***Official Political Discussion Thread***

From a guy who is proudly AOC's side piece I agree with her for the vast majority. She's absolutely on point with the gratitude that the moderate Dems should show to the grassroots progressives for their work and allowing them to take back the White House. Joe at least in his speech seemed to be aware of who brought him to the dance. We can't regress to moving back to the center just because it seems to be the best case for top off ticket races. The progressive agenda needs to be advanced.

But she and the squad also have to be aware that our messaging as Progressives can't be as abrasive even though our ideals are pretty much in line with the majority of Americans. And lastly and probably most importantly what works in her district isn't necessarily going to work in other districts or at state levels. Each candidate has to cater to their constituents, that's just a fact and the messaging has to reflect that. Ultimately we have to phase these old mofos out but the party nor the country is ready for the revolution yet. We have to continue to make gains. Splitting the party over pettiness will do nothing but be a disservice for everybody and the progressive agenda will cease to ever be viable.
As a whole Dems need to get better at the phrasing and semantics outrage from the right. Rarely do they get to get their point across without some pointless distraction.
As a whole Dems need to get better at the phrasing and semantics outrage from the right. Rarely do they get to get their point across without some pointless distraction.
What I mean by always playing away games :lol: :smh:

Issues almost always get framed from the right by default, gotta work to change that and control the narrative a lot better moving forward. Thats always been the rights bread and butter and they'd be impotent if that got taken away from them


GOP know they can't win elections in a battle of ideas which is why they always run to appeal to most basic/tribalistic level with all the racist dog whistles, historically, and blow horns recently. They can't keep up when it comes to beneficial and favorable policies for the majority

Republicans appeal to 2 kinds of people. Poor + uneducated and rich people. Everything in the middle usually is democratic. But they convince the rich they're gonna lose a huge chunk of their fortune if democrats are in charge and they convince poor uneducated people that the rich paying their fair share will lead to them pinching pennies and firing 90% of their staff and they'll all lose their jobs.
As a whole Dems need to get better at the phrasing and semantics outrage from the right. Rarely do they get to get their point across without some pointless distraction.

Agreed and in general the operations apparatus needs to become more modernized. At lot of these old heads keep campaigning like it's 2000, especially at the state and local levels, grassroots organization is key. Crazy that the clown *** GOP is beating us at that.
Republicans appeal to 2 kinds of people. Poor + uneducated and rich people. Everything in the middle usually is democratic. But they convince the rich they're gonna lose a huge chunk of their fortune if democrats are in charge and they convince poor uneducated people that the rich paying their fair share will lead to them pinching pennies and firing 90% of their staff and they'll all lose their jobs.
It's that last part that I think Dems could clean that demographic up if they actually got the message across better.

There's always a good percentage that will always vote against their own interests for bigoted/irrational reasons but when you make it clear that your policies would benefit them across the board much more in the long run you could potentially make some inroads there and effectively bury the GOP imo
Anyone have a pic of this? I need to send this to some people.

I didn't like SNL, Dave's monologue was cool. Some great points, was funny at times. Not a fan of him saying N all the time in front of large white crowds and on SNL whose target audience is white. They see it used like that and feel like they can say it.

Aunt Jemima **** was hilarious.



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GOP know they can't win elections in a battle of ideas which is why they always run to appeal to most basic/tribalistic level with all the racist dog whistles, historically, and blow horns recently. They can't keep up when it comes to beneficial and favorable policies for the majority

they blatantly cheat.. and then they f’d the judiciary just to have power to enable their cheating

i mean just look at the lengths they go to to make it harder for certain people to vote.. they took it to a whole other level this time during a pandemic by f’ing with the damn post office.. but during a pandemic they’re closing poll stations in certain places

and election isn’t a holiday, so for certain communities you gotta decide what you’re prepared to do to be able to wait the hours it takes to vote

and then in like texas, only certain people could actually qualify to use mail in during a damn global pandemic
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Agreed and in general the operations apparatus needs to become more modernized. At lot of these old heads keep campaigning like it's 2000, especially at the state and local levels, grassroots organization is key. Crazy that the clown *** GOP is beating us at that.
One thing that's often overlooked about Obama was that he was a community organizer for years and even after moving on was still a powerful force in grassroots organization in the city of chicago. That base propelled him to the state senate and from there he built his way to the us senate and then president. He started from the bottom and worked his way up. It's all about grassroots organization. You have to make people at the bottom know you care and they'll support you all the way.

2016, dems ignored that lesson because Trump was a joke and Barack was an anomaly and lost. 2020, grassroots organizers deliver the presidency. We've seen a wave of progressives primarying moderate incumbents and beating them through grassroots organization and the dem leadership instead of going "We can learn from this and apply it to national elections." are trying to marginalize them, with the help of republicans, which should let them know it's the wrong move.
Republicans appeal to 2 kinds of people. Poor + uneducated and rich people. Everything in the middle usually is democratic. But they convince the rich they're gonna lose a huge chunk of their fortune if democrats are in charge and they convince poor uneducated people that the rich paying their fair share will lead to them pinching pennies and firing 90% of their staff and they'll all lose their jobs.

Most of it is poor, uneducated, bigoted trash the wealthy minority use to do their bidding. There aren't that many "rich" people in Mississippi and Alabama.
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