***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I didn’t say it was stole. I’m saying that capital didn’t have to kill him because he was neutralized through the electoral process.

But he was neutralized because most voters didn't want him as their nominee, twice.

This is why I feel the MLK comparison is so off the mark. Putting aside how outrageous it is to compare an assassination to Party endorsements, MLK was killed (and was under threat of being killed since he got into activism) because people were scared he could build a coalition of citizens that would change the country in a way they hated. Bernie had his chance to coalition build, he failed to properly do so, that is why he lost. So your argument implies voters were somehow tricked to not support Bernie and a socialist movement.

In fact, one of the reasons Bernie got stopped is because the Democratic Primary is more representative and democratic than the Republicans primary and general elections. Bernie's loss is one of the most democratic electoral systems. If another leftist runs in the future, if socialists think their views need to be represented in the Democratic Party, they need to reckon with that fact.

Secondly, as a side note...
Your argument also tacitly implies capital being more the main roadblock to solidarity, and white supremacy is subordinate to that. That threatens capital will guarantee violence, white supremacy acts as a multiplier determining how violence gets dished out. I think that is wrong though.

Don't you also call Barack Obama a friend to capital? Yet as I recall dude got multiple death threats while running for office.

We just had an insurrection, one I believe was motivated by white supremacy. An event that could have easily lead to other people's leftist label of protectors of capital being murdered. I really don't think people stormed the capital because they wanted to keep the capital gains taxes low, unions weak, or maintain soft regulation. I don't think that was Trump's appeal to those people.

Tying back to your comments. I think white supremacy stopped Jesse Jackson, I think incompetence stopped Bernie.
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MLK was killed (and was under threat of being killed since he got into activism) because people were scared he could build a coalition of citizens that would change the country in a way they hated.
Yea, like the coalition Bernie bros think he was building was actually what King was on the verge of before his assassination. Crazy to compare the two.

But he was neutralized because most voters didn't want him as their nominee, twice.

This is why I feel the MLK comparison is so off the mark. Putting aside how outrageous it is to compare an assassination to Party endorsements, MLK was killed (and was under threat of being killed since he got into activism) because people were scared he could build a coalition of citizens that would change the country in a way they hated. Bernie had his chance to coalition build, he failed to properly do so, that is why he lost. So your argument implies voters were somehow tricked to not support Bernie and a socialist movement.

In fact, one of the reasons Bernie got stopped is because the Democratic Primary is more representative and democratic than the Republicans primary and general elections. Bernie's loss is one of the most democratic electoral systems. If another leftist runs in the future, if socialists think their views need to be represented in the Democratic Party, they need to reckon with that fact.

Secondly, as a side note...
Your argument also tacitly implies capital being more the main roadblock to solidarity, and white supremacy is subordinate to that. That threatens capital will guarantee violence, white supremacy acts as a multiplier determining how violence gets dished out. I think that is wrong though.

Don't you also call Barack Obama a friend to capital? Yet as I recall dude got multiple death threats while running for office.

We just had an insurrection, one I believe was motivated by white supremacy. An event that could have easily lead to other people's leftist label of protectors of capital being murdered. I really don't think people stormed the capital because they wanted to keep the capital gains taxes low, unions weak, or maintain soft regulation. I don't think that was Trump's appeal to those people.

Tying back to your comments. I think white supremacy stopped Jesse Jackson, I think incompetence stopped Bernie.

The force that oriented the party endorsements is the same force that oriented an assassin’s bullets. Capital and the American State wants to maintain hegemony. The level of violence and damage caused can vary a great deal but it is oriented by the same forces.

It’s like how police murder of black people is far more damaging and violent than a white person telling a well educated black personality that they speak so well. However, the police murder and the micro aggressions are certainly oriented by the same forces.

White supremacy operates under the assumption that this country is a white man’s country and non whites should be happy with what little they get and shouldn’t get ideas about challenging this structure. Capital operates under the idea that this country belongs to owners and workers should be thankful for whatever they get but they shouldn’t get any ideas about challenging this structure.

Capital works with white supremacy all the time but the two entities have a life of their own. Capital doesn’t have pin point control over every white supremacist.

Obama was never in danger of being killed by white supremacists within the state apparatus because he wasn’t a threat to capital. There are white supremacists within the stare apparatus but there is a chain of command and the higher ups see serving capital as a priority.

As for white supremacists outside the State, capital has much less control. That’s why lots of white supremacists threatened president Obama. They saw a black president as an insult and were clearly motivated by white supremacy.

The Capitol rioters were also motivated by white supremacy. Their coup attempt failed, in part, because capital and the state like or can at least accept Joe Biden as President. If it had been President elect Bernie Sanders or Jesse Jackson, maybe the rioters would have succeeded. I doubt that MAGA shaman gets to run the country but perhaps AZ, NV, PA, MI, WI and Georgia have to vote for the President again and this time it’s with only day-of voting with photo IDs.

Now you mention Jesse Jackson and compare him to Bernie. I agree that Jesse Jackson was a better campaigner than Bernie. Jesse Jackson had to contend with an electorate that was very white and very racist. In 1988, there’s still a lot of white ethnic reactionaries and Dixiecrats in that coalition.

If Jesse Jackson ran in 2020 he’d have to deal with the same problems that Bernie dealt with. Obama would still have made the phone calls to consolidate the white moderates. MSM and parts of the CBC would have run a similar rat f—ing strategy against Jackson. Jason Johnson and Joy Reid would all but call him an agent of white supremacy and a class reductionist.

Now Jackson would likely have gotten better results than Bernie. Jackson would likely have been competitive with the black vote but Biden would likely also have ran a low key white nationalist campaign (similar to Hillary’s in 2008 but even more pointedly aimed at suburban white reactionaries) and romped with white voters. It’d imagine Biden would have done great with Cuban and Venezuelan Americans as well. Jackson would have done well with Chicanx voters but it would not have been enough.

The outcome would have been the same. Capital wins.
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