***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Way too many roooookies in here B. Da Don is making elite level moves right now B. Only those that watch at least 26 hours of news each day are able to comprehend Da 75D Shoots and Ladders Da Don is playing B.

 Sean Spicer knew EXACTLY what he was doing making the Hilter comment during the month of April (a significant month for white supremacists)
He can't just be a bumbling idiot? You'd think white supremacists want to come from an angle of strength.
I honestly think that he's just a bumbling idiot. Dude is in over his head with this job.
But yeah, Tariq be reaching a lot.

Spicer is an inarticulate buffoonery that hates admitting he is wrong, and he has made it his job to do stupid ****. I doubt he was trying to sending out a message
Supposedly it is because Hitler's birth and death happen in April. And MLK was killed in April
Oh right, I remember Hitler died on the 20th of April because it's close to my birthday. Didn't really connect the two, I thought it had something to do with celebrating the confederacy.
Either way I think Spicey is too much of an idiot to deliberately plan that comment to send some kind of message
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Oh right, I remember Hitler died on the 20th of April because it's close to my birthday. Didn't really connect the two, I thought it had something to do with celebrating the confederacy.
Either way I think Spicey is too much of an idiot to deliberately plan that comment to send some kind of message
The 20th of April is my bday too so you have more reason to celebrates the day papi
Way too many roooookies in here B. Da Don is making elite level moves right now B. Only those that watch at least 26 hours of news each day are able to comprehend Da 75D Shoots and Ladders Da Don is playing B.
libs be crying from bell peppers while spicer out there constantly delivering cayennes and today he took it up to habanero-level spice.
Spicer and his stuttering and stammering Hitler didn't gas Germans nonsense is hilarious.

Can't wait until SNL get their hands on that.
I'm mentally exhausted by Trump and his regime, and it's only been 3 damn months
Can't I just live for a week without him or one of his boys doing/saying something infuriating? ONE WEEK is all I'm asking for
Is his strategy just to wear his opposition and protestors out by bombarding them with stupidity 24/7? Even Bush was kind enough to spread his stupidity out over 8 years.
7 FULL days? You real selfish man
Seven days is like two Trump Years. 
Seven days is like two Trump Years. :lol:
it's honestly what it feels like. I don't know how I can do 3.75 more years of this. I have to stay close to support my dad while he's sick, otherwise I'd be halfway out of this country by now.
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anyone else following the Kansas special election?


will it be, as the kids say, lit?

It's a lot more competitive than people ever thought it would be which for one thing is good news. I did see a nice opinion piece on Bloomberg today saying that dems should not get happy. A lot of these close special elections now are partially due to Trumps low approval rating. If that goes up, well then those 2018 elections won't be this close and the Dems will still be screwed.

Need to maintain this momentum through the next 4 years and that's the difficult part in all of this. Trump and his team need to keep people infuriated so that people will actually take action.

The only issue is that democratic supporters tend to reside in big cities so you will continue to only win those areas. Need to have the lines redrawn during the next census to make any real dent in the overall picture. Because if it's one thing we have learned the last few months in this thread from posters and other sources. His supporters will ride for their papi even if it means dying to black lung tomorrow.
The Republican is probably going to win, but by a much smaller margin than the GOP is comfortable with.

The Dems have a better shot in Georgia and Montana.

Yes it might be too early to use these results to think about the midterms, but remember, there are off year elections this year. Especially taking back the NC State house. NC has rampant voter suppression and crazy gerrymandering. Increasing voter access might make NC lean blue in 2020.
Estes looking like he got it in the bag. Not surprising, and not taking moral victories of "almost had him" from this. Hopefully it does show the Dems living in those counties that they can have a voice after all.
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