***Official Political Discussion Thread***

who else was in here jumping to blaming black people again?

I want revolution and an overthrow of this horrific system to happen as soon as possible, yes, to end the needless suffering visited upon billions of souls and to empower every human being to be freed from drudgery and oppression and discrimination in order to focus on their own happiness and the attainment of their best version of themselves.


I want revolution within my lifetime to hear Mike Duncan come out of retirement and do an epic 200 episode season about the American empire’s downfall and socialism’s triumph.

But I’ll have to content myself tweets like this in the meanwhile

My main man osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh mentioned it a few weeks ago but I must reiterate, revolutions pod with mine Duncan is great.
bruh I hate his Mayor Quimby looking ***. Thank goodness the school districts in Dade, Broward and PBC ignored his stupid *** and are applying mask mandates

What’s really interesting to me is how the Overton window on this topic has shifted right and instead of a debate between going back in person and trying to continue to teach the majority of under 12 years old kids online while since they cannot be vaccinated. The debate is they must go to school but should they be required to wear a mask.

All of this mind you is because the federal government is chomping on the bit for those kid’s parents to go back to work so employers have enough options to go back to underpaying people again.
this just happens to be the one issue that has united all sides against how poorly the withdrawal was executed :lol:
The post is talking about how there is a different take on the situation but the outlets you claim are bias toward liberals are intentionally burying it

Which is another data point against the nonsense you tried to peddle in here before.

But sure, keep deluding yourself. Great way to see all sides.
bruh I hate his Mayor Quimby looking ***. Thank goodness the school districts in Dade, Broward and PBC ignored his stupid *** and are applying mask mandates

Agreed with one caveat: Ron DeSantis’ entire aesthetic is the villain from Kindergarten Cop.



Didnt see that coming

this just happens to be the one issue that has united all sides against how poorly the withdrawal was executed :lol:
That's a dense take, if not outright dishonest to be frank.

The same people who PRAISED Trump for signing the peace deal with the Taliban (for political points) are the same people scrubbing their websites and blogs clean of every piece of evidence of that support to attack Biden for following Trump's timeline.

The tweet is not saying that people supportive of the withdrawal don't exist; it is saying that the so-called liberal TV networks refuse to interview them.

Having a play at horizontal management doesn’t make someone egalitarian, much less anti-capitalist. Valve is a great example. Often, as Rusty pointed out, corporate efforts are rooted in libertarian disdain for the social contract and individual obligation to anything other than immediate self-gratification.

In practice, de facto hierarchies emerge around seniority/proximity to founders, and then you have the issue of "tyranny of the majority," which, in tech, generally means fraternity-style toxic workplace environments.
At scale, organizations plagued by constant infighting and paralysis by analysis lack the agility needed to adapt to changing conditions, but history isn't exactly lacking in cautionary examples of "benevolent dictators."

These aren't easy problems to solve, but I would urge against making glib judgments about entire concepts based on the failures of certain self-appointed representatives.
If you believe that mocking Nathan Robinson is mocking socialism, you have a poor view of socialism.

People gleefully point out the failures of Occupy or CHAZ to present collectives as inherently doomed, and "naturalize" dominance hierarchies a la Jordan Peterson - a stilted comparison if ever there was one, given how well our current systems are functioning. Let's not make perfect the enemy of better. That said, if the goal is to create ever safer and more equitable systems, critique is both warranted and necessary. If Maisey and Bennett can't make a co-op work, maybe the problem is with them.

Robinson fancied himself a spokesperson for socialism, and he was all too willing to play along as colleagues mused about their notions of an Utopian workplace - up until the moment things got a little too real and he felt his status was threatened.

This speaks to the credibility problem among the "Bernie Bro" style activists who may give lip service to equality when it serves their purposes, but primarily seek to organize around cishet White male grievance politics (for "pragmatism"). His "comrades" clearly regret falling for the okey doke, but his failures, like Valve's, should inform our efforts to build better organizations, not deter them.

I am all for pointing and laughing at Leisure Suit Lenin, but nihilism is the wrong takeaway here.

There’s a reason the hats never said “criminal justice reform.”

Im not mocking socialism, I agree with most of what you're saying, im not even necessarily against worker co-ops.
sectoral bargaining, strong unions, ect all sound great to me.

I was making a more narrow point, about certain types of people.

NY times columnist Michelle Goldberg said it best to me,
"there is a certain type of leftist who is in it for the re-education camps."

people who are not that interested in achieving the stated goals of their organization
and more interested in using, concepts like equity, egalitarianism, racial justice, ect ect

as a cudgel to wield in some hunger games/ Jane Austen like elite manners contest.

Ive seen it personally in the NDP aligned organizations (the leftist party in Canada)
and I think you see it when you read about the Sunrise Movement or the Diane Morale NY mayoral campaign drama.
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