***Official Political Discussion Thread***

While I agree with this article, but I think there is a weird irony that I think that gets ignored.

The story that progressive like to push is that the Democratic Party turned centrist, the voters had no real choices between the two parties, so they decided to vote for actual Republicans as opposed to Republican lites. That is really not what happen. White voters turned on the Dems because of Civil Rights. The GOP effectively dog whistled that left wing economics was just welfare for the "blacks" and that the white working man would always be ok, even under free market capitalism . For a while this appeared true (it wasn't though), so many white folk fled the Dems to GOP, more progressive candidates took the brunt of it. The Democratic party has always been a diverse coalition, even economically, so with the lefty party being weakened, the third way Dems were allowed to rise to power within the party.

The GOP buffoonery eventually caught up with them and in 2006 and 2008 we saw the Dems sweep into power behind the Blue Dogs wave.

Then Obama happened. The GOP once again fanned the flames of white resentment politics and white supremacy to take away from the Dems, just like they did back in the day (this time with more gerrymandering, voter suppression and dark money). But this time, the Blue Dogs were the one wiped out, allowing the progressive wing of the party to rise back to prominence.

It is so weird, 30 years and ago centrist were beating back progressive saying they the country didn't want their brand of economics anymore, now progressive are doing the same thing. However, I believe there is much more truth in the statement this time.

-BTW, it looks like Northam murdered Diet VA Trump in the suburbs. So that adds a new wrinkle to the run populist vs. run whatever Dem can win wherever argument.
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Did he have Grey Market kicks on?
Not confirmed.

He has though been throwing articles of clothing from the top of building. So far a Jostens ring, an X-Men t-shirt, a pair of capris, and a jewelry store layaway slip have been recovered

Also the man is said to be armed with an antique firearm as well.
I’m not celebrating too much either though

Democrats need to come up with a unitary message by 2020
Still too much infighting for the party to be wholly successful
I’m not celebrating too much either though

Democrats need to come up with a unitary message by 2020
Still too much infighting for the party to be wholly successful

Don't think anyones saying "mission accomplished" just yet,2018 midterms will be a true test for the resistance and a good indicator of just how strong the blue wave could be. Right now all these wins and great results all over the country in spite of the conflicts within the party are encouraging as hell imo.

Dems have promising future prospects regardless as long as the manbaby and the GOP keep not being able to accomplish a damn thing while tarnishing the countries image and reputation on a daily basis

Dude has really gotten the bases fire burning :lol:
Don't think anyones saying "mission accomplished" just yet,2018 midterms will be a true test for the resistance and a good indicator of just how strong the blue wave could be. Right now all these wins and great results all over the country in spite of the conflicts within the party are encouraging as hell imo.

Dems have promising future prospects regardless as long as the manbaby and the GOP keep not being able to accomplish a damn thing while tarnishing the countries image and reputation on a daily basis

Dude has really gotten the bases fire burning :lol:
Like I said, the best thing might actually be Trump not getting impeached and the GOP sleeping on the moderates vote due to Trump admin going far right

Still need Democrats to be unified though
They clearly can win over the moderate vote easily...need the Bernie wing to realize this but I have little hope for that lol
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