***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Elder Bush says he voted for Hillary over Trump, who he calls a "blowhard"
All those Cali Republicans in districts that Hillary won, or came close to winning, are ****ting themselves right now.

Republicans, in some areas, face a triple whammy. California is one of the few States where the white vote is trending Democratic. The children of undocumented parents who were born in the 90's are coming of age and voting and will never forget prop 187. Finally, we have people of color, blacks and second generation immigrants, moving towards the exoburbs or further into Orange County.

Some seats like the CA-02 (Modoc Plateau) are very white, conservative and safe for the incumbent, Tom McClintock. Some seats like the CA-25 (Simi Valley-Santa Clarita-Antelope Valley) are almost guarantee due to black and brown exoburban votes. It's three districts in the Central Valley that could could go either way. They do not have the exoburban migration from the big cities so that helps Republcians but they do have an energize and engaged and young Chicano electorate. That helps Democrats and every two years that Chicano electorate gets larger.

We all know that Trump does not know that Sikhs are different from Muslims.

A Black mayor being elected in Montana,a Dem Socialist defeating the GOP state house whip in Virginia,the GOP losing 2 seats in a special election in Georgia...what a time to be alive :smokin

Hoping this momentum continues long into the next 3-4 years

The down ballot stuff in VA was the most encouraging sign, from a national perspective. Despite the this last week of apprehension, Northam basically held serve by winning a State wide race in what is now a solidly blue state.

Winning State House seats is the more encouraging signs that the DNC has its act together and can at least win State races in blue States and hopefully purple States.

Wouldn’t this just scare more “white” people into voting

There just is not much room for a backlash. The white voters who respond to "blood and soil" campaigning already are voting at near 100%. The Democratic electorate has much, much more room to grow.
We all know that Trump does not know that Sikhs are different from Muslims.

Of course dude doesn't..

I was amazed the other day when dude didn't know the differences between the Virgin Islands.. I mean given dude got hotels all over the place that would have been a possibility.. or just owning land in either place.. or hell, just yachting or vacationing in either place

But the real reason I was and still am amazed, I would have assumed someone as rich as he claims to be would have some sort of legal entity (trust, company, foundation and/or whatever) set up in one of the former British colonies
Not really a fan of Northham, but I'm glad that dog-whistling racist Gillespie is out the paint. Can't believe some of the campaign ads I was seeing in 2017, defending Confederates and blaming immigrants. How long are Republicans think the angry white people are gonna keep them afloat?
Not really a fan of Northham, but I'm glad that dog-whistling racist Gillespie is out the paint. Can't believe some of the campaign ads I was seeing in 2017, defending Confederates and blaming immigrants. How long are Republicans think the angry white people are gonna keep them afloat?

When you factor in gerrymandering and voter suppression, a long time.
Edison been had a ton of Indians in the city. I suspect that was done by a Patel supporter.

I'm not too fond of Phil Murphy. I think if Kim wasn't tied to Christie, who's tied to Trump, she would've won.
I'm behind on my local NJ politics since I moved out of there but I'm soooo glad that fat **** Christie is out come 2018
This is what Democrats need to keep hammering, Republicans are only running on fear, and conspiracies.

That's it. No real policy, just cut taxes blame immigrants, and more guns.

But really, I think the jig is up. They could've gained a lot more ground giving the white house to a guy like Rubio, claiming a diversity win, and still enacting their trash policies in Congress and on the local and state levels. Handing the keys over to someone who's as ignorant as Trump woke a LOT of people up. Hell, even the Bushes know it.
Guess who showed up in the Paradise Papers... The Belgian State :smh::rofl:
The BMI is a state-controlled investment company which stands for Belgian Society for International Investments and is controlled by both the Belgian government and the Belgian national bank. 64% of the BMI is owned by the Belgian government.
In a joint investigation from several of our newspapers, they uncovered that the BMI has been involved for 20 years in a shell corporation/mailbox company in the British Virgin Islands.
The BMI also hid that shell corporation from its annual accounting. Through this shell corporation, significant investments were made in a large harbor project in northern Vietnam. On the BMI's annual accounting, only a Vietnam address was listed and there was no mention of the shell corporation the money was being routed through.
The BMI has admitted that their annual accounting was incorrect and that it was an "error".
Its investment in that harbor project is quite significant and by all means a successful investment. Numerous state officials including our current king have visited the project throughout the years.

Furthermore, an additional corporation was created in Hongkong roughly 4 years ago and our country has labeled Hongkong a tax paradise since mid-2016.
Hans D'hondt is the top official at our Federal Finance/Tax Agency in charge of investigating constructions in tax paradises. He also sat on the board of directors of the BMI for roughly 10 years, ending last year. He now claims he had no knowledge of the BMI's involvement with that shell corporation in the British Virgin Islands. Despite this going on for 20 years, so far every official's response has been either "no comment" or "no idea how this happened but we must investigate".
I wouldn't be too confident, Democrats also have issues within their party for sure. I also would like to believe Trump has people "woke", but it's still to early to tell. Really hoping turn out is yuge for 2018, seems like level headed Republicans are embarrassed too, so that's a good sign.
I wouldn't be too confident, Democrats also have issues within their party for sure. I also would like to believe Trump has people "woke", but it's still to early to tell. Really hoping turn out is yuge for 2018, seems like level headed Republicans are embarrassed too, so that's a good sign.

They have plenty of issues, like flip flopping and trying to play the middle to appeal to suburban white voters. Northham flipping on his opinion of sanctuary cities was a perfect example of that. Picking Kaine as a VP was another example of that. It appears at times they're afraid to "offend" moderate white voters with too much diversity or progressive thinking.
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