***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Corker to hold hearing on president's nuclear weapons authority
Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) announced Wednesday the Senate Foreign Relations Committee would hold a hearing next week on “the executive’s authority to use nuclear weapons.”

“A number of members both on and off our committee have raised questions about the authorities of the legislative and executive branches with respect to war making, the use of nuclear weapons, and conducting foreign policy overall,” Corker said in a statement announcing the Nov. 14 hearing.

“This continues a series of hearings to examine these issues and will be the first time since 1976 that this committee or our House counterparts have looked specifically at the authority and process for using U.S. nuclear weapons,” he continued. “This discussion is long overdue, and we look forward to examining this critical issue.”

A debate over nuclear authority has reignited among lawmakers after President Trump warned in August that North Korea could face "fire and fury like the world has never seen" if it continues to advance its nuclear program.
A number of rank-and-file Democrats and Republicans have come forward saying Congress must authorize the use of nuclear weapons and a declaration of war should Trump want to strike North Korea.

Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), who sits on the Armed Services Committee, said “preemptive war” on the Korean Peninsula “would require the authorization of Congress.”

Both Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) introduced bills this year that would bar Trump from launching a preemptive nuclear attack before Congress approves a declaration of war. Those bills have stalled in the Republican-controlled House and Senate.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has also called on Congress to bar the president from using nuclear weapons unless the United States is attacked first.

Corker has emerged as a fierce critic of President Trump over the last month, saying Trump could put the U.S. “on the path to World War III.”
1.7 Trillion added to the debt to give millionaires, billionaires and corporations a tax cut they don't need. All bases on an economic theory that has proven to be nonsense repeatedly.

Smh this ******* country. That ******* GOP

Obama's peoples and way better ideas on taxes.
Paradise papers begs to differ....any rational logic you wanna keep corporate taxes da Highest in da world and encourage corporate inversion?

with all the deductions and loops holes available to corporations the effective tax rate is more like 26-27% I believe.

Like I siad before the republicans better hope the compound growth effects are real, and corporations don't just repatriate money to buy back stock and juice share prices.
would those 30% of people be better of?

pass thru tax going down to 25%... and da mortgage deductions arent disappearing, just getting trimmed.

Trump just slashing regulations got GDP to above 3%...with da laws that let people keep their own money i can bet it will continue to climb, and families will be awash in cash...child tax credit is also nearly doubling.
with all the deductions and loops holes available to corporations the effective tax rate is more like 26-27% I believe.

special interests are being eliminated, to da chagrin of liberals in high tax state and corporations who thought da border was gone (20% excise tax)

putting us competitively against da rest of da world tax wise is a GOOD thing...
pass thru tax going down to 25%... and da mortgage deductions arent disappearing, just getting trimmed.

Trump just slashing regulations got GDP to above 3%...with da laws that let people keep their own money i can bet it will continue to climb.
GDP growth is not going to be at 3 percent this year. You are lying, making this up, or don't understand the GDP figure you heard.

Show me how Trump got the annual rate to track at 3 percent. Explain this to me

Keep I mind, I already know the answer to this question, because I understand rudimentary economics
The presumption that these cooperations are going to do anything besides pass them savings off to their shareholders is mind boggling to me.

they can do what they want, as long as it hits US shores, investments gonna be sweet.
The presumption that these cooperations are going to do anything besides pass them savings off to their shareholders is mind boggling to me. :lol:
They are just gonna use the extra funds on bonuses and buybacks. Trickle down economicss is snake oil.

The economy or the Federal Government give large firms any incentive to empower labor.
with all the deductions and loops holes available to corporations the effective tax rate is more like 26-27% I believe.

Like I siad before the republicans better hope the compound growth effects are real, and corporations don't just repatriate money to buy back stock and juice share prices.

If that. Nov/Dec is when the major tax planning is being done on how to zero out that net income number for C Corps. Usually done by either purchasing fixed assets or more likely large bonuses to Corporate officers.
with all the deductions and loops holes available to corporations the effective tax rate is more like 26-27% I believe.

Like I siad before the republicans better hope the compound growth effects are real, and corporations don't just repatriate money to buy back stock and juice share prices.
Even without taking deductions and loopholes into account, the US does not have the highest corporate tax in the world. Though it's not far off.
It does have the highest statutory corporate tax rate of OECD nations.
With all the deductions etc. the effective rate is reduced drastically isn't all that different from Germany or the UK.
Obama's economist found that if you got rid of deductions, that we could lower the corporate tax rate to 28% and see no revenue lost.
The US is like #18 in the world in taxes from the last column i read on Bloomberg a few months back. People need to look at the effective tax rate. Not the statutory.
im sorry I didn't know da year was over already :lol:
You said GDP growth was over 3 percent, why did you say that if the year is not over yet.

I know why.

You in your constant economic ignorance saw Trump mention 3%, and thought the economy must be growing at that rate because Papi said so.. That was the growth for last quarter. If you average out the growth for the last three quarters GDP growth is tracking at 2.4 percent. Economist predict that the final 2017 rate will be around that number, likely under.

You tried to past off a BS stat, and I called you out so now you wanna play dumb.

Sit down b. Trump has done nothing to strengthen the macroeconomy. In fact he has done the opposite
pass thru tax going down to 25%... and da mortgage deductions arent disappearing, just getting trimmed.

Trump just slashing regulations got GDP to above 3%...with da laws that let people keep their own money i can bet it will continue to climb, and families will be awash in cash...child tax credit is also nearly doubling.
The pass through rate is kind of irrelevant to our discussion, but anyway 86% of small businesses already don’t pay above the pass through rate of 25%, and several classes of personal service workers who make up the majority of small businesses, such as doctors, lawyers, and accountants wouldn’t be able to qualify for the 25% rate according to what the House has proposed. If you’re going to have that decreased rate, you might as well not have any disqualifications for personal service. There was an article on Forbes that says these proposed laws would also penalize entrepreneurs and small business owners in having them pay more tax.

And the House wants to increase the child tax credit from $1k to only $1.6k, and when you work out the math on that for people that itemize with the proposed new rules, they still have to pay more, as evidenced by OKB’s earlier post.

So, while I stand to benefit from the proposed tax plan, there are also a sizeable chunk of people that also would not get any benefit or even be hurt by the plan.
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