***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I, for one, will only be voting for the candidate that promises and delivers the unlimited fried chicken. Jakes on them, we hungry these days with the Demoncrats stealing our 401Ks and jerbs and giving them illegal terrorists our cars. #VoteForAndrew #HurricaneAndrewGillumComingThroughFL
aepps20 aepps20 outchea caking with all this voice acting work he been putting in for this election.


Thank you so much Comrade. As a kid my favorite show was Batman the Animated Series. Kevin Conroy is my favorite voice actor and the the icon behind Batman so of course I wanted to get into the game. To be able to help DeSantis win, I also got to try out a few new voices. I sho did Guuuud.
I'm more worried about Congress than the gubernatorial races

That's because this climate change **** got me shook den a mfer

I feel ya on that, it’s terrifying and while there could be some long term benefits (such as a corrosion of capitalism and the nation-state due to fact that the relative values of real property and territory will be in flux) it still is going to be a situation of massive misery and dislocation on a scale not seen in a long time.

Whether or not climate change will happen is no longer a question as it is already occurring and caused a horrific civil war and slew of revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa and a subsequent refugee crisis which has caused most of Europe’s bodies politiques to lose their damn minds. Meanwhile, near three million American citizens are being tormented by enhanced hurricanes, austerity and apathy.

The remaining questions are can we change our politics and economics quickly and dramatically enough to prevent apocalyptic changes and can we change our politics and economics to prevent and/or deal with the disasters that will now come even in the best of scenarios.

I swing from optimistic to pessimistic on those questions. On the one hand the average (and lets me be frank here, white middle and upper class) American was mean, nasty and short sighted when America was rich, triumphant and enjoying a benign climate at end of the 20th century. I shudder to imagine how cruel and impulse driven we will be in the face of climate driven catastrophes and the influx of refugees (both between and into these United State). If we defund public universities and infrastructure now, how on earth will affluent Americans summon the civic virtue to fund the infrastructure and innovation to mitigate the worst effects of climate change?

On the other hand, perhaps climate change will put the value of real property, social status and citizenship in such an uncertain situation that most individuals will be subject to a continuous and very real world Rawlsian veil of ignorance and it will cause a massive rejection of hierarchies since most people, even those comfortable at the moment, would always be at risk of being destitute and without a place to live.

What is certain is that we wasted the last three decades and we must act now and because of a bizarre quirk of history the economic and political hegemon of the world has its political will shaped in these small scale, intimate statewide elections so let’s elect governors and state legislatures who will give us future Congresses who will acknowledge and make policy to contain and cope with this coming crisis.

Edit: the DSA mascot weighs in

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This dude trump really called himself a nationalist...Not even surprised any more.

My parents are saving up and moving back to the island to retire. Don't even blame them.
My father was planning on moving back to America. Since election night I aint heard nothing more about moving here.
He finally showed back up in America this month for the first time since Trump got elected. My brother got the **** out this country and said he aint coming back.
My father was planning on moving back to America. Since election night I aint heard nothing more about moving here.
He finally showed back up in America this month for the first time since Trump got elected. My brother got the **** out this country and said he aint coming back.

I been left as well :lol: I've been traveling and don't plan on coming back anytime soon. Every time I meet new people and we have a discussion we end up talking politics and trump. People are dumbfounded on how he won the Presidency. It's actually refreshing to see that people around the world are rooting for his demise.
I think people on the left are too hard on Nancy Pelosi. I don't beleive she is an enemy to progressive causes.

Chuck Schumer's *** on the other hand has to ****ing go.
Whether right or left, she's indicative of the career politician that I despise (schumer to). Both are out of touch not only with reality but the party to. Both keep using plays from the old play book that are ineffective & they haven't provided much leadership as senior members of the party. The Dems should be a lot more organized going into the fall & it doesn't seem that way. Especially to organize against the deplorable in chief.

I'm more worried about Congress than the gubernatorial races

That's because this climate change **** got me shook den a mfer
The gubernatorial races are just as important. Any kind of grip the Dems had on states & their legislatures has eroded. You can't lose that much power on a local level & expect to succeed nationally.

deplorables grew their base with controlling the majority of Governorships & state legislatures. They connected with voters alot better than Dems who are still trying to rationalize how they lost the presidential election it seems.

It's crazy how the deplorables have run their game by using the fears that many working class Americans had & turning that into a false reality. With the help of russia, they created a lot of fake news to help stoke the fires of those fears.
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Whether right or left, she's indicative of the career politician that I despise (schumer to). Both are out of touch not only with reality but the party to. Both keep using plays from the old play book that are ineffective & they haven't provided much leadership as senior members of the party. The Dems should be a lot more organized going into the fall & it doesn't seem that way. Especially to organize against the deplorable in chief.

You are gonna have to give example because none of what you are saying seems very true. Especially when it applies to Pelosi since she is left of the median Dem in Congress.

Things like gerrymandering and voter suppression are the biggest things holding back the Dems. Not leadership
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You are gonna have to give example because none of what you are saying seems very true. Especially when it applies to Pelosi

Things like gerrymandering and voter suppression are the biggest things holding back the Dems. Not leadership

How has the party (Dems) been able to convince more voters that they can offer better solutions to their problems? At some point not long ago as much as 2/3 of the country thought Dems were out of touch with whats happening in the US. Many Dems in here even post as such.

They failed miserably in losing states to the deplorables & that's a big part of the reason why the deplorables are succeeding as much as they are. They have a very very solid base at the state level. This is a prime example of the Dems failure.

Also, I think a big part of the problem is that there is a perception that Dems are too close to Wall St. A key part of Bernie's message during the last election was just that (being Anti - Wall St) & that resonated with his base. Too much PAC/Corporate money in politics in general of course...
People still continue to think theytvote don't matter

How crazy is it that these dudes know that if people got out and voted they'd get destroyed in the polls :lol:

This dude trump really called himself a nationalist...Not even surprised any more.

My parents are saving up and moving back to the island to retire. Don't even blame them.

Friendly monthly reminder to those who are staying in the US, strap up and get some range time in.
How has the party (Dems) been able to convince more voters that they can offer better solutions to their problems? At some point not long ago as much as 2/3 of the country thought Dems were out of touch with whats happening in the US. Many Dems in here even post as such.

They failed miserably in losing states to the deplorables & that's a big part of the reason why the deplorables are succeeding as much as they are. They have a very very solid base at the state level. This is a prime example of the Dems failure.

Also, I think a big part of the problem is that there is a perception that Dems are too close to Wall St. A key part of Bernie's message during the last election was just that (being Anti - Wall St) & that resonated with his base. Too much PAC/Corporate money in politics in general of course...
Dude the Dems did lose those states that allowed Trump won because Trump offered better solutions. Aside from the usual mess that works against Dems like voter suppression, they lost because Trump primed people's racism and xenophobia. It seems like every month a new study comes out showing the rust belt was won not off of promises of economic prosperity but bringing minorities to heel.

And what good is a base when your damn base is barred from voting. What irks me about analysis like yours is that ignores how much voter suppression warps results and reactions to those results. I agree with moving left to meet their base on issues but that plan is sure to be undermined if Dem voters continuously are targeted for voter suppression and others don't show up because the Dems are not exactly what they want.

On the real **** Bernie, he is an *** and a horrible message. He used to that argument just to dog whistle Hillary is corrupt but now we can't even have a nuanced discussion about the Dems relationship with Wall Street. It is laughable in hindsight that people believed Hillary was Wall Streets preferred candidate after what Trump has done. I want more Wall Street regulation too but now we in a position where people think that anything less than Glass Steagall is being in Wall Streets pocket. And I am highly skeptical that if the Dems refused to take any corporate Pac money that would appease enough people for them to reliably show up.

Your argument seems to essentially boil down to since the Dems can't overcome the structural disadvantages (like gerrymandering and voter suppression) and can't stop ****** from being self-destructive, then it is all their fault, they are failures. And somehow this falls on Pelosi. If you look at that Nancy's job actually is, she is extremely good at it. When she ran the House she delivered for the base regularly. It is the Senate that is a bigger issue legislatively.

The Dems need to improve in many areas to get back and maintain power. Getting rid of Nancy Pelosi is not that pressing. Supposed Wall Street ties and Corporate Pac money is not what is really keeping them from going left. It is the fact that whenever they do, they have to answer to an electorate that is whiter, older, and more conservative that the general voting public. Even if I agree with some of your positions, I beleive it goes beyond the Dems changing their stances on a few issues.
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Im considering make a post in every non political thread titled "Y'all know y'all need to vote, right?"
I think that is a good plan. Should probably add a link to vote.org for dudes to check their polling place

But prepare to be inundated with contrarian nonsense.

Just the other day someone posting about the GOP stealing the election in Georgia and fools start with the "Dems can't be trusted either" talk.

My man @Mark Antony wanted to smack DC through the screen
Dude the Dems did lose those states that allowed Trump won because Trump offered better solutions. Aside from the usual mess that works against Dems like voter suppression, they lost because Trump primed people's racism and xenophobia. It seems like every month a new study comes out showing the rust belt was won not off of promises of economic prosperity but bringing minorities to heel.

And what good is a base when your damn base is barred from voting. What irks me about analysis like yours is that ignores how much voter suppression warps results and reactions to those results. I agree with moving left to meet their base on issues but that plan is sure to be undermined if Dem voters continuously are targeted for voter suppression and others don't show up because the Dems are not exactly what they want.

On the real **** Bernie, he is an *** and a horrible message. He used to that argument just to dog whistle Hillary is corrupt but now we can't even have a nuanced discussion about the Dems relationship with Wall Street. It is laughable in hindsight that people believed Hillary was Wall Streets preferred candidate after what Trump has done. I want more Wall Street regulation too but now we in a position where people think that anything less than Glass Steagall is being in Wall Streets pocket. And I am highly skeptical that if the Dems refused to take any corporate Pac money that would appease enough people for them to reliably show up.

Your argument seems to essentially boil down to since the Dems can't overcome the structural disadvantages (like gerrymandering and voter suppression) and can't stop ****ty from being self-destructive, then it is all their fault, they are failures. And somehow this falls on Pelosi. If you look at that Nancy's job actually is, she is extremely good at it. When she ran the House she delivered for the base regularly. It is the Senate that is a bigger issue legislatively.

The Dems need to improve in many areas to get back and maintain power. Getting rid of Nancy Pelosi is not that pressing. Supposed Wall Street ties and Corporate Pac money is not what is really keeping them from going left. It is the fact that whenever they do, they have to answer to an electorate that is whiter, older, and more conservative that the general voting public. Even if I agree with some of your positions, I beleive it goes beyond the Dems changing their stances on a few issues.

To be honest, Bernie probably would've been washed with the gerrymandering, voter Suppression, weak voter participation from younger voters that would turn on him after the Russian interference and Papa Zaddy Vladdy would've destroyed him. Economic Anxiety wasn't a problem when Joe the Plumber ran over folks in Charlottesville.
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