***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Don is always looking very dapper but the honorable dr. Ben Carson has simply outmatched him with this painting in his house.
Carson and Klingon Jesus looking VERY dapper
Wonder what the coverage was pre-election.

da republican was supposed to lose from da onset. coverage reflected that.

da guy that lost wasn't a "Trumpster" him embracing Trump was a last ditch hail Mary, that got Ralph to fold on some immigration issues to appear even more centrist.

@rexanglorum will tell you da most endangered species is da chamber of commerce northeastern republican.
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Catching up on the thread.
More on Georgia

Both spots are in places that went for the manbaby

The guy on top here is a family friend of mines. I'm pulling for him hard in the runoff he came really close last year for his first time running. I think he's got it in the runoff but the people gotta go out and vote. I'm gonna talk to him and see if I can lend a helping hand and volunteer.
Trump is such a strong hero to them but they get in their feelings and offended anytime someone opposes him with facts.

Its the same thing he does. Bully others and then quick to play victim at any opportunity.

Remember when he was crying that no politician has ever been treated worse or more unfairly :frown::

Of course after years of the birther stuff and getting people to rally against anything Obama did
its less than a third of da public that itemizes.
I didn’t say the majority of people itemized, I just said married couples with children or head of household tend to itemize their deductions, and guess what? Those with a big family tend to be Republican.

You can argue that the increase of standard deduction will lessen the blow for those that are able to compute that their tax bill will lessen with that deduction if the tax reform were to be passed, but would those 30% of people be better of? No, because the current rules of itemization benefit them more than the future proposed rules.
Watching that Cohn interview is what I imagine OJ being on the stand for his murder trial would have been like.

That boy saying **** he should be saying in public. He telling on himself from the jump
Here is something everyone should know about Trump's "tax cut" plan In 2027, a family with kids that makes $40-50K will have a $240 TAX INCREASE A single person w/no kids that makes $1,000,000+ will get a $188,770 TAX CUT WTF?

These guys really about to do this. :lol:

I can't get over this, if Trump is a one term president his biggest mistake will be following that idiot Paul Ryan.
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