***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Man, these two in particular are such bad takes :lol:

So trump didn’t do enough before the Ukraine phone call to be impeached? None of his moves were impeachable until this point?

So... we should give trump a larger military? The only person consistently voting against it is Bugatti Bern.

the military is the thing thepresidenthas the most direct impact on.

:nerd: :nerd:
facts define if a case is weak or not if people believe it. People are irrational and can be self serving just like we saw witj the Republican senators. Why should we lower the bar for what defines a good case because an irrational person wasn’t convinced?
the case was good the jury was Not. Luckily we get the chance to vote them out soon
Same w/ dwalk


But I do agree if anyone is that pressed by hearing differing opinions they should block or not engage.

Personally, I like hearing differing ideologies because it helps me understand different perspectives.
In other words, Trump will be immune from federal investigations as long as Barr is the AG. Barr would never approve Trump getting investigated now that only he can authorize investigations of 2020 candidates.
In other words, Trump will be immune from federal investigations as long as Barr is the AG. Barr would never approve Trump getting investigated now that only he can authorize investigations of 2020 candidates.

what makes this sicker is Barr was flying the world investigating Biden...and was directly implicated in the half released call summary by Trump himself as someone investigating Biden...along with Rudy G.

So a sitting president cannot be indicted. Abuse of power and obstruction in getting re-elected does not rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors. And Trump cannot be investigated.

Authoritarianism almost fully complete.

Bill Barr TRULY is the worst

I like how they are acting like the republicans got ****** in the election by the FBI, but ignore the fact that the FBI opened an investigation into Hillary's emails (which found nothing illegal) like three weeks before the elections.
I like how they are acting like the republicans got ****ed in the election by the FBI, but ignore the fact that the FBI opened an investigation into Hillary's emails (which found nothing illegal) less than two weeks before the elections.


also they notified Congress.. and same dudes now crying about leaks literally couldn’t wait to run out and tell the press
Biden investigation incoming in 3...2...1...
it will be for some surface level bull**** - re. Hillary Emails

the media will cover it like it's the biggest scandal of all time
progressives will cite it as the reason Bernie needs to be the 2020 candidate

can't wait

It's like we didn't go through this already. 2016 all over again. Media will help spread the BS too. :angry:

2016 but her e-mails will be 2020 but his son's Ukraine job. :stoneface:
Good, I hope they stay mad.

Your statement comes across as if your scared to upset Trump supporters......that mentality if what we don’t need out here. At the end of the day if anybody does anything to offend Trump or his supporters they are doing the right thing and should be rewarded as such. Stop living in fear champ.

Nah. Black people don’t like Bernie Sanders so he won’t make it very far. The Democratic Party is dead if he somehow becomes the nominee. It will be 4 more years of Trump for certain if we end up with Bernie.

Doubt they'll be mad much longer will all the latest projections after more results coming in, pointing to a victory over the guy who tried claiming it for 2 days straight without all the results in :lol:

These 2016 talking points are getting stale as hell too when most current polls show that he has arguably the most racially diverse coalition this time around now that people have had time to learn more about him and his policy positions.

I know that won't change certain peoples minds though since a lot of folks wanna claim that black folks and POC in general are some sort of monolith beholden/predisposed to certain candidates but that's not been the case irl so the attempted erasure of that support base has been funny to see.

Your boy Joe is looking flabby and sick right now to start the business end of the campaign season after all that time spent as the prohibitive favorite
Doubt they'll be mad much longer will all the latest projections after more results coming in, pointing to a victory over the guy who tried claiming it for 2 days straight without all the results in :lol:

These 2016 talking points are getting stale as hell too when most current polls show that he has arguably the most racially diverse coalition this time around now that people have had time to learn more about him and his policy positions.

I know that won't change certain peoples minds though since a lot of folks wanna claim that black folks and POC in general are some sort of monolith beholden/predisposed to certain candidates but that's not been the case irl so the attempted erasure of that support base has been funny to see.

Your boy Joe is looking flabby and sick right now to start the business end of the campaign season after all that time spent as the prohibitive favorite

When you say “racially diverse coalition”are you including black people....not POC (whatever the hell that means) but black people in that equation??
I’m not one of those dudes that think only one candidate can beat trump and no one else stands a chance whether it be warren sanders or Biden but as far as getting the nomination goes Bernie is in a decent position compared to where he was before now. I think the same three major concerns still persist. He relies a lot on young voters and as we know young people don’t vote as reliably as older voters do. Is he a candidate ahead of his time because despite what people in my age range think or feel this country on the whole is still more moderate than it is progressive and that will be a challenge for him in a general election whether they wanna accept that or not. And how many people can be convinced to go with him that aren’t already apart of his crew which is made difficult by people’s interactions with “Bernie bro’s” the past 4 years. But overall even if he doesn’t clutch out those last few delegates over Pete I’d still say he’s in a good spot to win the nomination as things stand. Less because of Pete but more because of the situation Biden is in now. If Biden continues to underperform drastically like he did in Iowa or even underperform in general in other states he’s projected to win people will start to leave him for who has the best chance to win and we could see that with non white voters who tend to be more pragmatic voters. Pete does even worse with nonwhite voters of all ages than Bernie does and if Biden truly becomes not a viable candidate I would give Bernie the edge over Pete easily at picking up more of the nonwhite dem voters who will strategically go with who’s got the best chance at that point to win.

just a couple things I’ve been thinking about how this could effect the nonwhite vote in the democratic party
Sounds like how the media covered the Mueller investigation and the Ukraine phone call

hey guys, meeting with foreign intelligence connected folks, remaining in contact with them to know when illegally obtained info will drop, working to create back channels of communication with the foreign power, and providing those folks with voter data to help target swing States, and everyone involved in this lying about it to the FBI is surface level and not worthy of investigation

please spare us your deluded thoughts on what is and isn't surface level :lol:
Doubt they'll be mad much longer will all the latest projections after more results coming in, pointing to a victory over the guy who tried claiming it for 2 days straight without all the results in :lol:

These 2016 talking points are getting stale as hell too when most current polls show that he has arguably the most racially diverse coalition this time around now that people have had time to learn more about him and his policy positions.

I know that won't change certain peoples minds though since a lot of folks wanna claim that black folks and POC in general are some sort of monolith beholden/predisposed to certain candidates but that's not been the case irl so the attempted erasure of that support base has been funny to see.

Your boy Joe is looking flabby and sick right now to start the business end of the campaign season after all that time spent as the prohibitive favorite


Bernie clearly has the best chance to defeat Trump. He’s the most exciting candidate on that side. The Democratic Party would be making a mistake not to support him.

I have to say that I am a bit shocked by Buttigieg. And his willingness to go straight at Biden.
A guilty white man got acquitted
Nothing new
They get acquitted of all kinds of heinous actions
Rape, child molestation, domestic violence, child abuse, murder, kidnapping
Not to mention all of the financial crimes and illegal activity they get acquitted of
When you say “racially diverse coalition”are you including black people....not POC (whatever the hell that means) but black people in that equation??

You aren’t the voice of black people. And you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Safe to say I don’t fall on the left side of the aisle, but a lot of black folks rock with Bernie. One of his national campaign co-chairs, Nina Turner, is black.

Not to mention him and interviews on the breakfast club and with Killer Mike. Bernie resonates with a lot of people on both sides of the aisle. You trying to force feed the old guard/establishment to the voters is going to backfire, just like last time with Hillary in my opinion.
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