***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Do it, Jack!
But Biden didn’t outrun Obama in Philadelphia county. Biden actually got fewer points there than Hilldog too.
My boy of 20 years just sent me this.

“Trump shouldve won bro

he has a tight grip on China and North Korea

as well as the rest of the world

China wants Trump to lose this was all part of their plan

they knew covid would bring down his popularity so they used that in their favor

China is the enemy

not Trump

people nowadays are so brainwashed by liberal media

gotta look at the bigger picture

Trump puts country first trust me”

SMH. You stupid mother****er. Did you forget that I’m Chinese? Lmao at puts country first, how is 238,000 deaths putting the ****ing country first? I want to say something but don't want to give this clown any more of my time.
Omg I did not expect that “did you forget that I’m Chinese” 😭
The problem is people are too influenced by media that is skewed too far right (OANN, Breitbart) or left (Mother Jones, ThinkProgress, etc.) that they can’t see past their own bias. If we were able to get people to see a wide variety of viewpoints, we’d be in a far less divisive political climate than we are currently. Unfortunately, tribalism and hyper-partial media has made it harder for people to actually engage in viewpoints, much less dialogue with views that differ from their preferred left/right political leanings, which is truly sad. As much as I love NT, it’s VERY clear that you can even see it ITT, sadly.

“left wing media” is so far down the list of reasons for our current climate of polarization and lack of bipartisanship that it’s not worth mentioning

it’s true that a lot of the left is an echo chamber but that speaks more to the left’s inability to message and communicate with those who aren't dialed into politics
Would you like to actually explain WHY Dems lost the Senate in 2014, 2016, 2018, and possibly 2020? I’m all ears if you would actually like to talk political strategy, especially given 2022 is a favorable map for Dems. In my opinion, Schumer is failing horribly-if you think otherwise, I’d love to hear your (or anyone else’s) opinion.

because most states are red

in 2014 Dems lost seats in WV, LA, NC, SD, IA, MT, and AK and haven't been able to make them up. 2016 was bad with the GOP holding seats in NC, PA, FL, AZ, OH (and a bunch of deep red states)

etc etc. it's a built in disadvantage due to the general conservatism of the electorate. Dems are making in roads in the South and Southwest as we've seen but so far it hasn't been enough

two Dem senators in AZ and CO is a good start. Dems have to start winning in states like NC, FL, TX, GA and can't afford to lose in states like PA, MI, WI

Dems aren't winning back the predominantly rural, predominantly white states any time soon, and even if they do those aren't the type of Dems we need in the Senate
If I was Trump, I’m scheming a way to get those 70+ million chumps & bigots to donate $10 each to help offset the debt & help with my getaway plan.

Brokeboi gotta play this smart.

Seems collecting donations is certainly part of their strategy based on the onslaught of emails for the "Election Defense Task Force"
After reading the AOC interview, it's clear a whole lot of folks on the left and in the media seem to actively want a rift on the left, as a counter balance to the disaster that is happening on the right. I don't understand how Kasich can get on CNN and espouse ridiculous sentiments about progressives (while being a member of the party that made Trump a possibility in the first place) while receiving little heat about it. All while AOC essentially offers to help with boosting Democrats' media presence (especially given the runoffs in January), and she is lambasted by moderates claiming she's picking a fight at the wrong time. It gives me pause, and worries me about the next four if the party buys into the pundit narratives (constructed on false equivalency and disproportionate bipartisanship).

Those organizers in GA, MI, WI, AZ, and NV should be the focus of the party as it progresses towards the midterms. Idk how they can't understand how dire it is that one side almost won with a historically terrible incumbent who had us heading towards facism. Playing nice and having selective amnesia about their wrongs and crimes over the past four is unacceptable.

Also, the Lincoln Project folks are the ops, as expected:

rman402 rman402 Yeah, I'm deading this clown. He really thought he was slick. :rofl:

af1 1982 af1 1982 Yeah, I had to re-read it twice to make sure I was seeing things correctly. This guy's Vietnamese and I heard Vietnamese News is just as bad as Fox News.
How do you even rent a landscaping company?
Since when do they rent out their space?
You would have to intentionally cal up the owners and ask them if you can use their storefront which is most likely not rentable.

I swear it must have been more difficult to actually pull this off than to actually book a space at the Four seasons hotel.

“Hello, we need space”

“I think you called the wron.......”

“Can you just take $20,000 down? We’ll pay the rest later. Promise”

“how many garage doors do you need?”
“left wing media” is so far down the list of reasons for our current climate of polarization and lack of bipartisanship that it’s not worth mentioning

it’s true that a lot of the left is an echo chamber but that speaks more to the left’s inability to message and communicate with those who aren't dialed into politics

Yeah. I’m specifically speaking to messaging here.

For example, “defund the police” doesn’t mean “get rid of the police” but the messaging was so awful that a lot of people took it to mean the latter. Same thing with M4A, to a lesser extent.
If I was Trump, I’m scheming a way to get those 70+ million chumps & bigots to donate $10 each to help offset the debt & help with my getaway plan.

Brokeboi gotta play this smart.
That's literally what he's been doing for the past few days actually.
He sent fundraising emails to his supporters asking for donations to fund the election fraud litigation.

The fine print of the letter however says that 60% is going to paying off the campaign's debts and the other 40% is going to the RNC's operational costs.
Hilariously, the print print goes on to claim that "any remaining funds" will go to the RNC's litigation account. Of course 60%+40%=100% so there would be no "remaining funds" to go to the stated goal of the fundraising.

I'm assume the fine print makes it legal instead of some kind of fraud but he's straight up conning his supporters. Only those who read the fine print would realize that none of their donations are going to what the big font claims it will go to.
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Dems aren't winning back the predominantly rural, predominantly white states any time soon, and even if they do those aren't the type of Dems we need in the Senate

That’s the thing though, having Joe Manchin in a Senate seat in WV is still MILES better than having a GOP Senator there. Dems need to look in the mirror and think about how they can broaden their appeal especially when you consider the GOP has seemingly done so with minorities, according to exit-polling.

Not that you’re suggesting this but my issue with a lot of people on the left is that many are convinced that you can run Progressives in state-wide Senate races nationally and expect to grow a 50+ majority. Until literally every baby boomer dies out, I think this is a pipe dream. A lot of Dems simply miss the forest for the trees. I think the Dem party is going to have to have a real reckoning with establishment Dems and Progressives. I think Trump’s awful presidency has greatly distracted from this fight but all it would take is for something major to happen like AOC to primary Schumer for his NY Senate seat (which she could very well win) for us to all see this on a wide scale level.
After reading the AOC interview, it's clear a whole lot of folks on the left and in the media seem to actively want a rift on the left, as a counter balance to the disaster that is happening on the right. I don't understand how Kasich can get on CNN and espouse ridiculous sentiments about progressives (while being a member of the party that made Trump a possibility in the first place) while receiving little heat about it. All while AOC essentially offers to help with boosting Democrats' media presence (especially given the runoffs in January), and she is lambasted by moderates claiming she's picking a fight at the wrong time. It gives me pause, and worries me about the next four if the party buys into the pundit narratives (constructed on false equivalency and disproportionate bipartisanship).

Those organizers in GA, MI, WI, AZ, and NV should be the focus of the party as it progresses towards the midterms. Idk how they can't understand how dire it is that one side almost won with a historically terrible incumbent who had us heading towards facism. Playing nice and having selective amnesia about their wrongs and crimes over the past four is unacceptable.

Also, the Lincoln Project folks are the ops, as expected:

I agree but I think people are totally underestimating just how talented Trump was at messaging. His followers didn't think he was a terrible incumbent and that was the problem. He brought new voters to the cult, Republicans were always going to vote for him and he got things done for his constituents. From our perspective he was terrible but from Republicans it was a messaging thing with him, not a policy thing. This race was close because incumbents are incredibly difficult to beat and his approval stayed incredibly consistent. Here are the things Republicans got from him.

1. More conservative judges. I am a Christian and hear that judges are important to their side and he delivered.

2. Economy. He inherited a great economy from Obama but when the DOW breaks records people/broke bois equate the stock market with economic success. George H Bush lost in the 90s because people didn't believe the economy was great.

3. Putting People of Color in their place. People didn't like his "tone" but they felt like people of color didn't know their place under Obama and they wanted us to be back.
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