***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Elizabeth Warren taking her sweet time to endorse :wow:

Still wish she would've thrown her name into the hat

She would have had less a chance than Bernie IMO

I can't say myself but it would've really made things interesting in the debates and on policy having a prominent financial and legal mind/expert in the mix. Also would've been interesting to see how she'd affect Hildawgs #'s among women.

It would've had at least more of an impact than my guy Larry Lessigs candidacy had :lol: :smh:
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Anyone have a feeling that by skipping last weeks debate,Trump kinda messed up his chances in Iowa? Rubio was able to regain momentum he lost in prior debates as a result and Cruz was able to sieze the initiative/spotlight from him.
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I'm surprised that Christie did as bad as he did.

Dude is an around clown.

He is a moderate and very unlikely. Famb got no shot

Dude might be the worst GOP candidate imo and he's been more a RINO historically :lol:. Just spews nothing but fear mongering and jingoistic "tough talk"

Nah, he a republican. He has put in enough anti union work in NJ to prove that. IMO

But the GOP hates him because at times, he actually puts the needs of his people ahead of the party.

Famb is an outright failure as a governor doe. He only got elected in NJ because no high profile Dems ran against him and people view him as "a strong leader' :rolleyes

He is a damb corrupt bully
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Famb is having a good cry in the parking lot of a Des Moines' Wendy's

Let him be

Nah, he a republican. He has put in enough anti union work in NJ to prove that. IMO

Famb is an outright failure as a governor. He only got elected in NJ because no high profile Dems ran against him and people view him as "a strong leader'

He is a damb corrupt bully
True. Dude is entertaining sometimes with his tough guy ish.
I'm surprised that Christie did as bad as he did.

Dude is an around clown.

He is a moderate and very unlikely. Famb got no shot

Dude might be the worst GOP candidate imo and he's been more a RINO historically :lol:. Just spews nothing but fear mongering and jingoistic "tough talk"

Nah, he a republican. He has put in enough anti union work in NJ to prove that. IMO

Famb is an outright failure as a governor. He only got elected in NJ because no high profile Dems ran against him and people view him as "a strong leader'

He is a damb corrupt bully

Guess I was thinking more of his social stances/policy than anything but yea you're right. With all those along with the misappropriation of funds,bridgegate and just overall corruption, I'm surprised he wasn't polling better :lol:

I'll never forget him cozying up with and hugging Obama for some Sandy relief help only for him to bite the hand that fed him HARD at every chance he gets. Those pics are probably what killed his campaign before the get go :lol:
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Yo Rusty, where do you stand on Bernie now? You feel the Bern now?

I better be, that man has gotten like 2K outta me :lol:

-I'm on the Bern squad, just wanted to remind folk that Hillary and Bern are still on the same team. We gotta put fadin the GOP over interparty beefs
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Putting todays nail biter into context

Hillary's lead in Iowa over the last year:
1 year ago: 53
6 months ago: 28
3 months ago: 20
1 month ago: 13
Final: 0

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Crazy to me how far Bernie has come

I remember learning about him in 2012 when I stumbled on a vid of him thrashing Bernanke in a Congressional Hearing
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The dude he quoted or the account? That's his legit account :lol:

*It's some old time golfer,the irony couldn't be stronger though :rofl:
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The dude he quoted or the account? That's his legit account :lol:

*It's some old time golfer,the irony couldn't be stronger though :rofl:

I'm alluding to the joke in the tweet famb

Like who the **** is Trump now, he came 2nd :lol:

-I know about Hagen, I'm a big golf fan :lol:
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