***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So when do we start getting those booklets with all the candidates info and issues at hand? The whole fam is looking forward to voting this time around.
Trump Woos Black Voters With 'Platinum Plan' For Loans, Juneteenth Pledge

************ won’t giveout stimulus checks during a pandemic but we’re supposed to believe this Ponzi scheme and not vote against him......

Don’t just vote him out, THROW HIM OUT!!!
Trump Woos Black Voters With 'Platinum Plan' For Loans, Juneteenth Pledge

empty promises

Yo, so I keep requesting a absentee ballot and they keep sending more applications for an absentee ballot. I’ve done this four times. Mn is trying to suppress my vote!

I hope I can still vote in person and they don’t say I tried to vote twice.
Yo, so I keep requesting a absentee ballot and they keep sending more applications for an absentee ballot. I’ve done this four times. Mn is trying to suppress my vote!

I hope I can still vote in person and they don’t say I tried to vote twice.
Doubt it. Find out when early voting starts and show up to vote ASAP instead of waiting in line November 3rd.
I’m going to the early vote in person place Monday and gonna tear that poll a new *** hole.

So now plans don’t matter? When people have been tagging me asking about his plan for black Americans for months?

Wild times.


for example:
1. Ask me to show Trump’s plan for black Americans because Biden shared a plan for black Americans.

2. Say well it doesn’t matter if he has a plan because he has a history of not following through

3. Ignore Biden’s history

Never change
Still reading through this, but I saw it on my TL and wanted to share:

Democracy works because it disciplines politicians and parties: It forces them to hew closer to what the voters want, and punishes them when they diverge too far. But that disciplining function dissolves when the pathway to minoritarian rule strengthens. That’s broadly understood. What’s less understood is that it also dissolves when the mechanisms of governance weaken, when government begins routinely failing to deliver voters the change that has been promised.

“It’s very difficult right now for Americans to see why it is that they go to the polls and — maybe — the people they vote for get elected, but then not much seems to change,” says Suzanne Mettler, co-author of Four Threats: The Recurring Crises of American Democracy. “They don’t follow the fact that, well, there weren’t 60 votes for cloture in order to bring something to the floor in the Senate.”

The Senate sits at the center of both these currents of dysfunction, and its toxic role in American politics, and American life, has been protected by the thick shroud of mythos and tradition that surrounds it. It is why American citizens in DC and Puerto Rico remain disenfranchised. It is why reforms to make democracy more responsive, to protect it from the flood of cash and the perversions of gerrymandering and voter suppression, have no chance of passage. It is why, even on the occasions when one party holds both chambers of Congress and the White House, so little gets done.

“One of the worst things about the filibuster is it allows senators to say they support something without ever having to stand behind a vote,” says Stasha Rhodes, director of the 51 for 51 campaign, which advocates for a DC statehood vote free from the filibuster. “It’s one thing to say you support DC statehood and another to say you support bypassing the filibuster to see it actually happens. It is one thing to talk about the need to reduce gun violence in America. It’s another to say you’re going to remove the hurdles that stand in that bill’s way. The difference between removing the filibuster and not is the difference between theory and action.”
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1. Ask me to show Trump’s plan for black Americans because Biden shared a plan for black Americans.

2. Say well it doesn’t matter if he has a plan because he has a history of not following through

3. Ignore Biden’s history

Never change

His plan is to give black business' in Atlanta loans? Thats it?

The Messiah has risen from the grave to save black folks with 50 billion in LOANS
1. Ask me to show Trump’s plan for black Americans because Biden shared a plan for black Americans.

2. Say well it doesn’t matter if he has a plan because he has a history of not following through

3. Ignore Biden’s history

Never change
It looks like your problem is that you're trying to revise history and project with number 3. Just because you refuse to discuss the pros and cons of Trump doesn't mean others haven't for Biden.

Never change.
His plan is to give black business' in Atlanta loans? Thats it?

The Messiah has risen from the grave to save black folks with 50 billion in LOANS


I think it is 500B not 50
Increases Pell Grants
Designates KKK as a terrorist organization
Makes lynching a federal hate crime
Makes Juneteenth a federal holiday
Commits to a Second Step Act

I think this is what’s been announced so far
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