***Official Political Discussion Thread***



Jenner is an idiot and a scumbag for making that comment. Just admit that your wallet was the only thing you cared about when voting for Trump. Clown wants us to believe that she is playing some kind of Elite 6D chess and is taking Trump down from the inside. What tangible results of her being on the "inside" can she point to? That's the Susan S logic talking. Vote against your interests then protest later. Trump has set transgender rights back and this deplorable is talking about an "in" and fighting from the "inside". This is the same type of logic the log cabin Republicans are making for supporting the GOP candidate for governor in Georgia over the democratic.
It would appear Omarosa indeed has audio tapes, though she has only publicized a recording of John Kelly so far. Audio is in the tweet below.
If Omarosa of all people can go around recording people like John Kelly in the WH, perhaps they should look into improving their security.
Jenner is an idiot and a scumbag for making that comment. Just admit that your wallet was the only thing you cared about when voting for Trump. Clown wants us to believe that she is playing some kind of Elite 6D chess and is taking Trump down from the inside. What tangible results of her being on the "inside" can she point to? That's the Susan S logic talking. Vote against your interests then protest later. Trump has set transgender rights back and this deplorable is talking about an "in" and fighting from the "inside". This is the same type of logic the log cabin Republicans are making for supporting the GOP candidate for governor in Georgia over the democratic.

What does he think he's on the inside of though? Just another voting citizen like everyone else.
This made me chuckle this morning
Of the 11 confederate states (Missouri and Kentucky don't count. Their elected officials never decided to secede) all but 2 directly cite slavery.
Florida and North Carolina. But half of Florida's population was slaves and NC devoted more troops to the defense of the southern cause (slavery) than any other state.
Only southerners want to make all these excuses when they're confronted about that racist symbol of treason they love so damn much.
New NAACP poll shows that Trump's approval is rising amongst African Americans. Up to 21% according to the poll.

New NAACP poll shows that Trump's approval is rising amongst African Americans. Up to 21% according to the poll.

Very low unemployment numbers, a good economy and some butter biscuits will do that.
Hell even David Duke polled 16% favorability from African-Americans voters in Louisiana during his 2016 campaign.

From the same poll also:
Voters across all racial and ethnic groups believe Trump is setting race relations back. Three quarters of African Americans, Latinos and Asian Americans believe Trump is setting race relations back while a small majority of white voters believe so. Black women (89%), in particular, feel disrespected by President Trump. This is a likely contributor to why African American women voters have had high turnout in recent off year and special elections – witness Alabama and Virginia.
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Very low unemployment numbers, a good economy and some butter biscuits will do that.
Hell even David Duke polled 16% favorability from African-Americans voters in Louisiana during his 2016 campaign.

From the same poll also:
Voters across all racial and ethnic groups believe Trump is setting race relations back. Three quarters of African Americans, Latinos and Asian Americans believe Trump is setting race relations back while a small majority of white voters believe so. Black women (89%), in particular, feel disrespected by President Trump. This is a likely contributor to why African American women voters have had high turnout in recent off year and special elections – witness Alabama and Virginia.

Yes, the economy is doing well, and voters are feeling it in their pockets. That probably is why he has been able to double his support with this group. I agree that he can do much better with his tweets.
Doubled. I think surge is the proper term.
You don't know who to read a poll. Please learn. You can't take two polls, with different sampling methods, then compare the results like that.

By, back in May black support was suppose to have doubled too......


So to give peddle your nonsense you are gonna have to acknowledge your bigot lord was either wrong then, or you are wrong now.

All you are doing is dumping conservative from bigots in here to make bad faith arguments.

Remember everyone: DWalk gives tacit support to white supremacy, is a cheerleader for bigots, and an excuse maker for vile acts against minorities. He spews vile nonsense constantly
Looks like they do in fact have some degree of self-awareness. They just don’t realize that image for the most part describes them pretty accurately.

“These post-Charlottesville marches have no purpose, other than to make anyone who supports white self-determination look like a fringe lunatic,” Andrew Anglin, publisher of the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website, wrote this month in a blog post disavowing Sunday’s rally. “We do not want the image of being a bunch of weird losers who march around like *******s while completely outnumbered and get mocked by the entire planet.”

Excerpt 2:

Indeed, a number of Republican candidates with nationalistic, if not outwardly racist views, are running for House and Senate seats this cycle, including Arthur Jones in Illinois, Seth Grossman in New Jersey, Corey Stewart in Virginia and Paul Nehlen in Wisconsin.

GOP campaign leaders are not backing any of them, though Trump has endorsed Stewart.
‘Unite the Right 2’ exposes white nationalist movement in disarray
A year after the deadly "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., white nationalist groups are treading cautiously into the anniversary weekend.

The violence in Charlottesville sparked damaging lawsuits against the organizers and a crackdown from tech companies that's complicated recruitment and fundraising efforts, splintering the movement just as it's trying to show solidarity heading into Sunday's "Unite the Right 2" demonstration in Washington.

Jason Kessler, a lead organizer of both events, is discouraging participation by the more hard-core elements of the white supremacist movement, and some are happy to sit this one out.

“These post-Charlottesville marches have no purpose, other than to make anyone who supports white self-determination look like a fringe lunatic,” Andrew Anglin, publisher of the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website, wrote this month in a blog post disavowing Sunday’s rally. “We do not want the image of being a bunch of weird losers who march around like *******s while completely outnumbered and get mocked by the entire planet.”

Richard Spencer, a key organizer of the Charlottesville rally, is even steering clear and urging others to do the same.

“I know that many have good intentions in going, but a rally like this does make sense at this time,” Spencer, head of the National Policy Institute, which aims to “give voice to the interests of white peoples,” tweeted last week. “I don't know exactly what will happen, but it probably will not be good.”

The long-term effect of the Charlottesville violence on the larger white nationalist movement is still unknown. But the initial consequence, experts say, has been a new degree of internal discord that’s expected to dampen turnout at Sunday’s rally across the street from the White House.

“I don’t know that’s it’s substantially grown or shrunk,” said Keegan Hankes, senior research analyst at the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project, which tracks hate groups around the country. “What I can say is, since the previous Unite the Right, it is far more disorganized.”

“Every one of these groups is afraid they’re going to be associated with any potential violence, but also be further associated with the violence last year,” he added.

Don Black, founder of Stormfront, a white nationalist website, said the reverberations of Charlottesville — financially and strategically — are still being felt a year later.

“A lot of people have reevaluated the tactic,” Black told The Hill Saturday in a phone call. "I don’t have a problem with Jason Kessler. … But some other people do because he’s a … very recent convert to our side and they feel that … his events haven’t been properly planned."

“Most of the organization leaders who supported the Charlottesville event are not supporting this one,” he added.
The division and infighting suggests a movement still licking its wounds in the aftermath of last year’s demonstration, when hundreds of white supremacists gathered to protest the city’s removal of a Robert E. Lee statue — the largest march of its kind in decades.

The event quickly devolved into a series of violent clashes between marchers and counter-protesters. Amid the tumult, a car sped into a group of counter-protesters, injuring dozens and killing Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old paralegal. James Alex Fields Jr., a then-20-year-old white nationalist from Ohio, has been charged with first degree murder.

Separately, two Virginia state police officers monitoring events from the air were killed when their helicopter crashed.

The backlash came quickly. Numerous lawsuits, still pending, were filed against the organizers, including Kessler and Spencer, who are accused of promoting violence. And the giants of the technology world — Facebook, Google, Twitter and YouTube — also intervened in an effort to cull racist voices from their platforms.

“That’s probably been one of the most damaging things that’s happened to the movement in the last couple years,” said Hankes. “They can’t disseminate propaganda as easily [and] it’s a lot harder to raise money.”

Black, of Stormfront, confirmed the trend. After Charlottesville, his website was frozen for a month, and in December he was kicked off Twitter — an event he called “the great purge.”

“A lot of people depended on social media, and they still use it but it’s always iffy. Their accounts are regularly canceled and posts deleted,” he said. “It’s hard to even find a credit card processor now."

“We’re more under siege than we’ve ever been.”

Kessler had initially sought to stage the anniversary rally in Charlottesville. The city denied his petition, and last week he dropped a lawsuit seeking reconsideration, saying he would focus instead on the demonstration in Washington.

It’s unclear how many people will attend Sunday’s march, which will follow Pennsylvania Avenue from Foggy Bottom to Lafayette Square. Kessler has taken steps to avoid a repeat of last year’s violence, prohibiting shields, weapons of any kind and “non-approved flags,” all of which were featured elements of the Charlottesville marches. American and Confederate flags, however, are welcome.

Torches, another prominent feature of the Charlottesville marches, are also forbidden, given the National Park Service’s ban on fire in Lafayette Square.

“No fire allowed,” Kessler wrote on Facebook in May, a post obtained by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). “We need to forget about the torch thing.”

Peter Montgomery, an expert on right-wing extremism at the liberal advocacy group People For the American Way, said the changes reflect a rebranding effort on the part of some white nationalists following “a real blow to their public relations” with the death of Heyer.

“You had people who wanted to disassociate themselves from who they saw as more embarrassing manifestations — people who come to these rallies holding Nazi signs and swastikas,” he said. “There’s a part of the movement that wants to be a kinder gentler face of the alt-right, but as a result it’s kind-of splintered.”

Unite the Right 2 organizers did not respond to questions posed through the rally’s website. Questions sent directly to Spencer and Anglin also went unanswered.

The Charlottesville violence shone a bright light on a white nationalist debate that was already percolating with the rise of President Trump in 2016 — a victory cheered by racist leaders who see the president as a vindication of their own views, particularly on issues like guns and immigration.

Trump’s inner circle has featured figures like Steve Bannon — the Breitbart News executive who has boasted of using the conservative news site as “a platform for the alt-right.” And the president’s equivocal response to the Charlottesville violence — there were “very fine people” on both sides, he said at the time — only fueled the view among white nationalists that they have an ally in the White House.

In its annual census of hate groups, released in February, SPLC identified 954 such organizations across the country in 2017, marking a 4 percent increase over the previous year and a 20 percent jump over 2014. More than 600 of those were associated with the white nationalist movement.

Anti-hate groups are quick to warn that whatever troubles white nationalists are facing, those political conditions remain. Indeed, a number of Republican candidates with nationalistic, if not outwardly racist views, are running for House and Senate seats this cycle, including Arthur Jones in Illinois, Seth Grossman in New Jersey, Corey Stewart in Virginia and Paul Nehlen in Wisconsin.

GOP campaign leaders are not backing any of them, though Trump has endorsed Stewart.

“In that big-picture sense, Trump’s campaign really electrified and energized white nationalists who had been quite marginalized in American political discourse,” Montgomery said. “He really opened up space for them to move more into the political conversation. And they’ve taken advantage of that.”

Sophie Bjork-James, an anthropologist at Vanderbilt University who has researched the white supremacist movement, agreed, saying “both sides have been galvanized” since the Charlottesville clashes.

“While there is an increased organized response against white nationalism, many in the movement still feel emboldened by the broader political climate and are trying to use anti-immigrant sentiment as a recruitment tool,” she told The Hill.

Hankes, of the SPLC, said white nationalists aren’t bowing out post-Charlottesville, even though they may be rethinking their tactics.

“I don’t think it’s had a chilling effect; I think basically they’re being more careful,” he said. “What was illustrated to me very clearly … last year is they had more to lose than they thought.”
You don't know who to read a poll. Please learn. You can't take two polls, with different sampling methods, then compare the results like that.

By, back in May black support was suppose to have doubled too......


So to give peddle your nonsense you are gonna have to acknowledge your bigot lord was either wrong then, or you are wrong now.

All you are doing is dumping conservative from bigots in here to make bad faith arguments.

Remember everyone: DWalk gives tacit support to white supremacy, is a cheerleader for bigots, and an excuse maker for vile acts against minorities. He spews vile nonsense constantly

The support has surged based on the NAACP's own polls. I did not cite the Mitt Romney numbers that your debunking article cites. So it is as if you created a position for me and then argued against it with an article someone wrote addressing different claims.

Even what you cited shows that the support is surging among African Americans. You know this. It is why the end of your post is the typical ad-hominem stuff against me.
The support has surged based on the NAACP's own polls. I did not cite the Mitt Romney numbers that your debunking article cites. So it is as if you created a position for me and then argued against it with an article someone wrote addressing different claims.

Even what you cited shows that the support is surging among African Americans. You know this. It is why the end of your post is the typical ad-hominem stuff against me.
You clearly didn't read the article, it addresses a number of claims, including the one you are making

Show me another poll using the same polling method, to confirm your assertion. Isn't that your thing, right? You always ask for evidence.

And my last line was not an ad-hominem. It is the truth. You just hate when people call your vile shtick. Own your scumbag behavior.

So again; Remember everyone: DWalk gives tacit support to white supremacy, is a cheerleader for bigots, and an excuse maker for vile acts against minorities. He spews vile nonsense constantly

-So you ignorantly defending economic and social policies that hurt people besides affluent white men is not the problem

-You continuous support for Donald Trump after he has provided more evidence that he is a bigoted piece of **** is not the problem

-You defending child separations is not the problem

But me calling you out for doing all this, is the problem. Miss me with your objections.
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Rudy Giuliani is doing his Sunday tour again, this time lying about his client's interactions with Comey.
Today Rudy said that Trump never discussed Flynn with Comey. This is of course contradicted by Comey's sworn testimony, his contemporaneous notes and ironically Giuliani himself at an earlier date who admitted the discussion did occur but argued that it wasn't an order.
"He didn't direct him to do that," Giuliani said. "What he said was, can you, can you ..."

Trump has also for the most part denied knowing Flynn committed a crime prior to firing him and asking Comey "I hope you can let this go" after removing all other persons in the room (including AG Sessions) to talk to Comey one on one. Trump had repeatedly claimed he fired Flynn because he misled VP Pence.
Of course Trump's defense was later shattered by none othered than Donald Trump himself, who tweeted that he was in fact aware that Flynn committed a crime by lying to the FBI before he fired him and also before his discussion with Comey about letting Flynn go.

Now his PR mascot/lawyer Giuliani is back to lying about the interaction with Comey, claiming it never happened despite Giuliani's earlier statements where he admitted the discussion took place and tried to defend it.
But I expect nothing less in the echo chamber
I just can't figure out what this is referring to. I don't think this sentence is literal enough.
Surely this echo chamber must refer to all posters in this thread in equal manner. It's just impossible to figure out who/what you're really referring to with this politically-neutral remark.

Perhaps if you explain in literal terms that you have an issue with only a certain group, but that you are ok with the others then I will understand your position. Otherwise I just can't help but conclude anything different than that you are referring to all posters in this thread.
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