***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This is wild. Trump and GOP are gearing up to systemically suppress the votes of students and black people, they are welcoming foreign interference into the election.

Hell the RNC cancelled primaries and caucuses to Trump would not have to face the prospect of being embarrassed during the GOP primary.

But one state party makes a goof that delays the results be probably what is gonna be 24-36 hours, and the Dems are the ones rigging ****.

**** my life.
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I'm having a hard time with the Dem elections
The over qualified Black candidates, Harris and Booker, got booted out
Buttigieg has no experience whatsoever but is trending as a front-runner
Can someone help me understand how two US Senators aren't qualified to be president, but a small town mayor is ready to be leader of the free world?
He’s white
This is wild. Trump and GOP are gearing up to systemically suppress the votes of students and black people, they are welcoming foreign interference into the election.

Hell the RNC cancelled primaries and caucuses to Trump would not have to face the prospect of being embarrassed during the GOP primary.

But one state party makes a good that delays the results be probably what is gonna be 24-36 hours, and the Dems are the ones rigging ****.

**** my life.
Project project project
I’m guessing this is trolling but...

The only way Trump is able to wash anyone is because his supporters call anything they don’t like fake news and think he can do nothing wrong.

Pete is a really intelligent person. If you consider what they’re actually saying, Trump wouldn’t stand a chance.
Trump will yell at him and come up with catchy nicknames to clown him.
Oligarch is a rather demeaning word that only seems to be used for wealthy individuals from Russia or East-European countries, unfairly so in my opinion.
Specific to Russia though, the word emphasizes the wealthy individuals' connections to the Kremlin, often accompanied by corrupt favors, acting as an arm of Russian intelligence, ...
As Oleg Deripaska once said, there is no separation between him and the Kremlin.

In that sense, Russian oligarchs are not comparable to someone like Bloomberg.

Bloomberg certainly had a direct line to the Bush whitehouse and he enjoyed 12 years of formal political power where he proudly oversaw his own private, constitution ignoring army which engaged in systemic harassment, humiliation and even torture all with the aim of ethnic cleansing.

Bloomberg is as bad as any Russian Oligarch.

I know it’s semantics but it adds up over time where different terms get applied to American or majority White or NATO countries and comparable Eastern European, Asian, African and indigenous people, beliefs and concepts get different terms used.

Troops versus foreign fighters. General versus terrorist or warlord, embattled president versus dictator, nuclear triad versus nuclear arsenal, allies versus cronies, alliance versus axis of evil, obligations versus empire, global leadership versus conquest, detention center versus concentration camp and so on and so on.

It adds up in service of American and Western European neo colonialism and imperialism.
why doesn’t nt like mayo pete anymore?

haven’t kept up with this thread and don’t know anything about him besides he’s the mayor to some bum *** town and he’s gay. :lol:
The Dems really screwed the pooch with this. No matter the outcome, conspiracy theorists will have all they need to say it was rigged. Trump going byke to byke like Ken Griffey Sr. and Junior
You're giving the average American's attention span more credit than you should

Anyone who wants to follow the conspiracy theory route arrived there a long time ago before this

New Hampshire will be here and the news cycle would have moved on.
Trumps base is huge. Hes getting a 2nd term.

This is my belief but it’s silly to think Trump would wash any democratic candidate left in a political debate.

Democratic voters criticize Bernie and Lizzo Warren for not knowing how they’ll implement Their healthcare policies meanwhile Trump just has to tell his voters any of his policies will be “yuge”, “great” “biggest/best ever”, “better than Obama” or “Great for America” and they’re like
and he has their vote. It’s kind of sad when you really think about the stark difference in the standards of each party’s voters|l
I think Buttigieg tried to fake support from minorities and is going hard for Trump voters.

isn’t the second part kind of smart though? One would think if he wins the nomination he is getting democratic support so capturing trumps voters seems like a win no?
All Timid is doing is low key trolling, and hedging his bets.

If Trump wins he gonna be in here on some I told you so and slurping Ninja.

And he got no damn shame so if the Dem wins, the avy getting changed.

No one should take him seriously
No avy change necessary. Dems getting washed by da Don
I thought I’d leave this here since folks are discussing the politics of calling Bloomberg an oligarch.

You don’t need to go back to Plato’s Republic or early Athenian prose to answer the question, what is an oligarchy and what counts as an oligarch? Michael Lind writes:

“In an oligarchy, a kaleidoscopic pattern of interest-group competition breaks down because of a central,
swollen interest group that dominates politics and the media as well as the economy.” The power of oligarchs
does not flow from their parentage, which makes an oligarchy different from an aristocracy. Oligarchs
“dominate all social institutions.” (Lind, https://thebaffler.com/salvos/the-o-word).

Folks have debate whether the United States is an oligarchy for years. But this recent quarrel is not a genuine, intellectually honest debate.

The reason why this matters is that to call Bloomberg an oligarch might depress voter turnout should he be the nominee. But that doesn't mean you can't call a spade a spade. Precisely because he’s an oligarch and has a small but not insignificant chance to become the nominee is why Nina Turner and others have to identify him as using his immense wealth and control of information to skirt democratic processes.

P.S. I think Greenwald is right about American exceptionalism in the ways rexanglorum rexanglorum further detailed. And for the record, I think we have oligarchs around us, but the United States is not quite (yet?) an oligarchy. Indeed, “although U.S. history has seen an abundance of local oligarchies…, it’s rarely witnessed the formation of a truly national oligarchy” (Lind). Nevertheless, the danger is that oligarchs leverage their local control to secure national power.
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