***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Bernie clearly has the best chance to defeat Trump. He’s the most exciting candidate on that side. The Democratic Party would be making a mistake not to support him.

I have to say that I am a bit shocked by Buttigieg. And his willingness to go straight at Biden.

Anytime you have a white hardcore conservative like dwalk31 dwalk31 cheering on a Democrat like Bernie you know it’s time to abandon him and jump ship. A Democratic nominee like Bernie is what white conservatives like dwalk31 dwalk31 and his inner circle want. It’s going to be a campaign against Bernie and “socialism”......set up perfectly by Trump and Co. It’s time for the Democratic Party to wake up and get serious.
Biden investigation incoming in 3...2...1...
it will be for some surface level bull**** - re. Hillary Emails

the media will cover it like it's the biggest scandal of all time
progressives will cite it as the reason Bernie needs to be the 2020 candidate

can't wait

I see it more as a trump investigation not being allowed to go ahead until after the election. You can see them covering things up.
Anytime you have a white hardcore conservative like dwalk31 dwalk31 cheering on a Democrat like Bernie you know it’s time to abandon him and jump ship. A Democratic nominee like Bernie is what white conservatives like dwalk31 dwalk31 and his inner circle want. It’s going to be a campaign against Bernie and “socialism”......set up perfectly by Trump and Co. It’s time for the Democratic Party to wake up and get serious.

I’m black. From East Atlanta. How about you?

This same tired argument was used to prop up Hillary. And she lost.
You aren’t the voice of black people. And you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Safe to say I don’t fall on the left side of the aisle, but a lot of black folks rock with Bernie. One of his national campaign co-chairs, Nina Turner, is black.

Not to mention him and interviews on the breakfast club and with Killer Mike. Bernie resonates with a lot of people on both sides of the aisle. You trying to force feed the old guard/establishment to the voters is going to backfire, just like last time with Hillary in my opinion.

Trust and believe white boy I’m more of the face and representation of black people and black society than any rap video would ever have you think you can achieve or believe. Dudes like you mention one or two measly black people that aren’t going to equate to anything in the long run. Watch when the campaign goes to South Carolina and Georgia for example. Bernie will have little to NO black support. He can run up the table in white states like Iowa and New Hampshire but WE don’t really care about that......cause WE don’t care about Bernie Sanders.....or white conservatives like YOU dwalk31 dwalk31 .
I’m not one of those dudes that think only one candidate can beat trump and no one else stands a chance whether it be warren sanders or Biden but as far as getting the nomination goes Bernie is in a decent position compared to where he was before now. I think the same three major concerns still persist. He relies a lot on young voters and as we know young people don’t vote as reliably as older voters do. Is he a candidate ahead of his time because despite what people in my age range think or feel this country on the whole is still more moderate than it is progressive and that will be a challenge for him in a general election whether they wanna accept that or not. And how many people can be convinced to go with him that aren’t already apart of his crew which is made difficult by people’s interactions with “Bernie bro’s” the past 4 years. But overall even if he doesn’t clutch out those last few delegates over Pete I’d still say he’s in a good spot to win the nomination as things stand. Less because of Pete but more because of the situation Biden is in now. If Biden continues to underperform drastically like he did in Iowa or even underperform in general in other states he’s projected to win people will start to leave him for who has the best chance to win and we could see that with non white voters who tend to be more pragmatic voters. Pete does even worse with nonwhite voters of all ages than Bernie does and if Biden truly becomes not a viable candidate I would give Bernie the edge over Pete easily at picking up more of the nonwhite dem voters who will strategically go with who’s got the best chance at that point to win.

just a couple things I’ve been thinking about how this could effect the nonwhite vote in the democratic party
You make some good points about the disparity between older parts of the electorate with younger voters but the way I look at it, a lot of that young support base from 2016 is still there and has only grown along with those who came of voting age in that time span so if the energy is there, the young voter turnout could be quite potent.

The efforts that his team have made on the grassroots level over the last 4 years to make inroads and grow in diversity his base is what's impressed me the most. They identified his perceived weaknesses and have been active in engaging with and trying to bring the segments of the electorate he had difficulty with last time into their umbrella and have worked on evolving their platform into one that would benefit just about most demographics in the country .

Also the older vote has been more up in the air know with Bidens #s with them waning slowly as his record on SS comes under more scrutiny which has opened up opportunities for the likes of Sanders, Warren and others to really dig into what was supposed to be his firewall according to conventional wisdom. They've been gaining lately with them as he's trended downwards.

I personally don't buy into the Pete hype at all,the media wants to make him out to be the second coming of Obama but he's made absolutely no inroads when it comes to POC which he will need to if he wants to have a viable/realistic shot at the nom. He's been Klobuchar status in that aspect, praised to the heavens in the media but haven't moved the needle one bit when it comes to the parts of the electorate that should decide the nomination
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Trust and believe white boy I’m more of the face and representation of black people and black society than any rap video would ever have you think you can achieve or believe. Dudes like you mention one or two measly black people that aren’t going to equate to anything in the long run. Watch when the campaign goes to South Carolina and Georgia for example. Bernie will have little to NO black support. He can run up the table in white states like Iowa and New Hampshire but WE don’t really care about that......cause WE don’t care about Bernie Sanders.....or white conservatives like YOU dwalk31 dwalk31 .

Again, I’m not white. I’m black and it doesn’t wash off because you don’t agree with my politics.

Unlike you, I don’t need to puff up some fake black experience that it sounds like you may have read about or seen on some movie—I live it.

I’m from Georgia. I live in Tennessee. It sounds like you know zero about black folks in the south and are talking about what you think you know.

Give it a rest.
It will be interesting to see what new tactics are taken by republicans to suppress voters in this election too

more like what new tactics Putin and those will come up with

Cause republicans going go to the ole faithfuls after them winning Georgia because of it

can already see what they are doing in Florida regarding allowing ex-convicts

I’m black. From East Atlanta. How about you?

This same tired argument was used to prop up Hillary. And she lost.

This whole facade of you perpetrating yourself as black has got to STOP champ. I know you probably listen to hip hop, been to Carolina Kitchen a few times, you might even have even drove over Selma bridge a few times in your car since you reside down South but trust and believe that don’t make you black. You are a wannabe.....cover to cover......inside and out. It’s time to accept who you are and go over there with your people (white conservatives). As far as I’m concerned it’s okay to be a white male.....despite what you and others may think internally.
Soon as dude said thriller was Michael’s best able I knew dude wasn’t black

didn’t even have to ask the prince vs mike question
On some level I really don't care that much who wins the nomination. I want Warren at this point, but it is not that serious to me.

If it is between Bernie and Biden. Then without question I want Bernie.

However, whoever wins, it is gonna be entertaining in here.

If Bernie doesn't deuce king deuce king gonna be in here letting his nuts hang lower that Palatine at the end of Revenge of the Sith. Rubbing salt in the wounds of Bernie supporters, and watching them go off like...

If Prime pulls this off. -Red- -Red- handullz handullz youngogjosh youngogjosh rexanglorum rexanglorum and rolaholic rolaholic gonna be in here verbally beating the breaks off Deuce like ...

Either way, I'm here for all the buffoonery :lol:
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This whole facade of you perpetrating yourself as black has got to STOP champ. I know you probably listen to hip hop, been to Carolina Kitchen a few times, you might even have even drove over Selma bridge a few times in your car since you reside down South but trust and believe that don’t make you black. You are a wannabe.....cover to cover......inside and out. It’s time to accept who you are and go over there with your people (white conservatives). As far as I’m concerned it’s okay to be a white male.....despite what you and others may think internally.

Bruh what?

Selma? Listen to hip hop? Carolina Kitchen?

Is that what you think being black is? :lol:

YOU sound white.
Soon as dude said thriller was Michael’s best able I knew dude wasn’t black

didn’t even have to ask the prince vs mike question

To some degree this is comforting. It’s like y’all are so sure of yourselves on here... and when it’s verifiably false, as is the case with my race, it just shows how really off-base this thread is from reality.

I got friends that I know from way back in the day that are members of NT, that come in and laugh at the fact that y’all straight face would say I’m not black lol. Folks from my chapter that pledged, etc.

Ish is goofy, but it is what it is.
On some level I really don't care that much who wins the nomination. I want Warren at this point, but it is not that serious to me.

If it is between Bernie and Biden. Then without question I want Bernie.

However, whoever wins, it is gonna be entertaining in here.

If Bernie doesn't deuce king deuce king gonna be in here letting his nuts hang lower that Palatine at the end of Return of the Sith. Rubbing salt in the wounds of Bernie supporters, and watching them go off like...

If Prime pulls this off. -Red- -Red- handullz handullz youngogjosh youngogjosh rexanglorum rexanglorum and rolaholic rolaholic gonna be in here verbally beating the breaks off Deuce like ...

Either way, I'm here for all the buffoonery :lol:
I personally want Warren, but I think Bernie will win the nom, but Biden really is the only one who can challenge Trump in the polls
On some level I really don't care that much who wins the nomination. I want Warren at this point, but it is not that serious to me.

If it is between Bernie and Biden. Then without question I want Bernie.

However, whoever wins, it is gonna be entertaining in here.

If Bernie doesn't deuce king deuce king gonna be in here letting his nuts hang lower that Palatine at the end of Return of the Sith. Rubbing salt in the wounds of Bernie supporters, and watching them go off like...

If Prime pulls this off. -Red- -Red- handullz handullz youngogjosh youngogjosh rexanglorum rexanglorum and rolaholic rolaholic gonna be in here verbally beating the breaks off Deuce like ...

Either way, I'm here for all the buffoonery :lol:

Tell ‘em come get me!!
Soon as dude said thriller was Michael’s best able I knew dude wasn’t black

didn’t even have to ask the prince vs mike question

Again, dwalk31 dwalk31 has been saying little stuff here and there to let us know he’s not black......which is fine. I’m actually trying to give dude an opportunity now to just come out fully and just admit to us.....more importantly himself that he’s white. This board is more than accepting to all sorts of individuals from all walks of life........not sure why dwalk31 dwalk31 is hesitant to reveal who he is. If not for us, but for his own sense of health and well-being.
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