***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I get she is trying to sell a book. But everybody new that hillary took over the dmc becuase they wanted to make history.

Schumer and Pelosi are tied to democrats and leadership
Hillary signed a standard fundraising agreement. Bernie signed one too. It was public knowledge. The only people that have a beef are state parties

The DNC already has new leadership anyway

Chuck and Nancy have nothing to do with the DNC really. Calling for them to step down over Brazile's hyperbole makes no sense.
on da contrary, red states subsidize high tax blue states because of da local tax deductions vs other low tax local states.

its gonna be easier to pass in da senate too cuz of less GOP senate representation in blue states to stop it.

We’re gonna have to see some numbers - with references.
Hillary signed a standard fundraising agreement. Bernie signed one too. It was public knowledge. The only people that have a beef are state parties

The DNC already has new leadership anyway

Chuck and Nancy have nothing to do with the DNC really. Calling for them to step down over Brazile's hyperbole makes no sense.

Nnooooo rusty . im not saying the need to step down becuase of brazille. My opinio is that they arent effect were they are at . Dnc needs a new path
Just opinion.
Nnooooo rusty . im not saying the need to step down becuase of brazille. My opinio is that they arent effect were they are at . Dnc needs a new path
Just opinion.
Ok but the Chuck and Nancy have nothing to do with the DNC.

The House and Senate have their own electoral infrastructure anyway. The DCCC and the DSCC.

I think you are mixing up the DNC with the larger Democratic Party. Hence the confusion
da bill will reach Trump's desk..its their asses on da line, da urgency is real... even repeal & replace takes a back seat to this.

Ohh! They moved on from repeal & replace cuz it's not as important as tax reform. It has nothing to do with how horribly they failed at it even though they had 7 years and made it a headlining feature of Trump's campaign?

Ohh, ok.

Da spin is epic.
da bill will reach Trump's desk..its their asses on da line, da urgency is real... even repeal & replace takes a back seat to this.
But to confirm, nothing will change from this version of the bill. This exact proposal is what will reach Trump's desk?

That is what you are saying.

Japan Prime Minister Abe eats it in bunker while golfing with Trump
The key part:

Last week Mr Trump was asked a question about vacant positions at the State Department.
"I'm the only one that matters," he replied.

US 'loses 60% of career ambassadors' since January
The United States has lost 60% of its career ambassadors since January, according to the head of the labour union that represents US diplomats.

"Leadership ranks are being depleted at a dizzying speed," Barbara Stephenson, head of the American Foreign Service Association (AFSA) chief, wrote.

Ms Stephenson, a former ambassador to Panama, says there has been a "decapitation" of top talent.

The BBC has asked the Department of State for a comment.

"The rapid loss of so many senior officers has a serious, immediate, and tangible effect on the capacity of the United States to shape world events," Ms Stephenson writes.

The former ambassador to Panama writes in a forthcoming issue of the Foreign Service Journal that the art of diplomacy must be defended under an administration that she argues appears bent on "dismantling government as we know it".

The decline of US diplomacy?
Analysis by Barbara Plett Usher, State Department correspondent, BBC News

This letter is the latest cry of distress from diplomatic veterans warning about the "mounting threats" to the State Department.

They say that the exodus of disillusioned top career officers is depriving the institution of decades of diplomatic experience.

And that the freeze on lower level hiring will weaken it in the future. Then there is the slow pace of political appointments to crucial jobs.

That has picked up lately but it's been hindered by the small pool of qualified personnel: President Trump refuses anyone who opposed his candidacy, and most of the Republican foreign policy establishment did.

Mr Tillerson is in the midst of reorganising and streamlining the department. Previously he's rejected claims that a staffing crisis is affecting the institution, listing the many international issues on which he's working and naming the career diplomats on whom he relies for help.

All of which leaves Ms Stephenson to wonder darkly about who's behind the alleged impetus to "weaken the American Foreign Service."

As well as envoys, the staff numbers of other high-ranking diplomatic ministers have fallen, reports the organisation, which was founded in 1924.

Mrs Stephenson writes that the decisions by career diplomats (who, unlike political appointees, do not change with every White House administration) was fuelled in part by the government's decision to "slash promotion numbers by more than half".

A hiring freeze has also led to a drop in entry level staffers joining the US agency tasked with worldwide diplomacy.

"The talent being shown the door now is not only our top talent, but also talent that cannot be replicated overnight," Mrs Stephenson writes.

She adds that if such an exodus were to occur within military ranks, "I would expect a public outcry".

Mrs Stephenson also points to Congress' opposition to such drastic cuts to the department, saying the Senate has labelled doing so "a doctrine of retreat".

In her scathing editorial, she questions "Why such a focus on decapitating leadership? How do these actions serve the stated agenda of making the State Department stronger?

"Where is the mandate to pull the Foreign Service team from the field and forfeit the game to our adversaries?"

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright - who was a staunch supporter of Hillary Clinton - told MSBNC on Wednesday that she is "deeply, deeply troubled" by the lack of staffing, "because you cannot be a major power in the world and not have a functioning diplomatic service".

A year after President Donald Trump's election, there are 152 senior posts unfilled at the Department of State, according to the tracker by Washington Post and Partnership for Public Service.

Last week Mr Trump was asked a question about vacant positions at the State Department.

"I'm the only one that matters," he replied.
Where you generally listen to Chapo Trap House or not, you'll owe yourselves a listen to both videos (NSFW and kinda long):

So I wonder how Ben Shapiro would write if he were inspired by our forum:

"Roy Springton's big hands clutched at yet another avocado. When he was a younger, athletic, lithe adolsecent, he had good ideas about what made America a great. However, the bare chested, thirty something now had his head filled with radical leftists ideas. Sweat dripped off his head and neck down to his broad back and his downy chest and onto his every so slight dad-bod stomach. The beast of a man was picking the avocados himself because he had supported a $15 an hour minimum wage in California. he could not pay his workers so they went to the sanctuary city of Los Angeles where they now breed like rabbits and sell hard core drugs. As his lightly freckled alabaster skin turned a delicate shade of bronze in the hot sun, Roy thought that perhaps his radical leftists ideas were not the best anymore. Roy, after all, was of clean and pure blood and it was only a matter of time until he would come to his sense. His flecking of blonde and red hairs, all over his powerful body, were proof that he could use reason in his political thinking.

"Russell the race hustler poured Tami another dram of 30 year aged rum. They say that magic infused the rum from the island were he was born. Indeed everything on his island involves strange, home brewed magic. Through diversity visas and magic, his family came to the United States. through affirmative action and strange, African spells and enchantments, he obtained multiple degrees. Now, he sits on the verge of his greatest triumph. With rum, magical amulets and talismans, he is about to seduce the princess of the alt right, miss Tami Learner. Normally, wise to the ways of enchanted race hustlers, she was helpless before Russell's dark voodoo and her yoga pants and uggs would soon be shed in their Belaggio suite."

"Edwin Del Negro was loading his moving truck with Air Jordans and Reebok pumps and Puma and Addidas sweat suits and Kangol hats and , all the accouterments of African American street people. While Edwin's phrenological type was never capable of complex thought, it did afford a certain low cunning. Edwin used to have a fine job, mining coal from underneath Washington Heights but sadly President Prescott (and the behest of his Hollywood donors and big city Chicago political mentors) forced the Republican Congress, at gun point, to outlaw all coal mining, effective immediately. Now, Edwin, employees his low mercantile cunning to exchange the prized items of clothing and footwear with minorities who would gladly exchange their food stamps for such fine luxury wares."

"Wahi Al Sappi knew that his destiny was to destroy the Great Satan, the United States, through taqiya. he had tried other approaches before. he had previously pretended to be a moderate Republican and all so he could promote the pedophile, R kelly. Wahi figured that since Tony Podesta and the prophet were also pedophiles that promoting R Kelly would make more Americans more accepting of both men, who are pedophiles. he claimed to want to step, step, step in the name of love but in reality, Wahi wanted to bomb, shot, terrorize in the name of hate. He knew he had to bid his time and his prefered tactic now was to posted Donald trump's unedited quotes, what a clever use of taqiya.
These guys are really about to raise taxes on the middle class to cut taxes on rich people.



The republican party would have been better off if Trump lost...it's almost as if if you make a deal with Trump...well you get it. :lol:
:rofl: :rofl:

They need the revenue from the repeal to make the deficit on the tax cut look better. Trump talked about them as equally important, but even if he want tax cuts more, the repeal needed to happen first for revenue reasons.

The CBO score came today, it was horrible, and Ryan promises to find more revenue. Meaning more tax increases somewhere, something the ACA repeal was supposed to avoid.

Hell, they are even attacking the ACA in the tax bill
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even da most casual of casual political neophytes would've told that Trump wanted this before repeal & replace.

he's said it himself.

Obviously that's been his main focus for the simple fact that the bill would greatly help him and his friends. But it's just funny how you casually throw the massive failure of repeal & replace in there and try to spin it like that's the reason it's on the back burner.
It would be rather ironic if this tweet comes back to haunt him :lol:
they need da tax cut to be able have credibility & momentum to go forward with repeal and replace.

I love this thinking, the fact is republicans really believe this.

We need to pass a massivley unpopular tax cut to get gain credibility to pass and massively unpopular healthcare plan. :lol:

It's truly amazing, thye don't seem to realize they are walking into a buzzsaw.
Trump type unplugged da insurance subsidies aka bailouts...its basically already dead.

Well that's even funnier cuz I member u saying Trump didn't even have to do anything in regards to the ACA cuz it would collapse on it's own. You know, the death spiral and all.
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