***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This all tracks, especially the part of you being more interested in political history than Americans. I have learned more from my non-American born friends about US Political history than any class and I was a Poli Sci major.

Also forgotten is Reagan's OVERT racism, not just dog whistles. From the Water Gate tapes:

And his blindness on Apartheid in South Africa, ironic because he is arguably the more pro Palestinian President in modern era

Imagine being behind Mitch McConnell on morality

Link: https://millercenter.org/the-presidency/educational-resources/reagan-nixon-and-race
I think I’m a pretty far outlier when it comes to US political history :lol: It’s a borderline obsession

It mainly stems from the fact I like America and have built longlasting friendships with quite a few Americans through online gaming etc. When I was broke and my mom was struggling as a single mom barely above the poverty threshold, it was an American friend who taught me the social media hustle and helped me flourish. That helped both me and my mom massively at the time and part of it led to my career choice in software testing.

So basically I owe a substantial part of my currently very healthy finances to the support of American friends.

I’ve always been fascinated by scandals, huge criminal investigations, … so that only grew with my connection with America. I remember even as a kid thinking a Watergate documentary was like the greatest thriller I’d seen.

I’ve read every independent counsel/special report, various books, documentaries about those matters.
I even started consuming a lot of US law research to better understand the legal system.
Podcasts like Serious Trouble, The Lawfare Podcast, The National Security Law Podcast, …
A while back I even bought and read Steve Vladeck’s book “The Shadow Docket.”
For reference, Vladeck is the the co-host of NatSec Law podcast with a very impressive resume as a lawyer and law professor.
The book delved into how a lot of Supreme Court rulings happen out of sight and out of mind, without the traditional majority opinion and dissent document to reference. Hence why those cases are referred to as the shadow docket.

I’d highly recommend the book but it’s obviously not the most accessible given the subject matter. I think it’s probably as accessible as it can possibly be. I definitely had to pause and research throughout but you definitely don’t need to be a lawyer or anything. I’d say the minimum is probably a fairly decent understanding of the judicial system, appeals courts etc.

Will Smith Reaction GIF

The video was wild. Clearly a professional hitman, not some disgruntled lunatic
UHC is by far the worst health insurance company, per my wife who deals with them on a daily basis. My personal doc also just informed me that as of next year, they’ll no longer be accepting UHC based on them deciding to “drastically” lower their reimbursement rates. Not to mention the shenanigans we’ve had with UHC for yearsssss with how they bill our insurance for my wife’s VA care that is 100% covered.

So yeah…no sympathy from me. And I’m not surprised in the least that buddy is getting cooked upon death. He was quite literally part of the group making decisions that led to the deaths of unknown amounts of citizens due to denied claims and denial of services. EYE wouldn’t do something like murking a CEO, but I understand…
Even if this was to send a message, there's no way any of these CEOs and execs are going to get it.

Instead of trying to not rip off, kill, and bankrupt their customers, they're all just going to go hard on getting bigger and better security. All on the companies dime too.

Instead of yacht size, the number of ex mossad agents in your detail is going to be the new **** measuring contest.
As someone who works in Healthcare and for one of the companies listed, that chart can be a bit misleading. Claims mostly get denied for things like a provider billing error in which the provider often times is asked to rebill. In cases when a service is denied because it's not covered by cms, or the states Medicaid programs, contracted providers are not to bill the patient per their contract with the healthplan. They are supposed to "eat" that loss. Unfortunately, a lot of members don't know this information and don't report this to their Healthcare provider that they have been billed.
Btw.. I am in no way defending greedy Healthcare organizations.
exactly, they look crazy asking that.

they aren't finding this dude I bet.

If you aren’t following the Nixon Foundation, you are missing out.

They’ve been spending the last year trying to remake him into a misunderstood, surprisingly woke, sigma male.

At this rate, Ryan Gosling will be playing him in a biopic. It’ll be about how Nixon just wanted to hangout with his boys, have a few drinks, and talk about what was on TV at the time (the Nixon tapes). But the opps hated him too much and therefore set him up.


Caught on camera doesn’t mean much.

Similar subject description to a murder that happened in my hometown in 2020. Dude got murked in his apartment in the middle of the day and they have footage of the guy on the street coming and going. Only meaningful thing in the footage was the dude looked pigeon-toed, but speculation was he might have been doing it on purpose.

Scott Ratigan


If you aren’t following the Nixon Foundation, you are missing out.

They’ve been spending the last year trying to remake him into a misunderstood, surprisingly woke, sigma male.

At this rate, Ryan Gosling will be playing him in a biopic. It’ll be about how Nixon just wanted to hangout with his boys, have a few drinks, and talk about what was on TV at the time (the Nixon tapes). But the opps hated him too much and therefore set him up.

I mean…. That’s wild, but hey when you’re in a post truth world, Nixon really is not a crook as long as he says it enough times people will start to say the lies with him.

i actually like these data collection projects the problem is he took some backend data nerd stuff that has legitimate niche value and tried to go viral off of this hot news story.
I mean…. That’s wild, but hey when you’re in a post truth world, Nixon really is not a crook as long as he says it enough times people will start to say the lies with him.

i actually like these data collection projects the problem is he took some backend data nerd stuff that has legitimate niche value and tried to go viral off of this hot news story.

Re: Nixon,

Obviously, yes, the kids running this account are taking advantage of advantage of how little the average American knows about recent US History.

I would say that they are not 100% retconning though. They mostly are but not all the way.

Nixon was the last two term president who came before the capitalist of reconquista of the economy and government which began in earnest in the late 1970’s. He was the last post WWII president to have real agency. And the mere notion of a president who can actually solve problems is vanishingly rare and therefore intriguing for anyone born after, well, Nixon was president.

Re: Citi Bike dude

Folks, let’s be nice. He’s an autistic king just trying to show off his acumen l. He’s not a Fed.

Those who want to take away social security, medicare, medicaid, free school lunches, welfare programs, ADA policies, etc... will learn this too. You can't starve an armed population, and for a starved population, anything can be a weapon.


Anthem taking the ****** automotive company "book time for repair vs actual repair time" to a whole other level of disgustingness!! 🤬🤬🤬

And insurance companies wonder why people are so amped up & upset when customers call them?! 🤦🏻‍♂️
If you'd like to know where media reporting is at these days....

After shooting Thompson, the attacker mounted an e-bike and road along Sixth Avenue to Central Park, which has limited surveillance camera coverage, according to police.

I believe the word you're looking for is RODE. As in, "I rode a bike today".

Also, don't tell me there aren't cameras everywhere in that part of NYC.
Congress tried this in 1969. Fred Rogers walked in and dunked on the Mike Johnsons of those days. Look how the committee was so dismissive initially, and then turned based on a single persuasive presentation.

Great video. Being earnest, meaning what you say, believing in normal things and acting normal feels like something a lot of people, especially on sites like Reddit, are unfamiliar with. But also in Congress as well. You know if someone tried to talk like that now, they'd get shouted over, have to answer to ridiculous questions, and essentially dismissed. Everything's been tinged with an air of if you're letting someone else speak, you're losing.

The federal estate tax — which is imposed on a tiny sliver of rich Americans when they die — is being eviscerated.
In theory, the tax is simple. A married couple can pass along about $27 million (say in cash or stock) to their heirs tax-free. Anything above that is supposed to be taxed at a rate of 40 percent. But although the wealth of the richest Americans has soared over the past several decades, estate tax receipts have not.

To understand what that means, consider this: Revenue from the estate tax has barely changed since 2000, even as the wealth of the richest Americans has roughly quadrupled. If the tax had simply kept pace, it would have raised around $120 billion last year. Instead, it brought in about a quarter of that. That shortfall would be enough to triple federal research funding for both cancer and Alzheimer’s — and still leave enough to double the entire budget of the Justice Department.[/COLOR]

The estate tax has two functions:

1/ Avoid accumulation of resources, which would ultimately cripple capitalism (the chase for infinite growth in an environment of finite resources eventually leads to a Monopoly-style end game).

2/ Avoid the creation of a class of people who can buy the government and sidestep the whole "government for the people by the people for the people" business.

Watching the neo-proletariat enthusiastically vote for tax policies that will hurt them is a trip.
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