***Official Political Discussion Thread***

No, he is the one that made a chicken joke... like it was literally on the last page....

But I expect nothing less in the echo chamber
Wahh wahh snowflake. How dare people echo equality and health care. How dare people echo for the end of racial discrimination and progress towards education. Instead we chili’s follow you right to the space force sign up booth because our enemies have turned space into a battle ground apparently (no proof or actual battle ground).

Again, read up on what you click online and begin to critically think before posting or at least comment. I can tell you now numbers are 1000% better than they were before (samole numbers coming from 2018 and1906). To you those are great facts!
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Thoughts and Prayers

Let go and let God.
Or in this case, let go to let God.
Yikes, Keith might be dunzo...haven't seen this in the MSM yet but it'll get there

Son of ex-girlfriend's fb post about what happened
Sounds perfectly normal /s
Conway: Trump White House requires nondisclosure agreements
Kellyanne Conway responded to claims from former White House official Omarosa Manigault Newman that she was offered “hush money” by saying Sunday that everyone in the West Wing has signed nondisclosure agreements, which she described as a completely normal practice.
Manigault Newman, who served as communications director for the White House Office of Public Liaison, reportedly says in her new book that she was offered $15,000 a month in exchange for her silence after leaving the White House.

“It is typical, and you know it, to sign an NDA … in any place of work,” Conway, counselor to the president, said to host Jonathan Karl on ABC’s “This Week.” “I’d be shocked if you didn’t have one at ABC.”

“I’m told she signed them when she was on ‘The Apprentice,’ certainly at the campaign. We’ve all signed them in the West Wing,” she added. “And why wouldn’t we?”

When Karl noted that Conway is a public employee, Conway said, “But confidentiality is implied.”

“That’s not hush money,” she said. “Everybody signs an NDA. It sounds like she didn’t want to sign it and didn’t want to go back to the campaign because she had a book on her mind.”

In an interview to promote her new book, Manigault Newman indicated on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that such agreements are common in Trump’s sphere. She said other former White House officials are getting a similar deal, “which is why [former White House press secretary] Sean Spicer was describing Donald Trump as a unicorn jumping over rainbows.”

She said she was offered a job on the Trump campaign in exchange for signing a restrictive nondisclosure agreement that prevented her from criticizing Trump, Vice President Mike Pence or any of their family members or companies affiliated with their families.

“They were not offering a real job,” she said. “I could work from home if I even wanted to work.”
pointing out Russian involvement isn't a way to take blame away. it's just to highlight how suggestible much of this country is and that Trump continues to collude with an enemy nation.
That is true, but there are too many Americans who absolve themselves of the consequences of their indifference to politics by putting the entire blame on Russia. It is too easy to fall in that trap, and many will do it willingly to avoid recognizing the flaws in the system.

One thing we do better than ignoring others is pointing fingers at everybody but ourselves.
Here's an equivalent:

Sure, you're not forcing any ISIS members to blow themselves up. However if you're creating fake facebook ISIS groups and encouraging people to join the "Unite the ISIS" march in Charlottesville or otherwise funding advertising for ISIS, you're not quite completely innocent. You may get indicted in absentia or in the case of an ISIS equivalent, have a drone drop a bomb on your moms house.
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