***Official Political Discussion Thread***

i like that you draw a hard line in the sand here. either you'll deserve your victory lapping or you take the endless jabs that'll come your way if it doesn't pass.
Moderate tax breaks will pass just like they did with Bush. They are completely incompetent if they can't get that done. Just give Susan Collins what she wants and call it a day.

It will be a far cry from what Trump promised, and the GOP is gonna **** some people.

Trump Stans don't concern care or can't comprehend the implications of economic policy so as soon as anything pass, they will celebrate.

It is not about good policy with them, it is about upsetting liberals.
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The irony of someone in their 30's still living with mama calling someone else a rookie. :lol:
For free too. "Zero overhead cost". I understand living with your parents to support them, but staying with them just so you can buy more Nikes and fake gold chains? My parents would've called the police to get me out if I stayed at the house forever without contributing anything.
i like that you draw a hard line in the sand here. either you'll deserve your victory lapping or you take the endless jabs that'll come your way if it doesn't pass.

That's what I'm lookin' at. Last I checked nobody is excited about that tax joint but the elites.
But hey, if he's right he's right but my lord he left no wiggle room in this one. Will be interesting to see how this plays out Cotton
I know how the new NT works, I know you would get a notification. I didn't quote you to get your attention. I quoted you to mock a stupid comment you made.

with da implicit understanding that i would know...

guess people were right about you actually need me to give you attention... :lol:

hey duke chew on this.

when da tax reform passes and city/state taxes are no longer deductible on federal taxes, and da rich flee high tax states, what are Democrats gonna run on as far as "da rich paying their fair share?" :nerd: :lol:
Let us leave Ninja living situation out of this.

He throws jabs when he feels insecure. Talking about that will just irritate him more and lead to a whole day of buffoonery from him.
u was talking crap for 6 months...u lucky i ain't take ur money :lol:
I donated money to the Equal Justice Initiative in your name.

You may not believe in systemic racism, but you spent $500 fighting against it

So thank you for your contribution

But if you ever need some money to keep you afloat. I will be happy to help, my brother.
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u was talking crap for 6 months...u lucky i ain't take ur money :lol:
everyone was definitely ridiculing you pre-election man (i might have even thrown a kick or two from the sidelines myself) but you're approaching donald trump level marathon victory lapping.
Virginia already a bluish start because of fairfax county, and its proximity "to da establishment swamp"

of course Trumpism isn't popular there.

duh... anything else u wanna have a eureka moment on? :lol:

furthermore, da GOP folks losing aren't losing to liberals, they're losing to moderate/conservative Democrats...not exactly someone thats gonna mess with things i mess with as far as energy policy.

How about some gains in a solidly red state?

It's ok to admit when you're ignorant to a situation or you are wrong. Makes it easier for people to take anything you say seriously or have good-faith debates with you.

Denying reality makes you look like a clown.
with da implicit understanding that i would know...

guess people were right about you actually need me to give you attention... :lol:

hey duke chew on this.

when da tax reform passes and city/state taxes are no longer deductible on federal taxes, and da rich flee high tax states, what are Democrats gonna run on as far as "da rich paying their fair share?" :nerd: :lol:

My god, you have no idea how taxes work. No matter where the rich run to, they be subject to Federal taxes. If anything it will make the argument for higher Federal taxes stronger. And the GOP would have already done the unpopular work of rolling back upper middle class tax breaks.

Thanks guys.

Btw, if the rich flee NYC, they can no longer spend on expensive inefficient local programs, like rent control.

You are being smug about your city potentially losing it's tax base. Wow, just wow
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How about some gains in a solidly red state?

state house seats.... zzzzzz thats like D2 ball b.

holla at me about congress seats in 2018.

My god, you have no idea how taxes work. No matter where the rich run to, they be subject to Federal taxes

who said i disputed obligated to fed taxes? i said da state and city taxes will no longer be deductible on federal taxes.

good luck with ur Democratic donor base after this tax reform bill... they're gonna hightail it :lol:
Making the rich pay their fair share was a big talking point for Phil Murphy.

I wondered what will happen if the rich moved out of NJ or even NY? How can they lower taxes?
Btw, if the rich flee NYC, they can no longer spend on expensive inefficient local programs, like rent control.

they wont have to worry about, cuz gentrification will literally come to a screeching halt, besides..rent control is already dead *cough* except those already grandfathered in *cough* 8)
I wondered what will happen if the rich moved out of NJ or even NY? How can they lower taxes?

ahh...now you're cooking with gas.

Democrats will actually be held accountable for raising taxes, and on NJ with horrible property taxes already? good luck :sick:
Making the rich pay their fair share was a big talking point for Phil Murphy.

I wondered what will happen if the rich moved out of NJ or even NY? How can they lower taxes?
What he is saying makes no sense.

They want to remove the deductions, but also lower the tax rate, along with other cuts. The rich will get a net tax cut. If anything it incentivizes them to stay where they. If they don't cut the rate, the Cali and NYC Republicans in the House will not support this too..

Furthermore if the rich get a net tax cut, it will give liberal states leeway to raise local taxes. So the rich pay the same in total taxes, just more go to the state than Federal Government

The rich in liberal states subsidize the poor in red states. So if you cut the Federal rate and raise the State rate, you keep more tax dollars in your state.

If this happens large blue states are not the ones that will get ******, poor red ones are.
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If the tax cut bill passes the way it is, blue states will definitely subsidize red sates more than they already do. That's not even up for debate.
I wonder how many Republicans in affluent blue states are gonna vote to increase the taxes on the rich in their state.

If the GOP is not gonna for keeping your tax bill low, then the GOP is useless to the rich in those states. They will stay home on election day

Just makes the job easy for Dems to flip those seats.
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The rich will get a net tax cut. If anything it incentivizes them to stay where they.


tax brackets aren't budging much for upper class if at all.

and not when certain other states have super low local taxes?

"i can hear a sucking sound from NY to Florida".
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