***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Wasserman Schultz HAS to go, I really hope Floridians do the right thing, but who the **** am I kidding :smh:
DNC chair Wasserman Schultz had the gall to say that the timing of the debates has been chosen to "maximize" opportunities for voters to see the candidates...:rolleyes :stoneface:

Politifact checked up on that and surely enough she really was BSing :lol: :smh:


Wasserman Schultz HAS to go, I really hope Floridians do the right thing, but who the **** am I kidding :smh:

Listen, she sucks, fine.

But even as a Bernie supporter I don't feel this outrage towards her. Her job is to help the Democratic Party's members as much as possible.

Hitching you wagon to Hillary Clinton is much better for the party, than it is to hitch their wagons to Bernie Sanders.

And lets keep it #1HUNNA. Bernie Sanders is only a democrat for convenience.

He is using the party's primaries to get his platform out there, he could have went the independent route, but then hardly anyone would have paid attention. See Ron Paul.

He is only concern with himself, which is fine, but that puts him at odds with Schultz, and naturally would make Clinton favored because the Clintons have been putting in work to help lower level candidates for decades.

-And lets not forget that the big news from yesterday was Bernie putting his foot in his mouth about Planned Parenthood and the HRC.

Seemingly, just because they endorsed Clinton.
If bernie gets elected i think trump has a serious shot. Other than that the electoral college will probably take care of everything.

I read an article stating basically black people are basically Hillary's firewall against bernie. She simply won't lose if they come out and vote. Especially after iowa and NH.
Pretty much.

Obama beat Hillary because he did way better among black voters than expected.

If she had been able to keep it respectable, she would have been president.

Hillary gonna eat Bernie in the south is black voters show up.

-If Bernie gets nominated. Trump may have a chance.

He will need Bill, Hillary and Obama, and the same "establishment" he been shading for a minute campaigning hard for him.

And accept the help of rich liberal billionaires

But i still think Bernie takes Trump. All Trump has to offer is bigoted rhetoric

Bernie v. Cruz or Rubio, is what has be scared.
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Trump has a shot until he gets the GOP nod and then it'll all fall down. He'll get washed like McCain if Hillary is his opponent and he'll lose by a good margin less if it's Bernie.

Trump has a larger scope to thank for his strong support. You have so many different people w/ their hat in the ring that he's still not being taken seriously. Once it's narrowed down to him and the Dem nominee, the lights will shine more on his discrepancies.
If Trump keeps up the bigotry, and Hillary gets the nomination.

Hillary might fade Trump worst than Bill did Bush and Dole in the 90s.

She'll win all the swing states, might even take Indy and NC
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I think Trump's success in the primaries will hinge on his ground game. Trump seems too fixated on the polls. Polls don't matter unless you have the ground game to get people to the polls.
If Trump keeps up the bigotry, and Hillary gets the nomination.

Hillary might fade Trump worst than Bill did Bush and Dole in the 90s.

She'll win all the swing states, might even take Indy and NC

Hell, she'll get Florida just off the strength of the Latino vote and them wanting to stick it to the Donald :lol:

I think Trump's success in the primaries will hinge on his ground game. Trump seems too fixated on the polls. Polls don't matter unless you have the ground game to get people to the polls.

Translation, "Trump doesn't have a chance in hell in the primaries" :lol:
He is just talking out his ***, and making promises to folk he knows he won't/can't keep.

Just to keep up the lie he is populist crusader.

Trump tax plan is ridiculously regressive, no matter how much l like some of his policies.

Maybe only Paul's is worst. Giving poor folk a tiny tax cut to distract them from the huge one he is going to give billionaires like himself.

Then promising them all these services, because somehow the economy will magically grow at a record pace to make up for the loses in revenue.



Trump can't go back left anymore, he is too far gone to come off as sincere. IMO

Maybe he will champion programs the left have supporting for a while, because with many things Democrat, the conservative base seem to like their economics but not their stances on social issues what come along with them

-Really Breitbart doe :rolleyes
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I literallty googled donald trump single payer and it's the 1st article that comes up.

As if most of the media isn't to the left anyway.
I literallty googled donald trump single payer and it's the 1st article that comes up.

As if most of the media isn't to the left anyway.

I googled it too. The second link was Polifact (supposed left leaning fact checking website), and One the Issue (Right leaning news aggregator). Hell you could have even like the 60 minutes video. Which the article links too

All much better sources for info.

And there is a difference between having a left lean (like the New York Times), or a right lean (like the Economist) and still be reputable

And a site like that which post borderline right wing propaganda pieces. And is the preferred news sites for right wing loons.

Once again papi, that ain't a good look.

-And if most of the most well respected news outlets have a "left lean", doesn't that signal something to you. :lol:


Anyway like I said, a turn left from Trump won't do a damb thing

Socially he is dead on arrival.

With foreign policy, ole boy pretty much said he will lead with bullying not diplomacy

And economically, he is straight up lying. He is promising stuff he knows he can't deliver on, just to give himself and his businesses tax cuts

When the left unites against his bull ****, he would have any more biogtted tricks up his sleeves to play
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Pretty much.

Obama beat Hillary because he did way better among black voters than expected.

If she had been able to keep it respectable, she would have been president.

Hillary gonna eat Bernie in the south is black voters show up.

-If Bernie gets nominated. Trump may have a chance.

He will need Bill, Hillary and Obama, and the same "establishment" he been shading for a minute campaigning hard for him.

And accept the help of rich liberal billionaires

But i still think Bernie takes Trump. All Trump has to offer is bigoted rhetoric

Bernie v. Cruz or Rubio, is what has be scared.

Question: Why do you think Bernie does better against the GOP in the general election matchups than Hillary?

To keep it real, I think America is still very sexist. I don't think men (of all colors) are really ready to vote a woman in. Hell, they supported the black guy with a funny name before her :lol:
-I don't think Bernie better than Hillary in the general. I think she can beat anyone in the GOP, I doubt that about Bernie.

-And yes, I think America is sexist as hell, conservatives all the way down to some progressives.

Just go on Reddit, Neogaf, or even NT and look at many of the attacks Sander's supporters use against Hillary.

Constantly using her husbands record against her, constant complaints that she panders to women, and constant complaining about her playing "feminist card" too much.

All while being oblivious about how inherently sexist some of their attacks are. It is really strange to hear these complaints from liberal and progressive dudes sometimes.

I mean I joke a lot, I'm probably guilty of making jokes about Hillary too. But the serious constant complaints about her talking about being a woman are too much for me.

I think it is nice that women enjoy the same sense of security I feel with Obama. Like you really know a candidate knows the problems you're facing.

Maybe they can't unilaterally solve them, but you know they genuinely understand them. On a deeper level that most candidates

Clinton is right about one thing, some of the **** that gets thrown her way, wouldn't be thrown at her if she was a man.

-That is one of the reason I think Bernie just can't win the black vote. Because he message resonates more with young black men more than anything else.

While Hillary's messaging resonates with black women.

And say what you will about Clinton's supposed fakeness, she doesn't fake the funk when trying to help women.
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I was referring to the Polls that show Bernie doing better in the general than Hillary.

You're right there's a lot of sexism. Honestly, I don't think the primaries depends on the black vote, but actually the women vote. If Bernie can get 45%-50% of the women vote it would be a whole different ball game.

Also, within my circle I'm seeing very little support for Hillary from black women. It's really been black men I've seen talking the most about her, which is strange. Either way, she's definitely losing big time with the millennial generation.
-I wouldn't worry about the millennial generation thing. The young vote can sometimes be fools gold. Just ask Jon Kerry about that

-And the polling, I'm not sure what the story is there. My only guess is that the samples being polled aren't representing the population of general election voters very well.
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