***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Dude has issues with a GIF but none with racism against black people, calling Arabs "habibis at the corner store", making fun of medical conditions, condoning rape, making fun of people's citizenships/countries of origins, calling people "dolts, rookies, dweebs",telling people to get out of the US (btw, I'm still waiting for him to pay for my relocation expenses after he promised he would if I decided to leave)...I mean the list can go on forever
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Yea definitely not a bad idea to steer clear of the personal shots,there's already more than enough clapback material with just the stuff said in this thread :lol:
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Whenever the bull is ignored, the thread flows a lot better. When he's entertained is when it derails
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Ninjahood deserves zero sympathy.

and I don't ask for it from da likes of ya, but meth told me a LOOOONG time ago i couldn't fight fire wit fire, so i decided to delegate da duties directly to him.

i told ya this a min back...dunno why ya surprised now. 8)
You know the country is bring run by a **** show when the moderator says we have to be better than the politicians :/
so what you're saying is theoretically you want Trump to be replaced with Someone who would actually implement anti LGBT agenda effectively & competently in a way where da Don is completely indifferent about either way... good job
Yes because that's all that matters. 

Both are horrible but Trump is infinitely worse for the US and international relations.
Meth has had it :rofl:

they thought i was playing 8)

im playin with da cards on da table, i keep it political, i told ya in this thread, consider me da enemy, cuz da absolute second it veers from politics to personal da table gets flipped


just like that.
I don't remember what it was for but I could've sworn something in the Senate needed passing and didn't pass recently and McCain was one of the Republicans who didn't vote
I've had enough of McCain

All talk no action


You would think all the republicans the orange clown took a dump on during his campaign would jump at the opportunity to get some get back.

Russians must have all their e-mails.
Who made fun of someone's medical condition?
Ninja did. On 3 separate occasions.

So did


@Titanium Tea


Guess I can include @blco02  and @CL-1B  too as they repeatedly kept harassing me about the time I spend on NT despite repeatedly explaining my medical condition.

I might have missed some I forgot. It's a pretty common thing amongst conservatives who posted this thread.
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