***Official Political Discussion Thread***

trump is lecturing s korea right now about how unjust n korea is:

"they build statues to glorify their dictators"

"perceived loyalty to a twisted regime"

"this cruel dictatorship measures them, scores them, and ranks them based on ... their allegiance to the state... those who score the lowest starve"

trump is jealous.
Trump went to South Korea to talk to his base in order to build a case for the invasion of the North. He ain't talking to South Koreans.
Trump went to South Korea to talk to his base in order to build a case for the invasion of the North. He ain't talking to South Koreans.
it's really incredible that the tone of this speech is, "holy hell, i just found out north korea is not doing well."

i think the world and especially the south korean audience knows all this ****.
Yeah, his man's lost the primary too because he could talk to black people. Sound familiar.

What he did with the email was only asinine, it reach **** boy levels. He not only criticized the DNC and Democratic Party, but the email was to talk about the Unity Commission and his recommendation for it. Peep how ****ing self serving this dude is. These are his recommendation for this that must change.....

-He criticizes super delegates ability to to ignore the will of the primary voters...........But that is exactly what he asked them to do towards the end of the primary. Steal the nomination from Hillary and give it to him. Just ignore over 3 million voters, and give him the nomination.

-He criticizes closed primaries and calls for all of them to be open. Not only does the DNC not have this power it is really convenient that he has this beef since he did better in open primaries and than closed. It is also laughable for him to compare the Dem States parties decisions to the vile voter suppression efforts of the GOP

-But he doesn't have a problem with caucuses that suppress people's more than primaries. You know how you can make caucuses even more open, change them to primaries. But nah, I guess those can stay because he did well in them. He wants them more open because he believes that that would have put him over the top in the few he lost. Most of the others were in states that "fit his demographic"

-This is the only point I agree with.

So after complaining about the current system favoring some candidates more, his request is to change the system to favor him more. Dude is a clown for this.

All of this is spot on. I think it was you that said it, but Bernie sees the Democratic Party as nothing but an ends to his means.

His self serving behavior along with the similar minded self serving behavior of the Bernie bro crowd is appaling. I was on TYT earlier (probably shouldn’t have been on that joke of a page to begin with) but the typical Bernie bro crowd is talking that “if we don’t get progressives on the ballot we’re not going to vote even if it means giftwrapping Trump another term in 2020”

For as tolerant as they claim to be, I’d love for one of them to look the people of any group negatively impacted by Trump in office and tell them “sorry about that, but my political needs to have progressives on the ballot is more important than the issues and circumstances you face every day”

But going even further him and his base irk the he’ll out of because they’re the most vocal, talk the most ****, but are that willfully ignorant that they’re willing to shoot themselves and others in the foot because they didn’t get their way.
it's really incredible that the tone of this speech is, "holy hell, i just found out north korea is not doing well."

i think the world and especially the south korean audience knows all this ****.
The mans didn’t know there were Japanese manufacturer factories in the US.

Tillerson was right, the President is a ******* moron
oh boy... trump just mispronounced "Nazis." like he couldn't get himself to say something bad about it.

someone post the vid.
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