***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Obama would have never been impeached because he wouldnt have even sniffed the nomination to even have a chance to be elected to even face impeachment to begin with Trump's track record
Big facts.

You don’t get a pass because of your party affiliation when you’re black. Hell, look at the 2020 race. You think a 36 yr old black mayor of a city of 100k would be considered a serious candidate for president? Hell no

There’s different standards for different complexions
:lol: You don’t really believe that do you?
If a Obama had done half of what Trump has done, 75% of Dems would’ve voted for his removal
Moving the goal post. Dems would never elect an immoral imbecile

I mean we can say that about literally almost any job on earth no? I see white people doing **** everyday at mine that black people could never get away with.....
Big facts.

You don’t get a pass because of your party affiliation when you’re black. Hell, look at the 2020 race. You think a 36 yr old black mayor of a city of 100k would be considered a serious candidate for president? Hell no

There’s different standards for different complexions
A black Mayor, from a bigger town in Florida declared for the race around the same time as Pete. He media fawned our Pete and didn't give ole boy another look.

They made such a big deal about Pete being a Rhodes Scholar, and I outchea wanting them to notice Booker like...
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He posted some racist stuff and people got pissed. Meth got involved and said he was giving him a chance because he gives everyone a chance and Ninja might not know the weight of his words. But conceded he post where racist

Normal arguing pops off, he makes personal attacks and other people clap back.

Meth warned the entire thread to chill.

He said some racist **** about Mexican immigrants with another poster and they both got suspended for their back and forth. People told him to chill but he didn't

He came back and within a couple days he got into another heated personal back and forth with another poster, people again tried to tell him to stop, but it was too late, they both got banned from the thread.

He then tried to make another thread so he could post about politics, but Meth locked it.

Wait, tf?

so you can get banned from a THREAD but not from nT?

so there’s levels to bans? Either it’sa ban-able offense or its not

yo meth, my OG screenname got banned.

I’d like to request it be from the thread only.
Damn how the mighty have fallen. Ricky out here WASHED.

If being washed is:

1. being tired of watching Dems catch Ls
2. Laugh at how NH and dwalk troll the **** out of this thread and how cats trip over themselves just to get those dudes attention
3. Think the impeachment was political theater on some weak *** charges that everybody knew would fall
4. Thinks the only reason they even pressed impeachment was because trump attacked Joe Biden
5. Think the Dems are resisting the wrong way. how you say trump is so bad but then vote to give him a bigger military every year?
6. Want bernie to win the presidency, or any other democrat to get Trumpito ***** *** out
7. Thinks HRC is wack for attacking Tulsi G
8. Thinks Mitch McConnell is the Draymokd Green of politics: everybody on opposite teams hate him but would love to have that type of shrewd operator fighting for the causes We want like legal weed, free healthcare, free college.
9. Thinks there’s a lot of circle jerking going In this thread
10. Think the republicans are the worst but play politics much better than the dems
11. Thinks some dudes in here take themselves too seriously
12. Loves big booties

then call me dirty dishes, famb-o

:pimp: :pimp:
If being washed is:

1. being tired of watching Dems catch Ls
2. Laugh at how NH and dwalk troll the **** out of this thread and how cats trip over themselves just to get those dudes attention
3. Think the impeachment was political theater on some weak *** charges that everybody knew would fall
4. Thinks the only reason they even pressed impeachment was because trump attacked Joe Biden
5. Think the Dems are resisting the wrong way. how you say trump is so bad but then vote to give him a bigger military every year?
6. Want bernie to win the presidency, or any other democrat to get Trumpito ***** *** out
7. Thinks HRC is wack for attacking Tulsi G
8. Thinks Mitch McConnell is the Draymokd Green of politics: everybody on opposite teams hate him but would love to have that type of shrewd operator fighting for the causes We want like legal weed, free healthcare, free college.
9. Thinks there’s a lot of circle jerking going In this thread
10. Think the republicans are the worst but play politics much better than the dems
11. Thinks some dudes in here take themselves too seriously
12. Loves big booties

then call me dirty dishes, famb-o

:pimp: :pimp:
My guy you washed when it comes to political discussions

If we had a Hot Take Olympics in here:

Dwalk takes the gold for nonsense in here, and Timid's buffoonery gets him the silver, but your contrarian takes definitely got you holding down the bronze :lol:
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Like Ninja hold insulted people's medical conditions, physically threatened people, said he would fly across the country to fight me, and in another thread said he would PayPal people to touch me up, Yet you think we are the ones that took him too seriously. :lol:

Ok famb sure.

And your understanding of politics comes of are really low sometimes. Some of the points you posted make that very obvious
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"Honestly, the biggest thing is—I don’t want to throw it under the bus—but the app was clearly done by someone following a tutorial. It’s similar to projects I do with my mentees who are learning how to code," Rahjerdi said. "They started with a starter package and they just added things on top of it. I get deja vu from my classes because the code looks like someone Googled things like 'how to add authentication to React Native App' and followed the instructions," Rahjerdi said.
"The mobile app looks hastily thrown together," Dan Guido, CEO of cybersecurity consulting firm Trail of Bits, told Motherboard.
One of the main reasons there was so much confusion on caucus night, Niemira said, is because of a problem that occurred when Shadow tried to move the results it collected onto a verification system controlled by the Iowa Democratic Party (IDP). During that process, a data-formatting error caused it to not be accepted.
Election security experts have been saying for years that we should not put election systems online, and that we shouldn't be using apps to transmit results. And, if U.S. election officials are going to use apps like this, that they should be open to scrutiny and independent security audits.
If being washed is:

1. being tired of watching Dems catch Ls
2. Laugh at how NH and dwalk troll the **** out of this thread and how cats trip over themselves just to get those dudes attention
3. Think the impeachment was political theater on some weak *** charges that everybody knew would fall
4. Thinks the only reason they even pressed impeachment was because trump attacked Joe Biden
5. Think the Dems are resisting the wrong way. how you say trump is so bad but then vote to give him a bigger military every year?
6. Want bernie to win the presidency, or any other democrat to get Trumpito ***** *** out
7. Thinks HRC is wack for attacking Tulsi G
8. Thinks Mitch McConnell is the Draymokd Green of politics: everybody on opposite teams hate him but would love to have that type of shrewd operator fighting for the causes We want like legal weed, free healthcare, free college.
9. Thinks there’s a lot of circle jerking going In this thread
10. Think the republicans are the worst but play politics much better than the dems
11. Thinks some dudes in here take themselves too seriously
12. Loves big booties

then call me dirty dishes, famb-o

:pimp: :pimp:
2. So they should just spew ******** and we should watch?
3. No amount of network news TV watching will explain why it was necessary for the Dems to impeach. And if you think it was a weak case, there are many Republican senators who beg to differ.
8. Draymond Green did not carry, travel, and double dribble his way to championships. How about you get familiar with the rules of the political game before showing your admiration for a cat who's the best blocker only because nobody calls out their goaltending?
9. It wouldn't be so much of a circle jerk if conservative ideas were rooted in reality and they could present them without relying on bigotry.
11. I suppose some us can take themselves seriously when they know what efficiency means, how to add, subtract, multiply, divide, and that 21 days is not a month or two weeks.
Ricky just another troll arguing in bad faith tryna get the attention of other men on a message board for whatever odd reason. Y’all let him have that. Dude brings literally nothing to the discussion.
Checked Twitter and the Berners are already using the “rigged” card. Ugh.

Good, I hope they stay mad.

Eh? Where did you get "scared" from that post?

Your statement comes across as if your scared to upset Trump supporters......that mentality if what we don’t need out here. At the end of the day if anybody does anything to offend Trump or his supporters they are doing the right thing and should be rewarded as such. Stop living in fear champ.

Well, now that that nonsense is over...

Bernie 2020!!

:nthat: :nthat:

Nah. Black people don’t like Bernie Sanders so he won’t make it very far. The Democratic Party is dead if he somehow becomes the nominee. It will be 4 more years of Trump for certain if we end up with Bernie.
2. So they should just spew bull**** and we should watch?
3. No amount of network news TV watching will explain why it was necessary for the Dems to impeach. And if you think it was a weak case, there are many Republican senators who beg to differ.
8. Draymond Green did not carry, travel, and double dribble his way to championships. How about you get familiar with the rules of the political game before showing your admiration for a cat who's the best blocker only because nobody calls out their goaltending?
9. It wouldn't be so much of a circle jerk if conservative ideas were rooted in reality and they could present them without relying on bigotry.
11. I suppose some us can take themselves seriously when they know what efficiency means, how to add, subtract, multiply, divide, and that 21 days is not a month or two weeks.

2. they’re clearly doing it to get a rise out of y’all and y’all fall for it hook, line, and sinker every time. I’ve seen NH be dead wrong, and legit just ignore **** and completely pivot to something else when he’s dead wrong. I’ve seen him post articles where he CLEARLY only read the title where the actual info in the article was the complete opposite of his point :rofl:.

and y’all STILL take him seriously enough to engage.

Same w/ dwalk.

Put the ***** on block, it’s really easy.

3. any case that didn’t have a shot in hell at least 60 senators was a weak case.

8. again,if i we had a dem that was doing all this forlegalization of weed, free college, Medicare for all, id be for it. Say what you want, theold white **** bent and warped the rules to get his agenda accomplished. You’re confusing My admiration of the shrewdness for admiration for him and his agenda. Couldn’t be further from ur truth. I wish he’d burn in hell, especially what he did to obeezy...

9.Fair point. 🤷🏿‍♂️ I’ve only seen a couple in here with solid ideologies... but goes back to me point earlier, of someone is bothering to so much, just ignore them. The block button of there for a reason.

11. I don’t know what that means, my g. Can you clarify?
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