***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Seems like it would be fairly easy to flip a large amount of Trump supporters.

I mean I switched from supporting Trump to supporting the Dems flipping the Senate. And supported President Obama in the past. I’m sure a lot of other Trump supporters did so as well.

I remember reading a while back that there was a lot of overlap between Trump supporters and EDIT: Bernie supporters.

Great opportunity for Democrats to capitalize
I mean you doubled down on every weak argument you used to support Trump over the last four years and only ended your support when it was clear he lost the election.
The force that oriented the party endorsements is the same force that oriented an assassin’s bullets. Capital and the American State wants to maintain hegemony. The level of violence and damage caused can vary a great deal but it is oriented by the same forces.

It’s like how police murder of black people is far more damaging and violent than a white person telling a well educated black personality that they speak so well. However, the police murder and the micro aggressions are certainly oriented by the same forces.

White supremacy operates under the assumption that this country is a white man’s country and non whites should be happy with what little they get and shouldn’t get ideas about challenging this structure. Capital operates under the idea that this country belongs to owners and workers should be thankful for whatever they get but they shouldn’t get any ideas about challenging this structure.

Capital works with white supremacy all the time but the two entities have a life of their own. Capital doesn’t have pin point control over every white supremacist.

Obama was never in danger of being killed by white supremacists within the state apparatus because he wasn’t a threat to capital. There are white supremacists within the stare apparatus but there is a chain of command and the higher ups see serving capital as a priority.

As for white supremacists outside the State, capital has much less control. That’s why lots of white supremacists threatened president Obama. They saw a black president as an insult and were clearly motivated by white supremacy.

The Capitol rioters were also motivated by white supremacy. Their coup attempt failed, in part, because capital and the state like or can at least accept Joe Biden as President. If it had been President elect Bernie Sanders or Jesse Jackson, maybe the rioters would have succeeded. I doubt that MAGA shaman gets to run the country but perhaps AZ, NV, PA, MI, WI and Georgia have to vote for the President again and this time it’s with only day-of voting with photo IDs.

Now you mention Jesse Jackson and compare him to Bernie. I agree that Jesse Jackson was a better campaigner than Bernie. Jesse Jackson had to contend with an electorate that was very white and very racist. In 1988, there’s still a lot of white ethnic reactionaries and Dixiecrats in that coalition.

If Jesse Jackson ran in 2020 he’d have to deal with the same problems that Bernie dealt with. Obama would still have made the phone calls to consolidate the white moderates. MSM and parts of the CBC would have run a similar rat f—ing strategy against Jackson. Jason Johnson and Joy Reid would all but call him an agent of white supremacy and a class reductionist.

Now Jackson would likely have gotten better results than Bernie. Jackson would likely have been competitive with the black vote but Biden would likely also have ran a low key white nationalist campaign (similar to Hillary’s in 2008 but even more pointedly aimed at suburban white reactionaries) and romped with white voters. It’d imagine Biden would have done great with Cuban and Venezuelan Americans as well. Jackson would have done well with Chicanx voters but it would not have been enough.

The outcome would have been the same. Capital wins.
Good grief man. Dude, it seems like you are putting a lot of effort into divorcing yourself from reality because you don't want to accept your side caught a fair "L".

Obama didn't make calls to unify moderates for Biden. It is hard to respect an analysis based on things that didn't occur.

You argue endorsements hurt Bernie, comparing them to an assassination while ignoring the fact dude didn't work for key endorsements, attacked the "establishment over and over, said that other Dems politics were radically different than his, and had a beef with the person closest to him politically. And the crime is that everyone didn't let Bernie pull off his plan of getting a plurality of support but failing to secure the nomination, and demanding the same establishment he attack hand him the nomination. Like are we forgetting part of his plan was hoping a billionaire that bought his way on the ballot would help split the vote of his opposition? :lol:

Ok brah, it wasn't incompetence, it was capital :lol:

Socialists in this country will not advance their cause if they rely on telling themselves fanciful stories.
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Watching Colbert and it's apparent one/some of the writers steal material from NT. Ish we talked about earlier today is being used as material
Very blatant indeed.
Of course these staff writers thrive off comment sections and message boards.
:lol: Like what?

Not even two weeks ago:

Do the writers of the NBC sitcom Superstore lurk this thread?

Watch Delk is really a writer for the show lol

Laying landmines to get us to churn out content.
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