***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I would not suggest anyone who isn’t white, straight and republican from even thinking of doing this

if you’re white and don’t dont the other 2 things going you might at least get some sympathetic news, like when school shootings happen.. But like when school shootings happen, that will go away

you ain’t white, you getting called a thug or terrorist REAL QUICK

White people have a monopoly on violence in this country. Arguably, they earned it 235 years ago. But whether or not it’s merited, they will use violence in disproportionate amount to maintain that monopoly.

Liberal white allies fade very, very quickly when non-whites try to earn some freedom to do violence, too. And the reality is that without their support, racists have both overwhelming numbers and resources. It gets ugly fast.

I think non-whites have successfully used violence to force concessions to other, non-violent factions, but white America will never legitimize non-white users of violence because they will never recognize their rights as outlined in the Declaration of Independence:

That any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
A true victim of big tech censorship. I don’t see the clown Glenn Greenwald types and conservatives defending Boosie! Shame

I rock with Boosie heavy but it shouldn't be a mystery why he is not getting his page back. He seems to be realizing it too though :lol:

Dude thought it was about the nudity on this page. That might have gotten him clipped at first but it is probably not what is keeping them from letting him have it back

Facebook/IG doesn't want to bad PR from him using that page to peddle problematic ****

It would look bad on them if they gave him back the page then he goes on and says some **** about D.Wade's transgender daughter, or b-words lying on Cosby, or some other homophobic stuff. On top of the wild stuff we already know he gonna post.

People are gonna say, "he was banned, and you gave him a platform to peddle this stuff"

Boosie wants folk to do him a favor, but he is not doing himself any

They only give that sort of leeway to white popular right-wingers. Boosie is an easy person for them to sacrifice to act like they care about standards
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We got a target here next to all the colleges. One time I went in that joint at like 1am.

it was a back to school sale so basically they turned target into ikea, hired some dj’s And turned that ho into a night club.

you had people running around in there drunk af. Girls twerking in the mirror, the dj blasting so old pitbull and dudes running around hammered carrying laundry baskets talking about how sick of a deal it was.

I wish target was always like that. I was dying at the random old people walking in and seeing the chaos.
Reminds me of when I hit a Walmart at 1am and there waswhat looked like a football team O line dressed in drag. No i'm not making trans jokes, I mean a gang of 6'5 300 pound dudes in wigs and dresses.
Reminds me of when I hit a Walmart at 1am and there waswhat looked like a football team O line dressed in drag. No i'm not making trans jokes, I mean a gang of 6'5 300 pound dudes in wigs and dresses.

sounds about right. :lol:

last time I hit Walmart they didn’t have any shopping carts so we all had to hop on those handicap scooter cart things and it looked like someone had a cereal fight in there. Busted open boxes of cereal all over the whole store.

target isn’t any better, someone **** on the floor when I was in the target on lake that was on the news all over last summer.


Damn, I guess we all got abandoned Kmarts all over. :lol:

shout out to the lake street Kmart that’s literally been blocking a road for 50 years.
Its amazing that abandoned K Mart buildings still litter the country despite being empty for like a decade :lol: :smh:
I don't know why K-Mart is still a thing honestly
I honestly can't remember the last time I was in a K-Mart

There's only 17 Kmart stores in existence.
I’ve accepted that we’re ****ed. We’ll have no one but Sinema and Manchin to thank.

Manchin doesn't care because he has one foot in the grave and is just enjoying his two years to weild power. Sinema doesn't realize how much power she actually has, and how much she could have going forward. That's how bad she is at this. She's using her power in this moment to kill all of it in less than two years.
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