***Official Political Discussion Thread***

With all that's going around,there's still the domestic soap opera known as the inner workings of the WH going on

Verified account @kylegriffin:
Yikes. @axios reporting that Priebus may soon be gone: http://bit.ly/2o9PCZQ

Can't wait for the Breitbart hit pieces on Kushner/Trump whenever this happens. Can't imagine the GOP will be happy about Priebus getting kicked out as well
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.@FareedZakaria on Syria strikes: "I think Donald Trump became President of the United States" last night

When Donald wants to start a new war know that the "liberal media" will not save you.
These the same folks that say dumb **** like:

"Commie Pinkos"

Etc etc

They truly live in alternate reality man. It's weird
Well I suppose out of all the names for Obama and Michelle I've seen on there, those 2 are relatively tame.

Funny how they get mad when you call them racist but they're consistently referring to Obama and particularly Michelle as cavemen, monkeys, ...
Typical :lol: :smh:

They'll get in line and cheerlead when war's involved so as to not look "unpatriotic" :rolleyes
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Apparently,the fact that they warned Russia beforehand ended up with the strike not having the same material impact as previously thought



So if Assad's capabilities weren't even eroded that much,what was the point? It's looking purely symbolic at this point

Tiny hands mentioned the dead children as one motivation for it but what will he do when Assad continues to barrel bomb civilian populations?
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It quite creepy, that

a) so many republicans are complete motivated by partisanship. Something as a seriosu as Syrian's being butchered by there leader they could do complete 180 on.

b) so many democrats turn into hawks whenever a new war is started.
America likes to flex their nationalism in moments like this because some don't want to appear as not being "patriotic".

American Nationalism is a hell of a drug
Apparently,the fact that they warned Russia beforehand ended up with the strike not having the same material impact as previously thought



So if Assad's capabilities weren't even eroded that much,what was the point? It's looking purely symbolic at this point

Trump mentioned the dead children as one motivation for it but what will he do wen Assad continues to barrel bomb civilian populations?

We don't know everything just yet, but this whole thing just looks like an exercise on "looking tough" and "presidential".
Apparently,the fact that they warned Russia beforehand ended up with the strike not having the same material impact as previously thought



So if Assad's capabilities weren't even eroded that much,what was the point? It's looking purely symbolic at this point

Trump mentioned the dead children as one motivation for it but what will he do wen Assad continues to barrel bomb civilian populations?

We don't know everything just yet, but this whole thing just looks like an exercise on "looking tough" and "presidential".

The last paragraph in that piece is pretty on point

At home, Mr Trump will almost certainly see at least short-term benefits. The speedy way the action was carried out creates a counter-narrative to the picture of muddle and confusion his administration usually presents, particularly in the recent debacle over health care. The president’s willingness to risk a confrontation with Russia may, for a while, take a little of the heat out the speculation that Mr Trump is in some way compromised by the Kremlin or in its debt. Republican hawks, such as Senator John McCain, who have been appalled both by America’s passivity over Syria and Mr Trump’s chumminess towards Mr Putin, may now see him in a new and more flattering light. So might some Democrats.

Folks are already falling for it hook,line and sinker. Dude is gonna manage to alleviate all the pressure and heat that's been built up over the last few months over a symbolic strike with little material effect :lol: :x
I'm going to speculate a bit. trump is very inconsistent and easily swayed by what he reads during him AM number 2 on his gold toilet. We saw this with the wire tapp allegations, for example. He is also swayed by advisors who have his ear but he is also willing to completely flip on someone, especially if advisor A is telling him advisor B is after him. See the back and forth that had played out depending on whether Bannon or Kushner was in the room at the time of his decision. This is amplified by the fact that trump is prone to conspiracy theories. What that really means is that he is unable to interpret evidence objectively or consistently.

Why am I saying all this? Because I think trump is just reacting here. There is no grand plan. He suddenly cares about Syrians because he probably saw some scary picture that gave him nightmares, and I'm sure some war hawk has been whispering in his ear about the benefits of invading Syria. "Think of how many jobs you'll create." "Obama didn't have the balls to do it, but you do, sir!" (That's how they got him to approve the failed Yemen mission.)

So the good news (or bad news) is I don't think there's a single grand conspiracy. Rather it's complicated and there are half a dozen individual agendas playing out here, and whatever agenda trump is listening to when he pushes out his turd in the morning is the one he'll act on that day.

Does that mean we're ****** or we're saved? I don't know. But I do know the Republicans who bend over backwards to support him with every action are going to be remembered for their historically extreme hypocrisy.

edit: just came across this article from yesterday. talks about the different people trying to sway trump: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/06/us/politics/stephen-bannon-white-house.html?_r=0
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Russia was notified before the attack. They notified Syria. Equipment and personnel is moved before bombing.

The orange clown gets to look tough on putin/Russia and assad/Syria

Putin gets to pretend like he cares about international laws.

Russia suspends 2015 Syria air safety agreement with US.

Putin still pulling the strings.

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ninjahood April 2017:

Putin: US attack on Syria violates international law https://t.co/hs3x3GYhx1 pic.twitter.com/j6vmkompkp
— RT (@RT_com) April 7, 2017


via RT.

c'mon :lol:

ninjahood October 2016:

Best of the worst: Here are the most shocking WikiLeaks Podesta emails so far
Publicado: 21 Oct 2016 | 09:06 GMT
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's Campaign Chairman John Podesta. [emoji]169[/emoji] Drew Angerer / Getty Images
As WikiLeaks continues to release emails from Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, RT brings you a round-up of the most scandalous details released so far.
READ MORE: Podesta files: Top 10 revelations from leaked Clinton campaign emails

Those Wall St speeches

A January 2016 email detailed how Clinton boasted of her “great” relations with bankers in an October 2013 speech. She spoke of how “more thought has to be given to the process and transactions and regulations so that we don’t kill or maim what works, but we concentrate on the most effective way of moving forward with the brainpower and the financial power that exists here on Wall Street.”

READ MORE: ‘Holy grail of US journalism’: WikiLeaks releases transcripts of Clinton’s paid Wall St. speeches

Meanwhile, a June 2013 speech to Goldman Sachs detailed Clinton’s hope to “intervene in Syria as covertly as possible” and that the US “used to be much better at this than we are now.”

A November 2015 email chain between campaign staffers discussed planting a Wall Street speech in the media to give the impression that Clinton’s speeches “to all those fat cats” were nothing to worry about.

Obama emails

Emails from an account possibly used by Barack Obama before winning the election in November 2008 were revealed on Thursday.

In an email sent on election night in 2008, just minutes before the major TV networks called the election in his favor, Podesta messages Obama discussing an upcoming G20 meeting.

"On the chance that President Bush would raise this with you tonight, I wanted you to be aware that it is the unanimous recommendation for your advisors that you NOT attend," Podesta writes.

READ MORE: WikiLeaks publishes list of Obama emails, reveals his address

Pay to Play?

In a mail from February 2016, simply titled ‘speaking at the banks,’ Neera Tanden, the President and CEO of the Center for American Progress, suggests to John Podesta that Clinton "should just return the money" if she "lose(s) badly."

READ MORE: Pay for Play? Clintons’ financially fueled favors revealed in latest Podesta emails

Another email from Clinton aide Huma Abedin to Mook and Podesta in January 2015 details how Moroccan authorities donated to the Clinton Foundation’s Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) to get access to Clinton.

Abedin says the “King has personally committed approx $12 million both for the endowment and to support the meeting” and that “the condition upon which the Moroccans agreed to host the meeting was her participation. If hrc was not part of it, meeting was a non-starter."

She goes on to say that the meeting had been Clinton’s idea. “Our office approached the Moroccans and they 100 percent believe they are doing this at her request,” Abedin adds. “She created this mess and she knows it.”

Designed to give her some cover

Politico’s chief political correspondent Glenn Thrush sent his article to Podesta to be approved prior to publishing. “Please don't share or tell anyone I did this,” Thrush said. Podesta responded that there were “no problems here.”

In an email exchange from June 30, 2015, Brent Budowsky, a columnist for the Hill, contacted Podesta regarding a piece he wrote which he describes as being “positive, carefully written, and designed to give her [Hillary Clinton] some cover with liberals.”

Doofus Bernie

Podesta messaged Tanden in December 2015, regarding the Paris Climate Change Conference and referred to Bernie Sanders as a “doofus” for attacking the deal.

Budowsky criticized the campaign in a September 2015 email for allegedly giving Clinton surrogates talking points to attack Bernie Sanders. He instead recommended that the campaign “make love to Bernie and his idealistic supporters, and co-opt as many of his progressive issues as possible.”

A mail to Podesta from Philip Munger, a philanthropist known for his hefty donations to the Democratic Party, took an alternative approach. Munder wrote Clinton is “going to have to kneecap him. She is going to have to take him down from his morally superior perch.”

What planet is she on?

Clinton’s description of herself as a moderate Democrat at a September 2015 event in Ohio angered Tanden. In a mail to Podesta, she asked why Clinton described herself as such, to which he replied that she “didn't remember saying it. Not sure I believe her.”

Tanden insists that the comment has made her job more difficult after “telling every reporter I know she's actually progressive.”

“It worries me more that she doesn't seem to know what planet we are all living in at the moment,” she adds.

The Clintons won't forget their friends

In November 2014, Clinton’s campaign manager Robby Mook emailed Podesta about moving the Illinois primary out of March, as it would be a “lifeline to a moderate Republican candidate.”

Although Illinois was offered “a bonus of 10% extra delegates if they move to April and 20% if they move to May,” the date didn’t change.

“They don't really care about being helpful and feel forgotten and neglected by POTUS,” Mook writes. “The key point is that this is not an Obama ask, but a Hillary ask. And the Clintons won't forget what their friends have done for them."

Food groups

February 2016 messages between Podesta and Frank White Jr, who raised over $2.3 million for President Barack Obama during his 2012 reelection campaign, highlight the Clinton team’s awareness that it “doesn't value black folks.”

A list of potential vice presidential nominees categorized in “rough food groups” is detailed in an email from Podesta to Clinton. These “food groups” were broken up into seven categories, including Latinos, women, black men, business magnates and one group with just one member – Bernie Sanders.

Hillary’s Achilles heel

After Clinton gave an interview, which referenced the email scandal, to NBC’s Andrea Mitchell on September 4, 2015, Tanden once again gives an interesting insight into Clinton’s shortcomings.

“Everyone wants her to apologize,” Tanden says in an email to Podesta and Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton's director of communications. “And she should. Apologies are like her Achilles heel. But she didn't seem like a ***** in the interview. And she said the word sorry. She will get to a full apology in a few interviews.

Not just that,why would RT lie about what Putin says? :lol:

They're literally state funded :rofl:
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Russia was notified before the attack. They notified Syria. Equipment and personnel is moved before bombing.

The orange clown gets to look tough on putin/Russia and assad/Syria

Putin gets to pretend like he cares about international laws.

Russia suspends 2015 Syria air safety agreement with US.

Putin still pulling the strings.

that's nornal military protocol to prevent friendly fire.
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