***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Will probably play well


yeah this isn’t going to play well. “Hey you paid into this system for 40 years and we don’t have a plan to replace it but **** you, we are defunding it”

Guy just gave Democrats a tv ad for the next 3 months.

yeah this isn’t going to play well. “Hey you paid into this system for 40 years and we don’t have a plan to replace it but **** you, we are defunding it”

Guy just gave Democrats a tv ad for the next 3 months.

We will see.

This is the middle of a pandemic, and while the social security argument is valid, many people are focused on the money they need now as opposed to their retirement.

Going to be interesting to see how the Democrats try to spin it. Has to be delicate.
What are the chances anyone in Congress is going to realistically oppose making it a true tax cut and leave their constituents with a large tax bill?
Your *** really quoted me in two thread with the same *******.

WIll the Republican agree to make up the funding loses because of this tax holiday? Because they been trying to cut funding to them for decades.
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Your clown *** really quoted me in two thread with the same ****ery.

WIll the Republican agree to make up the funding loses because of this tax holiday? Because they been trying to cut funding to them for decades.

I mean you really posted the same tweet in two threads.

And probably not re: Republicans.
I mean you really posted the same tweet in two threads.

And probably not re: Republicans.
Because it was pertinent to two threads. If you wanted an answer, you didn't need to ask the question twice.

Oh, so you admit Trump just cut Medicare and Social Security funding. Cool
We will see.

This is the middle of a pandemic, and while the social security argument is valid, many people are focused on the money they need now as opposed to their retirement.

Going to be interesting to see how the Democrats try to spin it. Has to be delicate.

Try to spin it? He literally said he was gogoing to eliminate the tax if re-elected which is the source of funding for Medicare and Social Security. His largest group of supporters is uneducated white people near or at retirement age. There is nothing they need to spin other than use trumps own words that he is going to gut social security
We’re Vietnamese. She fled Vietnam during the war so we understand her hatred for communism and China. She really believes Trump is the only one that is tough on China despite all the proof we’ve provided her about how weak and compromised Trump really is. She tells us it’s fake news. The way Fox News has framed the BLM protests got her feeling some type of way about social unrest and socialism. We try to educate her but she’s so far gone. It’s crazy, all this change in her ever since she got stuck at home after she broke her wrist. Like they turned her into a zombie.
Not that I think this is the case, but it's worth ruling out any other underlying cause. Has she shown any other change in behavior or mood? Problems with memory? Delusions?

Even independent of her support for Trump, it's difficult for someone to be stuck at home, especially if she's older. Maybe she just needs some time out of the house and she needs to reengage in some activities and hobbies to take her mind off internet ********. Depression is common and underdiagnosed in the elderly, and she may benefit from treatment or therapy if something like that is indeed the case.
Try to spin it? He literally said he was gogoing to eliminate the tax if re-elected which is the source of funding for Medicare and Social Security. His largest group of supporters is uneducated white people near or at retirement age. There is nothing they need to spin other than use trumps own words that he is going to gut social security

Let's just play out your scenario. You really think white Trump supporters near or at retirement age are going to vote for Biden because of a commercial about social security and medicare being cut?
Let's just play out your scenario. You really think white Trump supporters near or at retirement age are going to vote for Biden because of a commercial about social security and medicare being cut?

I think retirees who entire lively hood is funded by SS will not vote for a candidate threatening to cut their only source of retirement funding. Go and look at basically any twitter response. It’s the same thing about how awful this is for retirees and it’s mostly older people responding. He was already losing the 65 and over crowd, this certainly isn’t going to play well with them.

Right now he is basically promising to do it on questionable legal authority and likely won’t do anything so what’s the endgame/benefit of him doing this other than giving Dems talking points?
I think retirees who entire lively hood will not vote for a candidate threatening to cut their only source of retirement funding. Go and look at basically any twitter response. It’s the same thing about how awful this is for retirees and it’s mostly older people responding. He was already losing the 65 and over crowd, this certainly isn’t going to play well with them.

We will see.
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