***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This dude Putin really acting like he gives a damn about international law and violating a nations sovereignty :rofl:

Ukraine and Georgia say hi :lol:

Didn't expect such strong words in the condemnation though...sounds like Trump got on his bad side now

Waiting on incriminating 'leaks' in the coming weeks :nerd:
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Think you mean republican..

Once trump is done, everyone siding with him or even staying quiet are all going be guilty by association

no I mean democrat. Pelosi and Schumer and Clinton all said they are in favour.

If you want to be president, then you should come out against it on the merits, not just on the process part of it.
Think you mean republican..

Once trump is done, everyone siding with him or even staying quiet are all going be guilty by association

no I mean democrat. Pelosi and Schumer and Clinton all said they are in favour.

If you want to be president, then you should come out against it on the merits, not just on the process part of it.

They gotta run the technical argument.. not even get that deep..

But make sure hit every single republican who spoke out against it and are bending the knee now.. also talk about how quickly and irrational the decision was made
So I wake up, check my phone and see this **** show that happened overnight
Wonderful :smh:
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They gotta run the technical argument.. not even get that deep..

But make sure hit every single republican who spoke out against it and are bending the knee now.. also talk about how quickly and irrational the decision was made

nah not the technical argument.

if you want differentiate yourself from the rest of the democrats grousing about that fact Trump didn't get congressional approval. you need to come out against it, hard and on the merits, "I'm against bombing syrians if we want to help them let refugees in"

when we have democratic presidential primaries again it's that kind of position that could help differentiate you from you challengers if this middle east intervention goes poorly, (which they almost always do)
I could see opposition to the bombing.. you bring up the point about the victims of the whole thing and outlining the other tactics that should be used

But that was their hill.. obviously they went about it in a significantly different manner
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Putin: US attack on Syria violates international law https://t.co/hs3x3GYhx1 pic.twitter.com/j6vmkompkp
— RT (@RT_com) April 7, 2017


via RT.

c'mon :lol:
You really think RT would fake a quote from Putin?

da angle their coming with is completely devoid of da fact that international community of Countries was assured Syrian relieved of chemical weapons by Russia.

That doesn't justify unilateral military action against a country, especially when that country hasn't attacked you. It takes a UN resolution to act militarily.

not when they're commiting war crimes & da executive office got that long standing war on terror agreement.
Speaking of congressional hypocrisy






Reporters need to ask what changed...:rolleyes
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Answer: There is no longer a black liberal in the White House I need to scare my base about. Simple
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Russian Foreign Ministry says Moscow is suspending memorandum with US that prevented incidents and ensured flight safety in Syria in response to Trump-ordered air strikes

Russia has said it is suspending a deal with the US to prevent mid-air collisions over Syria in response to US air strikes on a Syrian air base.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said following Donald Trump's decision to fire 59 cruise missiles at a military target in Syria on Thursday, Moscow was suspending a memorandum with the US that prevented incidents and ensured flight safety.

Under the memorandum, signed after Russia launched an air campaign in Syria in September 2015, Russia and the US had exchanged information about their flights to avoid incidents in the crowded skies over Syria — where Russia has several dozen warplanes and batteries of air-defence missiles.

The so-called "deconfliction line" between the US and Russia has been credited by a number of US pilots with helping keep them safe. While the US air campaign in Syria tends to steer clear of areas where Russia is in operation, ending such co-operation is seen by activists in the region as a worrying turn.

The US-side of the information sharing exercise is based in the al-Udeid Air Base in Qatar, which is also the forward base from US Central Command, which takes the lead in co-ordinating coalition strikes. The US maintains radar coverage and other means of scanning the skies, but without being able to share coordinates and other data with the Russians, the chances of a confrontation increases

Russian President Vladimir Putin, a staunch ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, condemned the US strikes near Homs, saying they broke international law and have seriously damaged US-Russia relations. 

A statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry read: "The very presence of US troops and other countries on the territory of Syria, without the consent of the Government or the decision of the UN Security Council is a gross, obvious and unwarranted violation of international law.

"If before it was due to the task of combating terrorism, now there is a clear act of aggression against a sovereign Syria. US Actions taken today further destroy the Russian-American relations."

The country's Defence Ministry said that Syrian air defences would be beefed up following the US strikes, with Russian news agencies reporting that the ministry had also mocked the effectiveness of the strikes as "extremely low" claiming that only 23 of the missiles had hit their target.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov meanwhile said Moscow would demand an explanation from the US over the air strikes, describing the attack as "an act of aggression with an invented pretext”, and adding that he hoped the "provocation" would not lead to irreparable damage to Russia's ties with the US.

The cruise missile strikes launched from US ships in the Mediterranean have killed six Syrian troops and led to big material losses, according to the Syrian Army, which has described the attack as a "blatant act of aggression". No Russians were killed in the air strikes, Mr Lavrov said, with the Russians claiming four Syrian military personnel being killed in the strikes, while two were missing and six were injured.

The White House described the attack as a “warning shot” that was “necessary and appropriate” following Mr al-Assad’s alleged use of chemical weapons on civilians in rebel-held town Idlib earlier this week.

The British government has meanwhile said it “fully supports” the US in carrying out the air strike, describing the cruise missile strikes launched from US ships in the Mediterranean as a “warning shot” that was “necessary and appropriate”.
As I read up on this morning, the bombings seems like a strange idea.

What is the purpose of the bombings?

a) To protect Syrians?

Well you could protect more Syrians by taking refugees, and spearheading humanitarian evacuation efforts.

b) To deter Chemical weapons?

Well unless you are going to start a war I don't see how this is a deterant, 60% of Syrian exports are fossil fuel related, Assad doesn't need the citizens of syria to be alive to continue to enrich himself. he can gas and bomb them as much as he likes and he will pay no economic penalty and he's backed by the russians and iran. which makes removing him an incredibly thorny diplomatic situation.

c) To facillitate regime change?

Well Russia and iran are heavily invested in Syria, they don't want regime change. and there are russian troops on the ground, what happens if you kill some in one of these bombings? you ready to escalte things with Russia, feels like a quick way to start world war iii.
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its easy, Assad was no longer being looked upon to step down provided Russia had a "handle of da situation" and removed da chemical weapons situation.

da Minute Assad heard da US didn't have him in da cross hairs anymore he thought ish was sweet bombing folks with chemical weapons again.
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I told my mom yesterday late evening that the US was considering military action in Syria and she looked like she'd just seen a ghost.

She's still at work but from what I hear from friends the workplaces are generally pretty grim, lots of worry about escalation with Russia and potential for war with Syria. One of the female coworkers at my friend's job at a chemical company started crying apparently, though she also cried when Trump won.
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It quite creepy, that

a) so many republicans are complete motivated by partisanship. Something as a seriosu as Syrian's being butchered by there leader they could do complete 180 on.

b) so many democrats turn into hawks whenever a new war is started.
It quite creepy, that

a) so many republicans are complete motivated by partisanship. Something as a seriosu as Syrian's being butchered by there leader they could do complete 180 on.

b) so many democrats turn into hawks whenever a new war is started.

B is exactly why the leadup to a disaster like Iraq went by so smoothly

You'd think a lot of well known Dems would learn lessons from Iraq and Libya but I guess not :lol:,the military industrial complex always get there's regardless it seems

I couldn't co-sign intervention in those cases and I won't now,all those cases ended up leaving the affected countries in even much worse shape then they were before as a result of intervention due to a huge power vacuum being left unfilled and the ensuing humanitarian crises
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The cesspool that is /r/the_donald is hilarious today.
Most of them sound like teenage trolls. "Trump is a globalist ****!!" "the globalist jews have won again!!"

Even in their criticism of Trump they still sound like a bunch of idiots.
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This regime didn't even want to help Syrians in a meaningful way by accepting them as refugees not long ago yet they now want to "help" by escalating an already chaotic situation? Sounds smart
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