***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I’m not sure if you are serious. Perhaps you are operating from a place of misinformation. In any event, James literally called Trump a “bum” when he disinvited GSW from the White House. And in an interview with Don Lemon the night before Trump’s tweet, Lebron stated that Trump was using sports to divide this country, that he would never sit across from him, and that he would run, if he had to, if it helped ensure Trump didn’t win. Trump’s tweet was a response in the exact same vein he does with every other person he feels attacked him, regardless of their race or gender.
Whomp whomp, get your facts right before you respond to this again. You’re incorrect and it’s getting pretty annoying to have to literally correct you on all your own stances.
Wages drop despite economic boom
Wages in the U.S. fell over the past year despite an ongoing economic boom, according to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Friday.

In the past 12 months through July, real average hourly earnings dropped 0.4 percent. That figure takes into account seasonal differences, as well as the effects of rising prices.

An increase in the length of the average workweek was not enough to compensate for the fall, leaving average weekly earnings down 0.1 percent in the same period.

Over the past month alone, real hourly wages were flat, while real weekly earnings dropped 0.2 percent.

The sluggish advance in wages comes amid an economy that, by other measures, is booming. The economy grew at an annualized rate of 4.2 percent in the second quarter, and unemployment dipped below 4 percent in July.

The dynamic could prove troublesome for Republicans hoping that a thriving economy will boost them in November's midterm elections.

Disinformation / fake news

We know that the economy hasn’t been this popping in the entire history of this nation.

Add the cost of tariffs and we are in a worse state than we were a year ago. But hey, the rich get to keep extra hundreds of thousands. It’s all good.
Omorosa and Candace Owens are both cut from the same sellout cloth. Both have knowingly been used as racial mouthpieces for white conservatives.

It's not even a dogwhistle anymore. It's a damn bullhorn at this point. They've failed to grasp the basic lesson of their predecessors....Once they're done using you, then they'll dump you for the next one (liberals are guilty of this too btw).
Omarosa might not have the greatest credibility, but just like Putin and Kim Jong-Un, when you place them next to the moral black hole that is Trump, they all shine like divine beacons of truth.
Omorosa and Candace Owens are both cut from the same sellout cloth. Both have knowingly been used as racial mouthpieces for white conservatives.

It's not even a dogwhistle anymore. It's a damn bullhorn at this point. They've failed to grasp the basic lesson of their predecessors....Once they're done using you, then they'll dump you for the next one (liberals are guilty of this too btw).

I think overall, Omorosa may be smarter and more strategic than Candace. Omorosa seems like she only cares about Omorosa and is willing to play whatever game with whoever to get her come-up.

Candace Owens is just dumb, plain ole dumb. She reads and studies dumb things, she says dumb things from what she read and studied. Which makes her a dumb person that thinks she's the smartest person in the room, and she's a loud mouth on top of it. Her white supremacist handlers love that they got the stereotypical "loud mouth black woman" to be their useful idiot 'redpill black' to recruit other biscuit boys and girls. Like Dumb-ye West.

White privilege, faking your degree and never having to say you're sorry (Howard is the younger woman)

If the Omarosa tapes are released, do we expect all the Trump sycophants to come out defending him by saying in their best Dave Chapelle white guy voices: "Oh har har har... we say n***** all the time. It's just a word we use in the locker room, when we talk about black people, that's all."
If the Omarosa tapes are released, do we expect all the Trump sycophants to come out defending him by saying in their best Dave Chapelle white guy voices: "Oh har har har... we say n***** all the time. It's just a word we use in the locker room, when we talk about black people, that's all."

1. He was reciting rap lyrics
2. DAKOTA Prescott and Barson already vouched for him.
If the Omarosa tapes are released, do we expect all the Trump sycophants to come out defending him by saying in their best Dave Chapelle white guy voices: "Oh har har har... we say n***** all the time. It's just a word we use in the locker room, when we talk about black people, that's all."

" I can't be racist, I have a black friend" for 600, alex
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