***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Breitbart :lol:

From 2013 to 2015, the Mercer foundation gave $4.7m to Bannon’s Government Accountability Institute—more than half its total funding in that time . . . Bannon founded G.A.I. in Florida in 2012 with Peter Schweizer, the conservative author of Clinton Cash. Since then, the G.A.I. has paid Bannon $379,000 and Schweizer $781,000. Rebekah Mercer was a director of the group until 2014. It has continued assailing liberals since Trump’s victory and says exposing the “misuse of taxpayer monies” is central to its mission.

Mercer’s foundation also gave millions more to other groups that funded Bannon. It paid $3.8m to the nonprofit arm of Citizens United, best known for the deregulation of political spending it won in a 2010 Supreme Court ruling. Bannon has made films for Citizens United and between 2012 and 2013 was paid $450,000 in consulting fees by its nonprofit arm.

The Mercer foundation gave $1.2m to the Young America’s Foundation, another conservative nonprofit, which paid Bannon more than $577,000 between 2010 and 2012 for filmmaking services, according to filings.

Do as I say, not as I do.
He hasn't run for anything there, he just supported a candidate at Virginia that lost to the current Democrat winning the election. And he refused to support the guy who won the Democratic primary.
Yeah, his man's lost the primary too because he could talk to black people. Sound familiar.

What he did with the email was only asinine, it reach **** boy levels. He not only criticized the DNC and Democratic Party, but the email was to talk about the Unity Commission and his recommendation for it. Peep how ******* self serving this dude is. These are his recommendation for this that must change.....

In my view, this Commission must:

  • Make the Democratic Party more democratic and the presidential contests more fair by dramatically reducing the number of superdelegates who participate in the nominating process. It is absurd that in the last presidential primary over 700 superdelegates (almost one-third of the delegates a candidate needed to win the nomination) had the power to ignore the will of the people who voted in the state primaries and caucuses.

  • Make primaries more open by ending the absurdity of closed primary systems with antiquated, arbitrary and discriminatory voter registration laws. Republicans are the ones who make it harder for people to vote, not Democrats. At a time when more and more people consider themselves to be Independents our job is to bring people into the Democratic Party process, not exclude them. It is incredibly undemocratic that in some states voters must declare their party affiliation up to six months before the primary election.

  • Make it easier for working people and students to participate in state caucuses. While there is much to be said for bringing people together face-to-face in a caucus to discuss why they support the candidate of their choice, not everybody is able to attend those caucuses at the time they are held. A process must be developed that gives everyone the right to cast a vote even if they are not physically able to attend a state caucus.

  • Make the DNC's budget and decision-making processes more open and transparent. If we are going to build a Party that relies on working people who are willing to give $5, $10 and $27 donations, they deserve to know where that money is going and how those decisions are made.

-He criticizes super delegates ability to to ignore the will of the primary voters...........But that is exactly what he asked them to do towards the end of the primary. Steal the nomination from Hillary and give it to him. Just ignore over 3 million voters, and give him the nomination.

-He criticizes closed primaries and calls for all of them to be open. Not only does the DNC not have this power it is really convenient that he has this beef since he did better in open primaries and than closed. It is also laughable for him to compare the Dem States parties decisions to the vile voter suppression efforts of the GOP

-But he doesn't have a problem with caucuses that suppress people's more than primaries. You know how you can make caucuses even more open, change them to primaries. But nah, I guess those can stay because he did well in them. He wants them more open because he believes that that would have put him over the top in the few he lost. Most of the others were in states that "fit his demographic"

-This is the only point I agree with.

So after complaining about the current system favoring some candidates more, his request is to change the system to favor him more. Dude is a clown for this.
^^ Since when is there even MS-13 in VA? To the point where it's a campaign issue? :rofl:

Swear Reupublicans just love throwing out stuff in the name of fear mongering just to see if it sticks,word to folks in bumhill Kentucky worried about a sharia takeover :lol:
Man they are claiming there are 2,000 MS-13 in Fairfax county alone :lol:
Yeah, his man's lost the primary too because he could talk to black people. Sound familiar.

What he did with the email was only asinine, it reach **** boy levels. He not only criticized the DNC and Democratic Party, but the email was to talk about the Unity Commission and his recommendation for it. Peep how ****ing self serving this dude is. These are his recommendation for this that must change.....

-He criticizes super delegates ability to to ignore the will of the primary voters...........But that is exactly what he asked them to do towards the end of the primary. Steal the nomination from Hillary and give it to him. Just ignore over 3 million voters, and give him the nomination.

-He criticizes closed primaries and calls for all of them to be open. Not only does the DNC not have this power it is really convenient that he has this beef since he did better in open primaries and than closed. It is also laughable for him to compare the Dem States parties decisions to the vile voter suppression efforts of the GOP

-But he doesn't have a problem with caucuses that suppress people's more than primaries. You know how you can make caucuses even more open, change them to primaries. But nah, I guess those can stay because he did well in them. He wants them more open because he believes that that would have put him over the top in the few he lost. Most of the others were in states that "fit his demographic"

-This is the only point I agree with.

So after complaining about the current system favoring some candidates more, his request is to change the system to favor him more. Dude is a clown for this.
Bernie is beyond washed this year. Not the man I voted for in 2016.
Who writes Trump's speeches? This one sounds like a high school project on NK done the night before it's due.

"If I mention Korean golfers, I'll meet the minimum number of pages required"
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