***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Please tell me this song has graced this thread before.

YESSIR, comrade brolic. I just chromecasted this to the whole gang. Here's a live look at aepps20 while we all look on and cheer:

Lmaoo whenever there's a big story fox calls it predictable to downplay it and make it a "nothing burger"

Same thing happened when the Mueller bombs were being dropped. It's their last resort spin.
Lmaoo whenever there's a big story fox calls it predictable to downplay it and make it a "nothing burger"

Same thing happened when the Mueller bombs were being dropped. It's their last resort spin.
Best item at whataburger ?
Checked out The Rachel Maddow Show on YouTube earlier and heard about the CIA director, Mike Pompeo.

Dude personally hosted a guy who promotes conspiracy theories on RT and Infowars, among them the idea that the DNC somehow hacked themselves to make Trump look bad (???).

He then reorganized the section of the CIA that handles granting permission of the use of classified information for use by federal investigators to report directly to him.

If Mueller wants to use such information or even discover the existence of it, he could be denied or derailed by these manuevers.

This is some seriously crooked ****.
standard deduction is being doubled makes this critique irrelevant.
You have forgotten that those that itemize their deductions instead of taking the standard deduction stand to lose more money to Uncle Sam if the personal exemption were to be taken away.

And most married people with children or head of household itemize their deductions instead of taking the standard deduction because they pay fewer taxes doing so....so, it’s not that black and white.
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It's interesting that Gary Cohn thinks of "economics" to only be those things that concern those who are wealthy enough to pay the estate tax.

Also, I have watched countless hours of "business" news and the guess espouse ideology all the time and no one gets interpenetrated, so long as that ideology shows sufficient devotion to financial capitalism.

Also, business news, is a joke. Anyone who actually makes major economic and/or financial decisions, doesn't watch it. Only affluent retires, 30k millionaires and business and econ undergrads waste their time with those shows.

I will say this though, CEO's and hedge fund managers do appear on those shows to pump their stock or some stock that they are already planning on dumping soon.
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When I think of 30k millionaires, I think of either white dudes or white washed Mexicans who work at car dealerships.
when I think of 30k millionaires, I think of graduate students, overworked and living on a meager stipend, realizing that they should save money but the only way to make it through is to drink heavily, and not PBR or Miller lite but craft beers and fine scotch. and knowing that once they get a real job they'll have to put everything into a mortgage and their wife will only let them drive a minivan, they spring for a beat-up 3 series because it's their only chance in life to do so.
Please tell me this song has graced this thread before.

I actually spent a couple hours this afternoon shoveling coal from my other property into bags and carrying them to the car to transport to my current home.
My throat still hurts and I only spent between 2 and 3 hours there :sick:
Working on da black lung acquisition though :pimp:
I actually spent a couple hours this afternoon shoveling coal from my other property into bags and carrying them to the car to transport to my current home.
My throat still hurts and I only spent between 2 and 3 hours there :sick:

You have forgotten that those that itemize their deductions instead of taking the standard deduction stand to lose more money to Uncle Sam if the personal exemption were to be taken away.

its less than a third of da public that itemizes.
Also, I have watched countless hours of "business" news and the guess espouse ideology all the time and no one gets interpenetrated, so long as that ideology shows sufficient devotion to financial capitalism.

you're confusing da political news genre with da financial markets genre. da goal of da business networks (Cnbc, fox business) is to capitalize from da effects different ideological implement...in essence they don't care who's in charge, they care what's making money.
I feel like the Trump era has really spawned a renewed creativity amongst newspaper cover designers and cartoonists :lol:
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