***Official Political Discussion Thread***

What you're doing is a somewhat clever attempt to sidestep any criticism unless the words are uttered in the most literal form possible. Particularly politicians aren't exactly speaking in absolute literal terms on the regular.
It's interesting because he has no problem generalizing how I think based on his experiences with other people, but god forbid you ask him to extrapolate how Trump feels about black people.
Data like the jobs reports? When they are posted, the response in here is that when Obama was president Trump said he didn't trust the numbers. It isn't data that you want.

The sensation you are feeling is confirmation bias.
I referenced the jobs report. I have posted iterations of it in the past. After it was referenced someone commented about how it doesn't show the full picture. Undoubtedly the same thing you will do. Trolling is the asbestos memes and coal gang.
And then he got nasty when I asked him to explain his views.
That unemployment is down, and people are entering the work force.

Support for being pro-life? Like what you are asking for is nonsensical. Every time something is posted you want "more." More explanation, more reasoning, etc, that you will just disagree with. You asked for data, I posted it. Now it is what the data means. Now it is support for beliefs, etc.

The hypocrisy is that you don't ask for the same from the people who tend to align with your beliefs. Instead, you like their memes and agree. That is why this thread is looked at as an echo chamber. It is the blatant hypocrisy that makes it difficult to have a legitimate discussion.
This fool is a troll.

Trump boot lickers are abhorrent with the way they try to shield that piece of trash from criticism for his racism

And then whinge and whine when it's pointed out that they are helping all these racists feel empowered

He doesn't need to say "I only hate black athletes" or come out in a Klan uniform for for his racist feelings to be revealed

It's so goddamn disingenuous cuz thru one side of their mouth they'll say that racism and systematic oppression needs to be literal, clear-cut and obvious with a white hood on top but thru the other side of their mouth talk about "nUaNCe iS kEy guYs, evErYtHinG isN't sO blACk aNd wHiTe..."

Like, come the **** on.

I also wanna point out that these dudes always seem to go ghost but conveniently pop up whenever Trump has done something incredibly stupid and outrageous and do damage control by getting us worked up about something else. Case in point, this dude dwalk31 dwalk31 showed up one day after this:

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and then, using the same old troll tactics, got everyone to discuss a whole range of things but definitely not Trump pretty much admitting to collusion, simultaneously throwing his own son under the bus. These dudes always do this and the consistency and effort is almost like they're being paid for it which I srsly wouldn't doubt since that's exactly what they accuse us of doing and we all know about the right wing and their affinity for projection.
You are well aware that not only black players are kneeling. And you are well aware that Trump did not say that he is ok with the white players kneeling, but not the black players.
He never tweeted about that white government official who kneeled during the anthem and had an article written about her. He never came at Eminem either.
He never tweeted about that white government official who kneeled during the anthem and had an article written about her. He never came at Eminem either.

I think the only two white people he came at was Kathy Griffin with the severed Trump head, and Elizabeth Warren calling her "Pocahontas." That's probably him assuming she's a Pretendian and not an actual Native American. Which I dont know if she is or isn't.
Does he say his fellow white people he beefs with have low I.Q's?

And he still communicates with Bannon and Gorka, two BLATANT white supremacists to the bone.

He literally called McCain a loser. Called Karl Rove stupid a bunch of times. Also called Glen Beck stupid. What do all these men have in common? It appears to be a race-neutral jab that he says to opponents. Opponents who, mostly, have no issue calling him stupid as well.
He literally called McCain a loser. Called Karl Rove stupid a bunch of times. Also called Glen Beck stupid. What do all these men have in common? It appears to be a race-neutral jab that he says to opponents. Opponents who, mostly, have no issue calling him stupid as well.
Trump has tweets saying the opposite. As soon as they tell him to kick rocks Trump cries and calls them losers
The moral of the story is don't trust anything Donald Trump says because he changes his mind erratically and seemingly for no reason other than inability to process things objectively and with intelligence.

Dude is essentially an elderly child with a confederate flag pacifier.
No, because he attacks those of color for no reason, not out of direct personal retaliation and humiliation

I’m not sure if you are serious. Perhaps you are operating from a place of misinformation. In any event, James literally called Trump a “bum” when he disinvited GSW from the White House. And in an interview with Don Lemon the night before Trump’s tweet, Lebron stated that Trump was using sports to divide this country, that he would never sit across from him, and that he would run, if he had to, if it helped ensure Trump didn’t win. Trump’s tweet was a response in the exact same vein he does with every other person he feels attacked him, regardless of their race or gender.
Wages drop despite economic boom
Wages in the U.S. fell over the past year despite an ongoing economic boom, according to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Friday.

In the past 12 months through July, real average hourly earnings dropped 0.4 percent. That figure takes into account seasonal differences, as well as the effects of rising prices.

An increase in the length of the average workweek was not enough to compensate for the fall, leaving average weekly earnings down 0.1 percent in the same period.

Over the past month alone, real hourly wages were flat, while real weekly earnings dropped 0.2 percent.

The sluggish advance in wages comes amid an economy that, by other measures, is booming. The economy grew at an annualized rate of 4.2 percent in the second quarter, and unemployment dipped below 4 percent in July.

The dynamic could prove troublesome for Republicans hoping that a thriving economy will boost them in November's midterm elections.
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