t the only measure of a good economy. However, I don’t trust Goldman Sachs either.


Ilhan was just on CNN with John King too earlier trying to make the same point in response to some of her more centrist colleagues who've been making grandstanding claims about the future direction the party should take.

Hard to make a compelling case for pulling the party back to the same old politics that led to utter annihilation on the congressional and state level the last decade based off of an election where the no.1 stated and accepted goal for everyone was beating 45 first and foremost.

The debate regarding how to get the party to build on these gains should and rightfully will be had and it should be the party steering and framing the conversion, not GOP figures and strategists with zero interest in a resurgent, strong and competitive across the board Democratic party...
Trump won’t be broke. He still has 70 million supporters. He could sell a bunch of infomercial grills or something once he’s dragged out of office.
He owes half a billion dollars to banks and Russia
He aint selling that many MF'n grills
Trump winning the presidency was about securing financial protection from the banks, and securing personal protection from the Russian mafia
His time is up⌛
Stupid local station went straight to The Big Bang Theory after the game :angry:

Thank goodness for YouTube.

Also, this is pretty messed up.

And this is why politicians have a duty to tell the truth and should be reprimanded for inventing stories about opponents for political advantage.

The thing about the 1st amendment is that it, like the rest of the Constitution, assumes that the people in charge will act in good faith for the benefit of all Americans. It assumes that there won't be bad faith actors trying to take advantage of the freedoms stipulated in our laws other than the president (hence the creation of the electoral college). There is no failsafe in a situation where two or three branches decide to act together against the well-being of the people.

The reality is that the Constitution of the US has shown its limits, and without any updates that reflect the times we live in (updates that were anticipated by the founding fathers), this country will continue going down in flames.
I still can't believe this landscaping story is real, their level of incompetence seems to be intentional. No stupid person could actually be this stupid.

I just can't...
Above all shouldnt the price to rent give everything away? They thought they really rented out the 4seasons at 43 bucks an hour??? :rofl:
How do you even rent a landscaping company?
Since when do they rent out their space?
You would have to intentionally cal up the owners and ask them if you can use their storefront which is most likely not rentable.

I swear it must have been more difficult to actually pull this off than to actually book a space at the Four seasons hotel.


Ilhan was just on CNN with John King too earlier trying to make the same point in response to some of her more centrist colleagues who've been making grandstanding claims about the future direction the party should take.

Hard to make a compelling case for pulling the party back to the same old politics that led to utter annihilation on the congressional and state level the last decade based off of an election where the no.1 stated and accepted goal for everyone was beating 45 first and foremost.

The debate regarding how to get the party to build on these gains should and rightfully will be had and it should be the party steering and framing the conversion, not GOP figures and strategists with zero interest in a resurgent, strong and competitive across the board Democratic party...

Its true, the party is really ignoring how close it came with a reviled president Trump. As well as ignoring how much the need a blue wave in midterms. Moderate support is not going to get you to 50-52 in the senate in 2022. It’s a balancing act.

If anything it looks like Moderate support helps win the presidency, but progressive support wins you the legislative branch.


Ilhan was just on CNN with John King too earlier trying to make the same point in response to some of her more centrist colleagues who've been making grandstanding claims about the future direction the party should take.

Hard to make a compelling case for pulling the party back to the same old politics that led to utter annihilation on the congressional and state level the last decade based off of an election where the no.1 stated and accepted goal for everyone was beating 45 first and foremost.

The debate regarding how to get the party to build on these gains should and rightfully will be had and it should be the party steering and framing the conversion, not GOP figures and strategists with zero interest in a resurgent, strong and competitive across the board Democratic party...

Thought AOC made some great points. Curious to hear @RustyShackleford’s thoughts too
I agree lack of education is an issue and that stocks being up and taxes being down aren’t the only measure of a good economy. However, I don’t trust Goldman Sachs either.
That's fair to not trust them. I don't believe everything they say either. I'm just saying that given that the combination of a Biden presidency and a pro-taxes, pro-regulations Congress would most likely affect their execs' and clients' incomes and operations, it says a lot about where we're headed if that situation is preferable to 4 more years of Trump.
That's fair to not trust them. I don't believe everything they say either. I'm just saying that given that the combination of a Biden presidency and a pro-taxes, pro-regulations Congress would most likely affect their execs' and clients' incomes and operations, it says a lot about where we're headed if that situation is preferable to 4 more years of Trump.
Except that it wouldn’t be the first time they established a net short position before a looming recession. That’s my fear with them.
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