***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Scumbag GOP electorate when Watching their buddies try to overthrow the government.

Also people like delk who defend child molesters such as Roy Moore.
Why would I tell the truth about my support and lie about no longer supporting him? It’s not like I avoid any smoke by doing that. It doesn’t even make sense.

Hillary Clinton was/is entitled to due process as it relates to any criminal allegations as well. And any allegations did not (and should not have) precluded her from running for office.
Yet you said nothing against the “lock her up” chants and only “awakened” as a due process activist when Roy Moore was campaigning.

I don’t recall anyone in here arguing that Roy Moore was legally ineligible to seek public office. Do you?

And you wonder why we won’t pretend you’ve changed.

MAGA mobs chant a lot of things that I don't agree with.
So you’re really trying to act like you support Trump, but not Trumpism?

Yet you stood back and stood by for years as Trump doted over these same mobs, supported their candidate - you even wore the damned hat - and then only parted ways after Trump lost the election. Even now, you’re twisting yourself up in knots to explain away your behavior in defense of Trump and you can’t even definitively dismiss the possibility that you’d vote for him again if given the opportunity.



Yet you said nothing against the “lock her up” chants and only “awakened” as a due process activist when Roy Moore was campaigning.

I don’t recall anyone in here arguing that Roy Moore was legally ineligible to seek public office. Do you?

And you wonder why we won’t pretend you’ve changed.

So you’re really trying to act like you support Trump, but not Trumpism?

Yet you stood back and stood by for years as Trump doted over these same mobs, supported their candidate - you even wore the damned hat - and then only parted ways after Trump lost the election. Even now, you’re twisting yourself up in knots to explain away your behavior in defense of Trump and you can’t even definitively dismiss the possibility that you’d vote for him again if given the opportunity.

No no no...... he supports trump but not any of his policies, anything he says, anyone he supports, any of his tweet, nothing he’s done in his past, and anything else about him..... what about that is so hard to understand?

“ I don’t know him personally so I can’t say for sure that...... “

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REVEALED: Heir to Publix Super Markets chain bankrolled MAGA rally before Capitol riot with $300,000 donation alongside Alex Jones who gave $50,000 to event that was organized by Trump supporter who charged $730,000

  • Julie Jenkins Fancelli, heiress to the Publix Super Markets Inc. chain, has been revealed as the top donor to the January 6 MAGA rally in D.C.
  • She gave $300,000 in a deal orchestrated by Alex Jones
  • The money was donated through Trump fundraising official Caroline Wren
  • Wren and her firm were paid $730,000 by the Trump campaign and a joint GOP committee in the 2020 election cycle
  • Jones himself gave $50,000 in seed money to the event in exchange for a top speaking slot, which was eventually used for another rally

The main donor behind the Washintgon D.C. 'Stop the Steal' rally that sparked a riot on the U.S. Capitol on January 6 has been revealed as the heiress to the Publix Super Markets Inc. chain.

Julie Jenkins Fancelli, a prominent Trump donor, pledged $300,000 to the MAGA rally in an arrangement set up by far-right show radio host Alex Jones.

Fancelli's donation funded most of the event, which cost $500,000 in total to run.

Not that it wasn't obvious that Trump's lackey Kurt Volker committed perjury in his Ukraine impeachment deposition but Ukrainian officials are now openly confirming it.
Ukraine stayed quiet during Trump-era pressures. Now it’s sharing some Giuliani tales.


Volker testified that the July 22 phonecall was short and he didn't remember any discussions about Ukraine opening investigations.

Novikov however confirms the phonecall was 40 minutes, hardly something you'd describe as "short" under oath. And during those 40 minutes, Rudy explicitly spelled out his demands, including the opening of the investigations. Volker conveniently 'forgot' about that under oath.

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It kills me how Republicans are always resorting to violence in their speeches and tweets. They're worse than rappers.
These folks talk a lot of **** as if they’ve done dirt ....................... until people who’ve actually done **** pulls up. I’m a peaceful cat now, enjoying life outside the military. But these Oath Keepers and Qanon better tread lightly. Constitutional right to bear arms is a fundamental right of all law abiding citizens, not just Republicans. But I won’t hesitate to go Zero Dark Thirty in this ***** to protect my family.
These folks talk a lot of **** as if they’ve done dirt ....................... until people who’ve actually done **** pulls up. I’m a peaceful cat now, enjoying life outside the military. But these Oath Keepers and Qanon better tread lightly. Constitutional right to bear arms is a fundamental right of all law abiding citizens, not just Republicans. But I won’t hesitate to go Zero Dark Thirty in this ***** to protect my family.
Well said.
These folks talk a lot of **** as if they’ve done dirt ....................... until people who’ve actually done **** pulls up. I’m a peaceful cat now, enjoying life outside the military. But these Oath Keepers and Qanon better tread lightly. Constitutional right to bear arms is a fundamental right of all law abiding citizens, not just Republicans. But I won’t hesitate to go Zero Dark Thirty in this ***** to protect my family.
That's the last thing you have to worry about unless you live in a predominantly white neighborhood or frequent a predominantly white neighborhood and they have an opportunity to plot an attack, e.g. Ahmaud Arbery
These folks talk a lot of **** as if they’ve done dirt ....................... until people who’ve actually done **** pulls up. I’m a peaceful cat now, enjoying life outside the military. But these Oath Keepers and Qanon better tread lightly. Constitutional right to bear arms is a fundamental right of all law abiding citizens, not just Republicans. But I won’t hesitate to go Zero Dark Thirty in this ***** to protect my family.

they act like they’re the only ones with guns. Hell, half the libs in this thread carry. :lol:
That's the last thing you have to worry about unless you live in a predominantly white neighborhood or frequent a predominantly white neighborhood and they have an opportunity to plot an attack, e.g. Ahmaud Arbery
Check............that’s us 😂. I can deal with folks who can talk politics and policy. But I also live among other folks who are minorities that genuinely believe they have a seat at Trumps table. That’s also a huge problem.


Yet you said nothing against the “lock her up” chants and only “awakened” as a due process activist when Roy Moore was campaigning.

I don’t recall anyone in here arguing that Roy Moore was legally ineligible to seek public office. Do you?

And you wonder why we won’t pretend you’ve changed.

So you’re really trying to act like you support Trump, but not Trumpism?

Yet you stood back and stood by for years as Trump doted over these same mobs, supported their candidate - you even wore the damned hat - and then only parted ways after Trump lost the election. Even now, you’re twisting yourself up in knots to explain away your behavior in defense of Trump and you can’t even definitively dismiss the possibility that you’d vote for him again if given the opportunity.


You’re saying I didn’t say I anything addressing the lock her up chants, but I don’t know if you’re right on that.

Even if you are, you’re now not just making assumptions based on what I say but you are going a step further and drawing inferences about claims of what I didn’t post in 2016? In 2021...

I wouldn’t even know where to begin to show that I did speak on those issues. But, there’s no need to go that far back. When President Biden was running I said that the sexual assault allegations against him, alone, should not be disqualifying.

If everyone agrees on that, like you claim, then what’s the issue?

No one goes page after page calling people sexual assaulter apologists... I guess that type of name-calling falls on party lines.

The Maga mobs don’t speak for me. They speak for themselves. And I speak for myself. During Trump’s presidency I came in here and stated when his words and actions were indefensible.

I’m not married to his words, actions, or MAGA mob actions no more than someone on the left is married to every word and action by others on the left.

I’m okay discussing my views, but I won’t defend the indefensible actions and words of others.
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